
Counties in Vermont

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Districts in this state

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2022 population: 647,064   ( 21,323 from 2010 , 3,979 from 2020)
Land area: 9217.4 square miles
Population density: 70.2 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:594,892 91.94% 0.8%
Black:9,0711.40% 52.6%
Indian:2,0940.32% 3.5%
Asian:13,3482.06% 66.5%
2+ races:12,8021.98% 30.7%
Hispanic:14,8572.30% 61.3%
Total non-White:52,1728.06% 46.9%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:11,714 9.1
Net Migration: 5,8934.6
Net Immigration: 1,4481.1
Change in White population:4,669 0.7
Change in Non-White pop.:16,654 2.7

Historical Presidential Election Results for Vermont

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2020 70% Joe Biden (D) 242,820 66.1% Donald Trump* (R) 112,704 30.7% 11,904 [+] 3.2% 367,428 -16 0.23% 3
2016 62% Hillary Clinton (D) 178,573 56.7% Donald Trump (R) 95,369 30.3% 41,125 [+] 13.1% 315,067 -16 0.23% 3
2012 60% Barack Obama* (D) 199,239 66.6% Mitt Romney (R) 92,698 31.0% 7,353 [+] 2.5% 299,290 -16 0.23% 3
2008 69% Barack Obama (D) 219,262 67.5% John McCain (R) 98,974 30.4% 6,810 [+] 2.1% 325,046 -15 0.25% 3
2004 67% John Kerry (D) 184,067 58.9% George W. Bush* (R) 121,180 38.8% 7,062 [+] 2.3% 312,309 -12 0.26% 3
2000 64% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 149,022 50.6% George W. Bush (R) 119,775 40.7% 25,511 [+] 8.7% 294,308 -7 0.28% 3
1996 59% Bill Clinton* (D) 137,894 53.4% Robert Dole (R) 80,352 31.1% 40,203 [+] 15.6% 258,449 -10 0.27% 3
1992 68% Bill Clinton (D) 133,592 46.1% George Bush* (R) 88,122 30.4% 67,987 [+] 23.5% 289,701 -7 0.28% 3
1988 61% George Bush (R) 124,331 51.1% Michael Dukakis (D) 115,775 47.6% 3,227 [+] 1.3% 243,333 -2 0.27% 3
1984 61% Ronald Reagan* (R) 135,865 57.9% Walter Mondale (D) 95,730 40.8% 2,966 1.3% 234,561 -1 0.25% 3
1980 58% Ronald Reagan (R) 94,598 44.4% Jimmy Carter* (D) 81,891 38.4% 36,718 [+] 17.2% 213,207 -6 0.25% 3
1976 57% Gerald Ford* (R) 102,085 54.3% Jimmy Carter (D) 81,044 43.1% 4,726 [+] 2.5% 187,855 6 0.23% 3
1972 59% Richard Nixon* (R) 117,149 62.7% George McGovern (D) 68,174 36.5% 1,623 [+] 0.9% 186,946 2 0.24% 3
1968 63% Richard Nixon (R) 85,142 52.8% Hubert Humphrey (D) 70,255 43.5% 6,007 [+] 3.7% 161,404 9 0.22% 3
1964 67% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 108,127 66.3% Barry Goldwater (R) 54,942 33.7% 20 0.0% 163,089 -5 0.23% 3
1960 72% Richard Nixon (R) 98,131 58.6% John Kennedy (D) 69,186 41.3% 7 0.0% 167,324 9 0.24% 3
1956 63% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 110,390 72.2% Adlai Stevenson (D) 42,549 27.8% 39 0.0% 152,978 15 0.25% 3
1952 64% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 109,717 71.5% Adlai Stevenson (D) 43,355 28.2% 485 0.3% 153,557 16 0.25% 3
1948 52% Thomas Dewey (R) 75,926 61.5% Harry Truman* (D) 45,557 36.9% 1,899 [+] 1.5% 123,382 16 0.25% 3
1944 54% Thomas Dewey (R) 71,527 57.1% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 53,820 42.9% 14 0.0% 125,361 11 0.26% 3
1940 63% Wendell Willkie (R) 78,371 54.8% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 64,269 44.9% 422 0.3% 143,062 10 0.29% 3
1936 65% Alf Landon (R) 81,023 56.4% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 62,124 43.2% 542 [+] 0.4% 143,689 20 0.31% 3
1932 62% Herbert Hoover* (R) 78,984 57.7% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 56,266 41.1% 1,730 [+] 1.3% 136,980 18 0.34% 3
1928 61% Herbert Hoover (R) 90,404 66.9% Al Smith (D) 44,440 32.9% 347 [+] 0.3% 135,191 9 0.37% 4
1924 47% Calvin Coolidge (R) 80,498 78.2% John Davis (D) 16,124 15.7% 6,295 [+] 6.1% 102,917 24 0.35% 4
1920 41% Warren Harding (R) 68,212 75.8% James Cox (D) 20,919 23.3% 830 [+] 0.9% 89,961 16 0.34% 4
1916 29% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 40,250 62.4% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 22,708 35.2% 1,517 [+] 2.4% 64,475 16 0.35% 4
1912 28% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 23,332 37.1% William Taft* (R) 22,132 35.2% 17,378 [+] 27.7% 62,842 12 0.42% 4
1908 24% William Taft (R) 39,552 75.1% William J. Bryan (D) 11,496 21.8% 1,632 [+] 3.1% 52,680 23 0.35% 4
1904 24% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 40,459 78.0% Alton Parker (D) 9,777 18.8% 1,652 [+] 3.2% 51,888 22 0.38% 4
1900 26% William McKinley* (R) 42,569 75.7% William J. Bryan (D) 12,849 22.9% 795 [+] 1.4% 56,213 24 0.40% 4
* incumbent         PUSV: percent of U.S. vote

2020 President, Vermont
Joe Biden (D) 242,820 66.1%
Donald Trump* (R) 112,704 30.7%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 3,608 1.0%
Other 8,296 2.3%
TOTAL 367,428
Turnout: 70% Diff (US): -16

2016 President, Vermont
Hillary Clinton (D) 178,573 56.7%
Donald Trump (R) 95,369 30.3%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 10,078 3.2%
Jill Stein (Grn) 6,758 2.1%
Evan McMullin (I) 631 0.2%
Other 23,658 7.5%
TOTAL 315,067
Turnout: 62% Diff (US): -16

2012 President, Vermont
Barack Obama* (D) 199,239 66.6%
Mitt Romney (R) 92,698 31.0%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 3,487 1.2%
Other 3,866 1.3%
TOTAL 299,290
Turnout: 60% Diff (US): -16

2008 President, Vermont
Barack Obama (D) 219,262 67.5%
John McCain (R) 98,974 30.4%
Ralph Nader (I) 3,339 1.0%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 1,067 0.3%
Other 2,404 0.7%
TOTAL 325,046
Turnout: 69% Diff (US): -15

