
Counties in Utah

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Districts in this state

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2022 population: 3,380,800   ( 616,915 from 2010 , 109,186 from 2020)
Land area: 82376.5 square miles
Population density: 41.0 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:2,592,896 76.69% 16.7%
Black:41,1381.22% 58.5%
Indian:30,1870.89% 11.5%
Asian:125,0883.70% 60.2%
2+ races:79,4042.35% 62.1%
Hispanic:512,08715.15% 42.9%
Total non-White:787,90423.31% 45.3%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:104,519 16.0
Net Migration: 47,1257.2
Net Immigration: 7,5871.2
Change in White population:371,177 13.4
Change in Non-White pop.:245,738 8.9

Historical Presidential Election Results for Utah

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 62% Donald Trump (R) 883,818 58.4% Kamala Harris (D) 562,566 37.2% 67,014 [+] 4.4% 1,513,398 9 0.98% 6
2020 64% Donald Trump* (R) 865,140 57.4% Joe Biden (D) 560,282 37.2% 80,509 [+] 5.3% 1,505,931 11 0.95% 6
2016 54% Donald Trump (R) 515,231 45.1% Hillary Clinton (D) 310,676 27.2% 317,694 [+] 27.8% 1,143,601 -1 0.83% 6
2012 52% Mitt Romney (R) 740,600 72.5% Barack Obama* (D) 251,813 24.7% 28,448 [+] 2.8% 1,020,861 25 0.79% 6
2008 53% John McCain (R) 596,030 62.2% Barack Obama (D) 327,670 34.2% 35,296 [+] 3.7% 958,996 17 0.73% 5
2004 56% George W. Bush* (R) 663,742 71.5% John Kerry (D) 241,199 26.0% 22,903 [+] 2.5% 927,844 21 0.76% 5
2000 51% George W. Bush (R) 515,096 66.8% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 203,053 26.3% 52,605 [+] 6.8% 770,754 19 0.73% 5
1996 51% Robert Dole (R) 361,911 54.4% Bill Clinton* (D) 221,633 33.3% 82,085 [+] 12.3% 665,629 14 0.69% 5
1992 64% George Bush* (R) 322,632 43.4% Ross Perot (I) 203,400 27.3% 218,037 [+] 29.3% 744,069 6 0.71% 5
1988 61% George Bush (R) 428,442 66.2% Michael Dukakis (D) 207,343 32.0% 11,223 [+] 1.7% 647,008 13 0.71% 5
1984 63% Ronald Reagan* (R) 469,105 74.5% Walter Mondale (D) 155,369 24.7% 5,182 0.8% 629,656 16 0.68% 5
1980 65% Ronald Reagan (R) 439,687 72.8% Jimmy Carter* (D) 124,266 20.6% 40,269 [+] 6.7% 604,222 22 0.70% 4
1976 67% Gerald Ford* (R) 337,908 62.4% Jimmy Carter (D) 182,110 33.6% 21,180 [+] 3.9% 541,198 14 0.66% 4
1972 66% Richard Nixon* (R) 323,643 67.6% George McGovern (D) 126,284 26.4% 28,549 [+] 6.0% 478,476 7 0.62% 4
1968 76% Richard Nixon (R) 238,728 56.5% Hubert Humphrey (D) 156,665 37.1% 27,175 [+] 6.4% 422,568 13 0.58% 4
1964 78% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 219,628 54.7% Barry Goldwater (R) 181,785 45.3% 0 0.0% 401,413 7 0.57% 4
1960 78% Richard Nixon (R) 205,361 54.8% John Kennedy (D) 169,248 45.2% 100 0.0% 374,709 5 0.54% 4
1956 73% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 215,631 64.6% Adlai Stevenson (D) 118,364 35.4% 0 0.0% 333,995 7 0.54% 4
1952 80% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 194,190 58.9% Adlai Stevenson (D) 135,364 41.1% 0 0.0% 329,554 