2004 President, Vermont
George W. Bush* (R) 121,180 38.8%
John Kerry (D) 184,067 58.9%
Ralph Nader (I) 4,494 1.4%
Other 2,568 0.8%
TOTAL 312,309
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): -12

2000 President, Vermont
George W. Bush (R) 119,775 40.7%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 149,022 50.6%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 20,374 6.9%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 2,192 0.7%
Other 2,945 1.0%
TOTAL 294,308
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): -7

1996 President, Vermont
Bill Clinton* (D) 137,894 53.4%
Robert Dole (R) 80,352 31.1%
Ross Perot (Ref) 31,024 12.0%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 5,585 2.2%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 1,183 0.5%
Other 2,411 0.9%
TOTAL 258,449
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): -10

1992 President, Vermont
Bill Clinton (D) 133,592 46.1%
George Bush* (R) 88,122 30.4%
Ross Perot (I) 65,991 22.8%
Other 1,996 0.7%
TOTAL 289,701
Turnout: 68% Diff (US): -7

1988 President, Vermont
George Bush (R) 124,331 51.1%
Michael Dukakis (D) 115,775 47.6%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 1,003 0.4%
Other 2,224 0.9%
TOTAL 243,333
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): -2

1984 President, Vermont
Ronald Reagan* (R) 135,865 57.9%
Walter Mondale (D) 95,730 40.8%
Other 2,966 1.3%
TOTAL 234,561
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): -1

1980 President, Vermont
Ronald Reagan (R) 94,598 44.4%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 81,891 38.4%
John Anderson (I) 31,760 14.9%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 1,900 0.9%
Other 3,058 1.4%
TOTAL 213,207
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): -6

1976 President, Vermont
Jimmy Carter (D) 81,044 43.1%
Gerald Ford* (R) 102,085 54.3%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 4,001 2.1%
Other 725 0.4%
TOTAL 187,855
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): 6

1972 President, Vermont
Richard Nixon* (R) 117,149 62.7%
George McGovern (D) 68,174 36.5%
John Schmitz (Amer) 28 0.0%
Other 1,595 0.9%
TOTAL 186,946
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 2

1968 President, Vermont
Richard Nixon (R) 85,142 52.8%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 70,255 43.5%
George Wallace (AIP) 5,104 3.2%
Other 903 0.6%
TOTAL 161,404
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): 9

1964 President, Vermont
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 108,127 66.3%
Barry Goldwater (R) 54,942 33.7%
Other 20 0.0%
TOTAL 163,089
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): -5

1960 President, Vermont
John Kennedy (D) 69,186 41.3%
Richard Nixon (R) 98,131 58.6%
Other 7 0.0%
TOTAL 167,324
Turnout: 72% Diff (US): 9

1956 President, Vermont
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 110,390 72.2%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 42,549 27.8%
Other 39 0.0%
TOTAL 152,978
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): 15

1952 President, Vermont
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 109,717 71.5%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 43,355 28.2%
Other 485 0.3%
TOTAL 153,557
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): 16

1948 President, Vermont
Harry Truman* (D) 45,557 36.9%
Thomas Dewey (R) 75,926 61.5%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 1,279 1.0%
Other 620 0.5%
TOTAL 123,382
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): 16

1944 President, Vermont
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 53,820 42.9%
Thomas Dewey (R) 71,527 57.1%
Other 14 0.0%
TOTAL 125,361
Turnout: 54% Diff (US): 11

1940 President, Vermont
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 64,269 44.9%
Wendell Willkie (R) 78,371 54.8%
Other 422 0.3%
TOTAL 143,062
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): 10

1936 President, Vermont
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 62,124 43.2%
Alf Landon (R) 81,023 56.4%
Other 542 0.4%
TOTAL 143,689
Turnout: 65% Diff (US): 20

1932 President, Vermont
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 56,266 41.1%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 78,984 57.7%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 1,533 1.1%
Other 197 0.1%
TOTAL 136,980
Turnout: 62% Diff (US): 18

1928 President, Vermont
Herbert Hoover (R) 90,404 66.9%
Al Smith (D) 44,440 32.9%
Other 347 0.3%
TOTAL 135,191
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): 9

1924 President, Vermont
Calvin Coolidge (R) 80,498 78.2%
John Davis (D) 16,124 15.7%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 5,964 5.8%
Other 331 0.3%
TOTAL 102,917
Turnout: 47% Diff (US): 24

1920 President, Vermont
Warren Harding (R) 68,212 75.8%
James Cox (D) 20,919 23.3%
Aaron Watkins (Proh) 774 0.9%
Other 56 0.1%
TOTAL 89,961
Turnout: 41% Diff (US): 16

1916 President, Vermont
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 22,708 35.2%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 40,250 62.4%
Allan Benson (Soc) 798 1.2%
James Hanly (Proh) 709 1.1%
Other 10 0.0%
TOTAL 64,475
Turnout: 29% Diff (US): 16

1912 President, Vermont
Woodrow Wilson (D) 15,354 24.4%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 23,332 37.1%
William Taft* (R) 22,132 35.2%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 928 1.5%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 1,095 1.7%
Other 1 0.0%
TOTAL 62,842
Turnout: 28% Diff (US): 12

1908 President, Vermont
William Taft (R) 39,552 75.1%
William J. Bryan (D) 11,496 21.8%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 802 1.5%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 804 1.5%
Other 26 0.0%
TOTAL 52,680
Turnout: 24% Diff (US): 23

1904 President, Vermont
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 40,459 78.0%
Alton Parker (D) 9,777 18.8%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 859 1.7%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 792 1.5%
Other 1 0.0%
TOTAL 51,888
Turnout: 24% Diff (US): 22

1900 President, Vermont
William McKinley* (R) 42,569 75.7%
William J. Bryan (D) 12,849 22.9%
John Woolley (Proh) 383 0.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 39 0.1%
Other 373 0.7%
TOTAL 56,213
Turnout: 26% Diff (US): 24
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Vermont

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022 S3 54% Peter Welch (D) 196,572 68.5% Gerald Malloy (R) 80,468 28.0% 10,060 [+] 3.5% 287,100
2022 G 54% Phil Scott* (R) 202,147 71.0% Brenda Siegel (D) 68,248 24.0% 14,406 [+] 5.1% 284,801
2020 G 69% Phil Scott* (R) 248,412 68.5% David Zuckerman (D) 99,214 27.4% 15,085 [+] 4.2% 362,711
2018 G 54% Phil Scott* (R) 151,261 55.2% Christine Hallquist (D) 110,335 40.3% 12,491 [+] 4.6% 274,087
2018 S1 54% Bernie Sanders* (I) 183,529 67.3% Lawrence Zupan (R) 74,663 27.4% 14,432 [+] 5.3% 272,624
2016 S3 62% Patrick Leahy* (D) 192,243 61.3% Scott Milne (R) 103,637 33.0% 17,929 [+] 5.7% 313,809
2016 G 62% Phil Scott (R) 166,817 52.9% Sue Minter (D) 139,253 44.2% 9,225 [+] 2.9% 315,295
2014 G 38% Peter Shumlin* (D) 89,509 46.4% Scott Milne (R) 87,075 45.1% 16,503 [+] 8.5% 193,087
2012 S1 59% Bernie Sanders* (I) 209,053 71.0% John MacGovern (R) 73,198 24.9% 12,016 [+] 4.1% 294,267
2012 G 59% Peter Shumlin* (D) 170,598 57.8% Randy Brock (R) 110,940 37.6% 13,723 [+] 4.6% 295,261
2010 G 49% Peter Shumlin (D,WF) 119,543 49.5% Brian Dubie (R) 115,212 47.7% 6,850 [+] 2.8% 241,605
2010 S3 47% Patrick Leahy* (D) 151,281 64.3% Len Britton (R) 72,699 30.9% 11,198 [+] 4.8% 235,178
2008 G 67% Jim Douglas* (R) 170,492 53.4% Anthony Pollina (I) 69,791 21.9% 78,802 [+] 24.7% 319,085
2006 G 56% Jim Douglas* (R) 148,014 56.4% Scudder Parker (D) 108,090 41.2% 6,420 [+] 2.4% 262,524
2006 S1 56% Bernie Sanders (I) 171,638 65.4% Rich Tarrant (R) 84,924 32.4% 5,857 [+] 2.2% 262,419
2004 G 66% Jim Douglas* (R) 181,540 58.7% Peter Clavelle (D) 117,327 37.9% 10,418 [+] 3.4% 309,285
2004 S3 66% Patrick Leahy* (D) 216,972 70.6% Jack McMullen (R) 75,398 24.5% 14,838 [+] 4.8% 307,208
2002 G 50% Jim Douglas (R) 103,436 44.9% Doug Racine (D) 97,565 42.4% 29,160 [+] 12.7% 230,161
2000 S1 63% Jim Jeffords* (R) 189,133 65.6% Ed Flanagan (D) 73,352 25.4% 26,015 [+] 9.0% 288,500
2000 G 64% Howard Dean* (D) 148,059 50.5% Ruth Dwyer (R) 111,359 37.9% 34,055 [+] 11.6% 293,473
1998 S3 48% Patrick Leahy* (D) 154,567 72.2% Fred Tuttle (R) 48,051 22.4% 11,418 [+] 5.3% 214,036
1998 G 49% Howard Dean* (D) 121,425 55.7% Ruth Dwyer (R) 89,726 41.1% 6,969 [+] 3.2% 218,120
1996 G 58% Howard Dean* (D) 179,544 70.5% John Gropper (R) 57,161 22.4% 17,943 [+] 7.0% 254,648
1994 G 49% Howard Dean* (D) 145,661 68.7% David Kelley (R) 40,292 19.0% 26,093 [+] 12.3% 212,046
1994 S1 49% Jim Jeffords* (R) 106,505 50.3% Jan Backus (D) 85,868 40.6% 19,299 [+] 9.1% 211,672
1992 G 67% Howard Dean (D) 213,523 74.7% John McClaughtry (R) 65,837 23.0% 6,368 [+] 2.2% 285,728
1992 S3 67% Patrick Leahy* (D) 154,762 54.2% Jim Douglas (R) 123,854 43.3% 7,123 [+] 2.5% 285,739
1990 G 50% Richard Snelling (R) 109,540 51.8% Peter Welch (D) 97,321 46.0% 4,561 [+] 2.2% 211,422
1988 G 61% Madeleine Kunin* (D) 134,558 55.3% Michael Bernhardt (R) 105,319 43.3% 3,253 [+] 1.3% 243,130
1988 S1 60% Jim Jeffords (R) 163,183 68.0% Bill Gray (D) 71,469 29.8% 5,465 [+] 2.3% 240,117
1986 G 50% Madeleine Kunin* (D) 92,485 47.0% Peter Smith (R) 75,239 38.3% 28,909 [+] 14.7% 196,633
1986 S3 50% Patrick Leahy* (D) 124,123 63.2% Richard Snelling (R) 67,798 34.5% 4,611 [+] 2.3% 196,532
1984 G 61% Madeleine Kunin (D) 116,938 50.0% John Easton (R) 113,264 48.5% 3,551 [+] 1.5% 233,753
1982 S1 44% Robert Stafford* (R) 84,450 50.3% James Guest (D) 79,340 47.2% 4,213 [+] 2.5% 168,003
1982 G 45% Richard Snelling* (R) 93,111 55.0% Madeleine Kunin (D) 74,394 44.0% 1,746 [+] 1.0% 169,251
1980 S3 57% Patrick Leahy* (D) 104,176 49.8% Stewart Ledbetter (R) 101,421 48.5% 3,537 [+] 1.7% 209,134
1980 G 57% Richard Snelling* (R) 123,229 58.6% Jerome Diamond (D) 77,363 36.8% 9,789 [+] 4.7% 210,381
1978 G 40% Richard Snelling* (R) 78,181 62.8% Edwin Granai (D) 42,482 34.1% 3,819 [+] 3.1% 124,482
1976 S1 57% Robert Stafford* (R) 94,481 50.0% Thomas Salmon (D) 85,682 45.3% 8,897 [+] 4.7% 189,060
1976 G 56% Richard Snelling (R) 99,268 53.4% Stella Hackel (D) 75,262 40.5% 11,399 [+] 6.1% 185,929
1974 S3 48% Patrick Leahy (D) 70,629 49.5% Richard Mallary (R) 66,223 46.4% 5,920 [+] 4.1% 142,772
1974 G 48% Thomas Salmon* (D) 79,842 56.6% Walter Kennedy (R) 53,672 38.0% 7,642 [+] 5.4% 141,156
1972 G 60% Thomas Salmon (D) 104,533 55.2% Luther Hackett (R) 82,491 43.6% 2,213 [+] 1.2% 189,237
1972 S1 23% Robert Stafford (R) 45,888 64.4% Randolph Major (D) 23,842 33.4% 1,571 [+] 2.2% 71,301
1970 G 55% Deane Davis* (R) 87,458 57.0% Leo O'Brien (D) 66,028 43.0% 42 0.0% 153,528
1970 S1 56% Winston Prouty* (R) 91,198 58.9% Philip Hoff (D) 62,271 40.2% 1,430 [+] 0.9% 154,899
1968 S3 61% George Aiken* (R,D) 157,197 99.9%       178 0.1% 157,375
1968 G 62% Deane Davis (R) 89,387 55.5% John Daley (D) 71,656 44.5% 46 0.0% 161,089
1966 G 54% Philip Hoff* (D) 78,669 57.7% Richard Snelling (R) 57,577 42.3% 16 0.0% 136,262
1964 G 67% Philip Hoff* (D) 106,611 64.9% Ralph Foote (R,I) 57,577 35.1% 11 0.0% 164,199
1964 S1 67% Winston Prouty* (R) 87,879 53.5% Frederick Fayette (D) 76,457 46.5% 14 0.0% 164,350
1962 G 51% Philip Hoff (D,I) 61,383 50.6% Ray Keyser* (R) 60,035 49.4% 4 0.0% 121,422
1962 S3 51% George Aiken* (R) 81,241 66.8% Robert Johnson (D) 40,134 33.0% 196 0.2% 121,571
1960 G 71% Ray Keyser (R) 92,861 56.4% Russell Niquette (D) 71,755 43.6% 16 0.0% 164,632
1958 G 51% Robert Stafford (R) 62,222 50.3% Bernard Leddy (D) 61,503 49.7% 3 0.0% 123,728
1958 S1 51% Winston Prouty (R) 64,900 52.2% Frederick Fayette (D) 59,536 47.8% 6 0.0% 124,442
1956 G 64% Joseph Johnson* (R) 88,379 57.5% Frank Branon (D) 65,420 42.5% 10 0.0% 153,809
1956 S3 64% George Aiken* (R) 103,101 66.4% Bernard O'Shea (D) 52,184 33.6% 4 0.0% 155,289
1954 G 48% Joseph Johnson (R) 59,778 52.3% Frank Branon (D) 54,554 47.7% 28 0.0% 114,360
1952 S1 65% Ralph Flanders* (R) 111,406 72.3% Allan Johnston (D) 42,630 27.7% 16 0.0% 154,052
1952 G 63% Lee Emerson* (R) 78,338 51.9% Robert Larrow (D) 60,051 39.8% 12,473 [+] 8.3% 150,862
1950 S3 38% George Aiken* (R) 69,543 78.0% James Bigelow (D) 19,608 22.0% 20 0.0% 89,171
1950 G 37% Lee Emerson (R) 64,915 74.5% Edward Moran (D) 22,227 25.5% 13 0.0% 87,155
1948 G 51% Ernest Gibson, Jr.* (R) 86,394 71.9% Charles Ryan (D) 33,588 28.0% 177 0.1% 120,159
1946 G 31% Ernest Gibson, Jr. (R) 57,849 80.3% Berthold Coburn (D) 14,096 19.6% 96 0.1% 72,041
1946 S1 31% Ralph Flanders (R) 54,729 74.6% Charles McDevitt (D) 18,594 25.4% 0 0.0% 73,323
1944 G 51% Mortimer Proctor (R) 78,907 65.9% Ernest Bailey (D) 40,835 34.1% 0 0.0% 119,742
1944 S3 53% George Aiken* (R) 81,094 65.8% Harry Witters (D) 42,136 34.2% 0 0.0% 123,230
1942 G 25% William Wills* (R) 44,804 77.9% Park Pollard (D) 12,708 22.1% 0 0.0% 57,512
1940 G 60% William Wills (R) 87,346 64.0% John McGrath (D) 49,068 36.0% 0 0.0% 136,414
1940 S1 62% Warren Austin* (R) 93,283 66.4% Ona Searles (D) 47,101 33.6% 0 0.0% 140,384
1940 S3 62% George Aiken (R) 87,150 61.6% Herbert Comings (D) 54,263 38.4% 0 0.0% 141,413
1938 G 51% George Aiken* (R) 75,098 66.8% Fred Martin (D) 37,404 33.2% 0 0.0% 112,502
1938 S3 51% Ernest Gibson* (R) 73,990 65.7% John McGrath (D) 38,673 34.3% 0 0.0% 112,663
1936 G 62% George Aiken (R) 83,602 60.9% Alfred Heininger (D) 53,218 38.8% 471 [+] 0.3% 137,291
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election

Other Statewide Election Results for Vermont

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022 AG 52% Charity Clark (D) 179,098 65.1% Michael Tagliavia (R) 95,661 34.8% 458 0.2% 275,217
2022 AUD 52% Doug Hoffer* (D) 178,714 65.3% Richard Morton (R) 94,613 34.6% 300 0.1% 273,627
2022 LG 53% David Zuckerman (Prog) 150,102 53.9% Joe Benning (R) 118,724 42.6% 9,897 [+] 3.6% 278,723
2022 SOS 52% Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (D) 179,087 65.0% Brooke Paige (R) 95,666 34.7% 626 0.2% 275,379
2022 TRE 53% Mike Pieciak (D) 182,571 65.6% Brooke Paige (R) 95,440 34.3% 347 0.1% 278,358
2020 AG 66% T.J. Donovan* (D) 234,081 67.7% Brooke Paige (R) 94,892 27.5% 16,542 [+] 4.8% 345,515
2020 AUD 60% Doug Hoffer* (D) 266,445 84.0% Cris Ericson (Prog) 48,731 15.4% 1,876 0.6% 317,052
2020 LG 68% Molly Gray (D) 182,820 51.3% Scott Milne (R) 157,065 44.1% 16,349 [+] 4.6% 356,234
2020 SOS 66% Jim Condos* (D) 214,666 61.9% Brooke Paige (R) 99,564 28.7% 32,690 [+] 9.4% 346,920
2020 TRE 66% Beth Pearce* (D) 197,255 57.4% Carolyn Branagan (R) 114,177 33.2% 32,413 [+] 9.4% 343,845
2018 AG 52% T.J. Donovan* (D) 187,093 70.1% Janssen Willhoit (R) 70,226 26.3% 9,632 [+] 3.6% 266,951
2018 AUD 51% Doug Hoffer* (D) 160,291 61.8% Richard Kenyon (R) 88,021 33.9% 11,063 [+] 4.3% 259,375
2018 LG 53% David Zuckerman* (Prog) 158,530 58.4% Don Turner (R) 108,417 40.0% 4,348 [+] 1.6% 271,295
2018 SOS 53% Jim Condos* (D) 178,863 66.8% Brooke Paige (R) 79,035 29.5% 9,814 [+] 3.7% 267,712
2018 TRE 52% Beth Pearce* (D) 179,451 67.6% Richard Morton (R) 85,824 32.3% 161 0.1% 265,436
2016 AG 59% T.J. Donovan (D) 200,020 66.6% Deb Bucknam (R) 88,431 29.4% 12,046 [+] 4.0% 300,497
2016 AUD 57% Doug Hoffer* (D) 159,695 55.4% Dan Feliciano (R) 113,231 39.3% 15,327 [+] 5.3% 288,253
2016 LG 61% David Zuckerman (Prog) 159,738 52.1% Randy Brock (R) 139,344 45.4% 7,558 [+] 2.5% 306,640
2016 SOS 56% Jim Condos* (D) 255,201 89.4% Mary Alice Herbert (LU) 29,711 10.4% 601 0.2% 285,513
2016 TRE 56% Beth Pearce* (D) 234,566 82.3% Don Schramm (Prog) 37,301 13.1% 13,113 [+] 4.6% 284,980
2014 AG 37% Bill Sorrell* (D) 109,305 58.6% Shane McCormack (R) 69,489 37.3% 7,605 [+] 4.1% 186,399
2014 AUD 29% Doug Hoffer* (D) 146,836 99.1%       1,391 0.9% 148,227
2014 LG 38% Phil Scott* (R) 118,949 62.1% Dean Corren (Prog) 69,005 36.0% 3,462 [+] 1.8% 191,416
2014 SOS 34% Jim Condos* (D) 126,427 74.7% Benjamin Eastwood (Prog) 24,518 14.5% 18,190 [+] 10.8% 169,135
2014 TRE 33% Beth Pearce* (D) 124,119 74.1% Don Schramm (Prog) 28,990 17.3% 14,483 [+] 8.6% 167,592
2012 AG 57% Bill Sorrell* (D) 164,441 57.9% Jack McMullen (R) 94,588 33.3% 24,750 [+] 8.7% 283,779
2012 AUD 55% Doug Hoffer (D) 140,805 51.3% Vincent Illuzzi (R) 123,806 45.1% 9,657 [+] 3.5% 274,268
2012 LG 57% Phil Scott* (R) 162,767 57.1% Cassandra Gekas (Prog) 115,015 40.4% 7,232 [+] 2.5% 285,014
2012 SOS 52% Jim Condos* (D) 225,801 86.6% Mary Alice Herbert (LU) 34,105 13.1% 876 0.3% 260,782
2012 TRE 57% Beth Pearce* (D) 147,700 52.3% Wendy Wilson (R) 114,947 40.7% 19,634 [+] 7.0% 282,281
2010 AG 47% Bill Sorrell* (D) 143,031 61.9% Aaron Toscano (R) 67,900 29.4% 20,042 [+] 8.7% 230,973
2010 AUD 47% Tom Salmon* (R) 120,237 52.0% Doug Hoffer (D) 105,081 45.4% 5,903 [+] 2.6% 231,221
2010 LG 47% Phil Scott (R) 116,198 49.4% Steven Howard (D) 99,843 42.4% 19,289 [+] 8.2% 235,330
2010 SOS 46% Jim Condos (D) 122,599 53.5% Jason Gibbs (R) 101,144 44.1% 5,537 [+] 2.4% 229,280
2010 TRE 46% Jeb Spaulding* (D) 204,048 90.2% Don Schramm (Prog) 17,332 7.7% 4,832 [+] 2.1% 226,212
2008 AG 63% Bill Sorrell* (D) 214,980 72.6% Karen Ann Kerin (R) 55,268 18.7% 25,779 [+] 8.7% 296,027
2008 AUD 61% Tom Salmon* (D) 241,825 83.8% Martha Abbott (Prog) 35,232 12.2% 11,524 [+] 4.0% 288,581
2008 LG 66% Brian Dubie* (R) 171,744 55.1% Thomas Costello (D) 121,953 39.1% 18,095 [+] 5.8% 311,792
2008 SOS 64% Deb Markowitz* (D) 214,197 70.9% Eugene Bifano (R) 70,114 23.2% 17,912 [+] 5.9% 302,223
2008 TRE 63% Jeb Spaulding* (D) 267,338 90.0% Don Schramm (Prog) 22,811 7.7% 6,929 [+] 2.3% 297,078
2006 AG 53% Bill Sorrell* (D) 173,467 69.3% Dennis Carver (R) 67,721 27.1% 9,112 [+] 3.6% 250,300
2006 AUD 53% Tom Salmon (D) 111,770 44.5% Randy Brock* (R) 111,668 44.5% 27,522 [+] 11.0% 250,960
2006 LG 55% Brian Dubie* (R) 133,250 51.2% Matt Dunne (D) 118,411 45.5% 8,769 [+] 3.4% 260,430
2006 SOS 54% Deb Markowitz* (D) 184,914 72.7% Cheryl Mooney (R) 64,508 25.4% 4,971 [+] 2.0% 254,393
2006 TRE 52% Jeb Spaulding* (D) 229,952 94.0% Murray Ngoima (LU) 14,018 5.7% 530 0.2% 244,500
2004 AG 63% Bill Sorrell* (D) 169,726 58.0% Dennis Carver (R) 90,285 30.9% 32,421 [+] 11.1% 292,432
2004 AUD 63% Randy Brock (R) 152,848 52.1% Elizabeth Ready* (D) 122,498 41.7% 18,075 [+] 6.2% 293,421
2004 LG 65% Brian Dubie* (R) 170,270 56.1% Cheryl Rivers (D) 108,600 35.8% 24,844 [+] 8.2% 303,714
2004 SOS 58% Deb Markowitz* (D) 270,774 99.4%       1,737 0.6% 272,511
2004 TRE 59% Jeb Spaulding* (D) 273,705 99.4%       1,537 0.6% 275,242
2002 AG 48% Bill Sorrell* (D) 125,495 56.6% Larry Drown (R) 67,360 30.4% 28,824 [+] 13.0% 221,679
2002 AUD 48% Elizabeth Ready* (D) 113,240 51.3% Bruce Hyde (R) 93,342 42.3% 14,073 [+] 6.4% 220,655
2002 LG 49% Brian Dubie (R) 94,044 41.2% Peter Shumlin (D) 73,501 32.2% 60,990 [+] 26.7% 228,535
2002 SOS 48% Deb Markowitz* (D) 131,469 58.8% Mike Bertrand (R) 82,905 37.1% 9,247 [+] 4.1% 223,621
2002 TRE 48% Jeb Spaulding (D) 127,459 57.2% John LaBarge (R) 80,229 36.0% 15,110 [+] 6.8% 222,798
2000 AG 59% Bill Sorrell* (D) 226,668 84.0% Sandy Ward (I) 39,713 14.7% 3,585 1.3% 269,966
2000 AUD 60% Elizabeth Ready (D) 149,724 53.8% John Hall (R) 116,994 42.0% 11,594 [+] 4.2% 278,312
2000 LG 62% Doug Racine* (D) 152,561 53.3% Brian Dubie (R) 118,202 41.3% 15,312 [+] 5.4% 286,075
2000 SOS 60% Deb Markowitz* (D) 170,403 61.3% Larry Drown (R) 101,783 36.6% 5,969 [+] 2.1% 278,155
2000 TRE 59% Jim Douglas* (R) 234,331 86.1% Claude Delucia (Prog) 37,153 13.7% 694 0.3% 272,178
1998 AG 45% Bill Sorrell* (D) 169,239 83.8% Sandy Ward (I) 17,954 8.9% 14,680 [+] 7.3% 201,873
1998 AUD 46% Ed Flanagan* (D) 107,715 52.2% James Dwinell (R) 80,249 38.9% 18,299 [+] 8.9% 206,263
1998 LG 49% Doug Racine* (D) 105,480 48.6% Barbara Snelling (R) 104,351 48.1% 7,099 [+] 3.3% 216,930
1998 SOS 47% Deb Markowitz (D) 100,152 47.8% Jim Milne* (R) 94,635 45.2% 14,565 [+] 7.0% 209,352
1998 TRE 46% Jim Douglas* (R) 175,026 85.4% Randy Bushey (I) 12,312 6.0% 17,519 [+] 8.6% 204,857
1996 AG 54% Jeffrey Amestoy* (R) 208,228 87.2% Tom Kingston (I) 14,443 6.1% 16,037 [+] 6.7% 238,708
1996 AUD 54% Ed Flanagan* (D) 118,048 49.7% Gerry Morrissey (R) 93,154 39.2% 26,501 [+] 11.1% 237,703
1996 LG 57% Doug Racine (D) 135,567 54.1% John Carroll (R) 102,818 41.0% 12,351 [+] 4.9% 250,736
1996 SOS 53% Jim Milne* (R) 189,171 81.4% Jimmy De Pierro (I) 17,283 7.4% 25,920 [+] 11.2% 232,374
1996 TRE 54% Jim Douglas* (R) 203,355 85.8% Randy Bushey (I) 16,671 7.0% 16,856 [+] 7.1% 236,882
1994 AG 47% Jeffrey Amestoy* (R) 176,857 87.1% Peter Diamondstone (LU) 11,210 5.5% 14,903 [+] 7.3% 202,970
1994 AUD 46% Ed Flanagan* (D) 103,100 52.1% Robert Thorn (R) 76,245 38.5% 18,691 [+] 9.4% 198,036
1994 LG 49% Barbara Snelling* (R) 105,992 50.2% Doug Racine (D) 98,886 46.9% 6,080 [+] 2.9% 210,958
1994 SOS 47% Jim Milne (R) 101,135 50.1% Donald Hooper* (D) 85,150 42.1% 15,732 [+] 7.8% 202,017
1994 TRE 47% Jim Douglas (R) 184,309 91.4% Lois Schumacher (NtL) 9,709 4.8% 7,605 [+] 3.8% 201,623
1992 AG 62% Jeffrey Amestoy* (R) 245,652 92.8% Barry Kade (LU) 18,472 7.0% 614 0.2% 264,738
1992 AUD 61% Ed Flanagan (D) 134,752 51.9% Ron Crisman (R) 107,342 41.4% 17,442 [+] 6.7% 259,536
1992 LG 66% Barbara Snelling (R) 147,479 52.6% David Wolk (D) 121,020 43.2% 11,799 [+] 4.2% 280,298
1992 SOS 62% Donald Hooper (D) 127,648 48.1% Jim Milne (R) 116,529 43.9% 21,365 [+] 8.0% 265,542
1992 TRE 62% Paul Ruse* (D) 134,315 50.8% Michael Smith (R) 113,525 43.0% 16,421 [+] 6.2% 264,261
1990 AG 47% Jeffrey Amestoy* (R) 180,923 91.6% Stewart Meacham (LU) 9,325 4.7% 7,298 [+] 3.7% 197,546
1990 AUD 46% Alexander Acebo* (R) 95,463 49.6% Ronald Boucher (D) 80,167 41.7% 16,739 [+] 8.7% 192,369
1990 LG 50% Howard Dean* (D) 120,956 58.1% Michael Bernhardt (R) 80,706 38.8% 6,504 [+] 3.1% 208,166
1990 SOS 47% Jim Douglas* (R) 175,479 89.3% Mary Alice Herbert (LU) 14,555 7.4% 6,452 [+] 3.3% 196,486
1990 TRE 46% Paul Ruse* (D) 101,968 52.6% Ron Crisman (R) 80,973 41.8% 10,959 [+] 5.7% 193,900
1988 AG 58% Jeffrey Amestoy* (R) 151,253 65.2% Ed Flanagan (D) 76,641 33.1% 3,926 [+] 1.7% 231,820
1988 AUD 55% Alexander Acebo* (R) 128,006 58.4% Spencer Rose (D) 75,852 34.6% 15,239 [+] 7.0% 219,097
1988 LG 58% Howard Dean* (D) 154,660 66.5% Pan Zolotas (R) 69,731 30.0% 8,155 [+] 3.5% 232,546
1988 SOS 56% Jim Douglas* (R) 206,934 91.9% Barbara Wicker (Lbt) 11,386 5.1% 6,963 [+] 3.1% 225,283
1988 TRE 56% Paul Ruse (D) 114,322 50.7% Wayne Walker (R) 96,164 42.7% 14,781 [+] 6.6% 225,267
1986 AG 47% Jeffrey Amestoy* (R) 167,928 91.8% Peter Avery (Lbt) 10,310 5.6% 4,634 [+] 2.5% 182,872
1986 AUD 45% Alexander Acebo* (R) 153,457 87.8% Barbara Wicker (Lbt) 10,938 6.3% 10,477 [+] 6.0% 174,872
1986 LG 48% Howard Dean (D) 99,929 52.5% Susan Auld (R) 84,413 44.4% 5,850 [+] 3.1% 190,192
1986 SOS 46% Jim Douglas* (R) 108,386 59.3% Elizabeth Dodge (D) 66,046 36.2% 8,267 [+] 4.5% 182,699
1986 TRE 46% Emory Hebard* (R) 163,438 90.7% Arthur Stone (LU) 9,015 5.0% 7,735 [+] 4.3% 180,188
1984 AG 57% Jeffrey Amestoy (R) 132,014 59.9% Bruce Lawlor (D) 82,115 37.3% 6,126 [+] 2.8% 220,255
1984 AUD 54% Alexander Acebo* (R) 178,536 86.5% Charlet Ann Davenport (LU) 16,212 7.9% 11,713 [+] 5.7% 206,461
1984 LG 58% Peter Smith* (R) 137,720 62.0% John Carnahan (D) 74,856 33.7% 9,727 [+] 4.4% 222,303
1984 SOS 56% Jim Douglas* (R) 140,192 65.0% Bill Sharp (D) 63,583 29.5% 11,905 [+] 5.5% 215,680
1984 TRE 55% Emory Hebard* (R) 190,395 90.2% Arthur Stone (LU) 20,525 9.7% 180 0.1% 211,100
1982 AG 42% John Easton* (R) 147,718 94.1% Harold Teal (LU) 9,080 5.8% 212 0.1% 157,010
1982 AUD 40% Alexander Acebo* (R) 81,001 53.6% Frederick Randlet (D) 55,101 36.5% 14,928 [+] 9.9% 151,030
1982 LG 43% Peter Smith (R) 93,212 57.6% Thomas Ryan (D) 57,976 35.8% 10,641 [+] 6.6% 161,829
1982 SOS 41% Jim Douglas* (R) 140,054 91.1% Colin Bloch (LU) 7,042 4.6% 6,625 [+] 4.3% 153,721
1982 TRE 41% Emory Hebard* (R) 97,174 62.5% Andy Llana (D) 44,049 28.3% 14,272 [+] 9.2% 155,495
1980 AG 55% John Easton (R) 119,668 59.3% Scott Skinner (D) 79,008 39.1% 3,172 [+] 1.6% 201,848
1980 AUD 50% Alexander Acebo* (R) 157,397 85.1% Judy Ashkenaz (I) 13,576 7.3% 13,892 [+] 7.5% 184,865
1980 LG 55% Madeleine Kunin* (D) 120,551 58.8% Peg Garland (R) 80,401 39.2% 3,970 [+] 1.9% 204,922
1980 SOS 53% Jim Douglas (R) 102,919 52.6% Robert Babcock, Jr. (D) 83,116 42.5% 9,489 [+] 4.9% 195,524
1980 TRE 51% Emory Hebard* (R) 162,915 86.3% Anna Land (LU) 13,131 7.0% 12,711 [+] 6.7% 188,757
1978 AG 38% Jerome Diamond* (D) 83,441 70.7% Dennis Bradley (R) 29,169 24.7% 5,349 [+] 4.5% 117,959
1978 AUD 35% Alexander Acebo* (R) 99,101 90.1% John Potthurst (LU) 10,774 9.8% 92 0.1% 109,967
1978 LG 39% Madeleine Kunin (D) 62,372 50.6% Peter Smith (R) 58,171 47.2% 2,648 [+] 2.1% 123,191
1978 SOS 38% James Guest* (D) 70,240 58.4% Robert Gibson (R) 45,878 38.1% 4,180 [+] 3.5% 120,298
1978 TRE 36% Emory Hebard* (R) 101,506 89.6% Anna Land (LU) 11,702 10.3% 90 0.1% 113,298
1976 AG 51% Jerome Diamond* (D) 89,839 53.2% John Meaker (R) 71,960 42.6% 7,168 [+] 4.2% 168,967
1976 AUD 48% Alexander Acebo* (R) 85,091 53.7% Frederick Randlet (D) 64,890 40.9% 8,529 [+] 5.4% 158,510
1976 LG 52% Garry Buckley (R) 81,471 47.7% John Alden (D) 82,632 48.3% 6,806 [+] 4.0% 170,909
1976 SOS 51% James Guest (D) 83,952 50.1% Richard Thomas* (R) 78,555 46.9% 5,109 [+] 3.0% 167,616
1976 TRE 48% Emory Hebard (R) 88,176 55.2% Stuart St. Peter (D) 65,197 40.8% 6,245 [+] 3.9% 159,618
1974 AG 46% Jerome Diamond (D) 64,085 47.2% Kimberly Cheney* (R) 63,447 46.7% 8,332 [+] 6.1% 135,864
1974 AUD 44% Alexander Acebo* (R) 62,401 48.4% Frederick Randlet (D) 58,865 45.6% 7,725 [+] 6.0% 128,991
1974 LG 46% Brian Burns (D) 66,942 49.8% Garry Buckley (R) 60,962 45.4% 6,491 [+] 4.8% 134,395
1974 SOS 45% Richard Thomas* (R) 69,684 52.8% Stuart St. Peter (D) 54,963 41.7% 7,288 [+] 5.5% 131,935
1974 TRE 45% Stella Hackel (D) 66,553 49.7% Frank Davis* (R) 61,181 45.7% 6,232 [+] 4.7% 133,966
1972 AG 56% Kimberly Cheney (R) 101,480 57.9% Richard Gadbois (D) 67,884 38.7% 5,941 [+] 3.4% 175,305
1972 AUD 34% Alexander Acebo* (R) 106,670 99.8%       164 0.2% 106,834
1972 LG 58% John Burgess* (R) 94,737 52.1% Leo Connor (D) 84,625 46.5% 2,554 [+] 1.4% 181,916
1972 SOS 56% Richard Thomas* (R) 98,773 56.2% Constance Kite (D) 73,377 41.7% 3,686 [+] 2.1% 175,836
1972 TRE 35% Frank Davis* (R) 108,372 99.0%       1,059 1.0% 109,431
1970 AG 54% Jim Jeffords* (R) 86,515 58.1% Thomas Salmon (D) 60,373 40.6% 1,994 [+] 1.3% 148,882
1970 AUD 52% Alexander Acebo* (R) 83,159 57.7% Armand Gray (D) 59,431 41.2% 1,536 [+] 1.1% 144,126
1970 LG 54% John Burgess (R) 84,900 57.2% Kelton Miller (D) 63,625 42.8% 18 0.0% 148,543
1970 SOS 53% Richard Thomas* (R) 87,271 60.1% Stuart St. Peter (D) 56,544 38.9% 1,505 [+] 1.0% 145,320
1970 TRE 52% Frank Davis* (R) 85,485 58.9% George Kingston (D) 59,723 41.1% 8 0.0% 145,216
1968 AG 60% Jim Jeffords (R) 90,932 58.6% Thomas Whalen (D) 64,276 41.4% 14 0.0% 155,222
1968 AUD 60% Robert King (R) 89,504 58.1% Armand Gray (D) 64,590 41.9% 4 0.0% 154,098
1968 LG 61% Thomas Hayes (R) 90,375 57.7% William Hunter (D) 66,352 42.3% 7 0.0% 156,734
1968 SOS 60% Richard Thomas (R) 88,319 56.9% Harry Cooley* (D) 66,799 43.1% 2 0.0% 155,120
1968 TRE 60% Frank Davis (R) 84,279 54.3% Madelyn Davidson* (D) 70,857 45.7% 1 0.0% 155,137
1966 AG 52% James Oakes (R) 68,093 52.0% John Connarn* (D) 62,939 48.0% 3 0.0% 131,035
1966 AUD 52% Jay Gordon* (D) 66,190 50.7% David Anderson (R) 64,393 49.3% 2 0.0% 130,585
1966 LG 53% John Daley* (D) 73,988 55.5% Perry Merrill (R) 59,428 44.5% 3 0.0% 133,419
1966 SOS 52% Harry Cooley* (D) 66,750 51.1% Byron Hathorn (R) 63,877 48.9% 2 0.0% 130,629
1966 TRE 52% Peter Hincks* (D) 68,081 52.2% John Perry (R) 62,381 47.8% 5 0.0% 130,467
1964 AG 63% John Connarn (D) 85,126 55.1% Charles Gibson, Jr.* (R) 69,331 44.9% 1 0.0% 154,458
1964 AUD 64% Jay Gordon (D) 85,208 54.9% David Anderson* (R) 69,993 45.1% 6 0.0% 155,207
1964 LG 65% John Daley (D) 94,548 59.3% Richard Snelling (R) 62,704 39.3% 2,158 [+] 1.4% 159,410
1964 SOS 64% Harry Cooley (D) 85,493 54.9% Howard Armstrong* (R) 70,337 45.1% 8 0.0% 155,838
1964 TRE 64% Peter Hincks (D) 85,238 54.7% George Amidon* (R) 70,615 45.3% 8 0.0% 155,861
1962 AG 49% Charles Gibson, Jr. (R) 64,353 55.2% Robert Larrow (D) 52,165 44.8% 5 0.0% 116,523
1962 AUD 29% David Anderson* (R) 69,606 99.9%       51 0.1% 69,657
1962 LG 49% Ralph Foote* (R) 65,527 56.3% Frederic Delaney (D) 50,762 43.6% 39 0.0% 116,328
1962 SOS 49% Howard Armstrong* (R) 66,207 57.2% Madelyn Davidson (D) 49,469 42.8% 2 0.0% 115,678
1962 TRE 49% George Amidon* (R) 66,553 57.4% Peter Hincks (D) 49,329 42.6% 2 0.0% 115,884
1960 AG 70% Thomas Debevoise* (R) 92,077 57.2% Joseph Radigan (D) 68,861 42.8% 2 0.0% 160,940
1960 AUD 70% David Anderson* (R) 92,873 57.7% Allan Johnston (D) 68,047 42.3% 1 0.0% 160,921
1960 LG 71% Ralph Foote (R) 92,693 56.7% Leonard Wilson (D) 70,670 43.3% 3 0.0% 163,366
1960 SOS 70% Howard Armstrong* (R) 93,030 57.6% James Kennedy (D) 68,566 42.4% 1 0.0% 161,597
1960 TRE 70% George Amidon* (R) 93,505 58.1% Raymond Moore (D) 67,523 41.9% 1 0.0% 161,029
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines
Type: AG: Attorney General; AUD: Auditor; LG: Lt. Governor; SOS: Secretary of State; TRE: Treasurer
italics: special election

Voter Registration Data for Vermont

Party registration is not used in this state, however as of 2022 registrations in Vermont were estimated to be 21% Republican and 52% Democrat.

Click on the Year to display registration data in the map

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2022 505,674 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 505,674 100.0% n/a n/a 96%
2020 515,591 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 515,591 100.0% n/a n/a 98%
2018 490,074 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 490,074 100.0% n/a n/a 94%
2016 471,619 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 471,619 100.0% n/a n/a 91%
2014 439,782 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 439,782 100.0% n/a n/a 86%
2012 461,237 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 461,237 100.0% n/a n/a 92%
2010 453,181 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 453,181 100.0% n/a n/a 91%
2008 454,466 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 454,466 100.0% n/a n/a 93%
2006 433,569 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 433,569 100.0% n/a n/a 90%
2004 444,508 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 444,508 100.0% n/a n/a 94%
2002 418,718 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 418,718 100.0% n/a n/a 89%
2000 427,354 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 427,354 100.0% n/a n/a 93%
1994 373,442 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 373,442 100.0% n/a n/a 86%
1986 328,466 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 328,466 100.0% n/a n/a 83%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.

Partisan Legislative Composition for Vermont

YearU.S. House
2022 0 1 0
2020 0 1 0
2018 0 1 0
2016 0 1 0
2014 0 1 0
2012 0 1 0
2010 0 1 0
2008 0 1 0
2006 0 1 0
2004 0 0 1
2002 0 0 1
2000 0 0 1
1998 0 0 1
1996 0 0 1
1994 0 0 1
1992 0 0 1
1990 0 0 1
1988 1 0 0
1986 1 0 0
1984 1 0 0
1982 1 0 0
1980 1 0 0
1978 1 0 0
1976 1 0 0
1974 1 0 0
1972 1 0 0
1970 1 0 0
1968 1 0 0
1966 1 0 0
1964 1 0 0
1962 1 0 0
1960 1 0 0
1958 0 1 0
1956 1 0 0
1954 1 0 0
1952 1 0 0
1950 1 0 0
1948 1 0 0
1946 1 0 0
1944 1 0 0
1942 1 0 0
1940 1 0 0
1938 1 0 0
1936 1 0 0
YearState Senate
2022 7 22 1
2020 7 21 2
2018 6 22 2
2016 7 21 2
2014 9 18 3
2012 7 20 3
2010 8 20 2
2008 7 23 0
2006 7 23 0
2004 9 21 0
2002 11 19 0
2000 14 16 0
1998 13 17 0
1996 13 17 0
1994 18 12 0
1992 16 14 0
1990 [1] 15 15 0
1988 14 16 0
1986 12 18 0
1984 12 18 0
1982 17 13 0
1980 16 14 0
1978 20 10 0
1976 21 9 0
1974 18 12 0
1972 23 7 0
1970 22 8 0
1968 22 8 0
1966 22 8 0
1965 24 6 0
1964 17 13 0
1962 21 9 0
1960 23 7 0
1958 22 8 0
1956 24 6 0
1954 23 7 0
1952 27 3 0
1950 29 1 0
1948 24 6 0
1946 27 3 0
1944 23 7 0
1942 28 2 0
1940 22 8 0
1938 25 5 0
1936 22 8 0
YearState House
2022 38 104 8
2020 45 93 12
2018 43 95 12
2016 53 83 14
2014 53 85 12
2012 45 96 9
2010 48 94 8
2008 48 95 7
2006 49 93 8
2004 60 83 7
2002 73 70 7
2000 [2] 83 62 5
1998 66 77 7
1996 57 89 4
1994 61 86 3
1992 57 87 6
1990 [3] 75 73 2
1988 74 76 0
1986 74 75 1
1984 [4] 77 72 1
1982 84 65 1
1980 84 63 3
1978 [5] 79 69 2
1976 [6] 75 73 2
1974 [7] 78 68 4
1972 91 57 2
1970 96 54 0
1968 100 50 0
1966 93 55 2
1965 135 15 0
1964 195 50 1
1962 193 45 8
1960 190 50 6
1958 200 46 0
1956 212 33 3
1954 221 25 0
1952 223 18 5
1950 216 22 8
1948 208 33 5
1946 209 28 9
1944 213 23 10
1942 206 28 12
1940 197 37 12
1938 204 31 11
1936 203 39 6
The partisan breakdowns shown are ones which took effect following the general elections in the specified year.

[1] Lt. Governor Howard Dean broke the tie, giving power to the Democrats.
[2] Democrat Tim Ryan replaced Republican Tom McGrath on January 8, 2002 (82 R, 63 D, 5 I)..
[3] A Democrat, Ralph Wright, was elected as Speaker.
[4] A Democrat, Ralph Wright, was elected as Speaker.
[5] A Democrat, Timothy O'Connor, Jr., was elected as Speaker.
[6] A Democrat, Timothy O'Connor, Jr., was elected as Speaker.
[7] A Democrat, Timothy O'Connor, Jr., was elected as Speaker.

Source for state legislature data and notations: Wikipedia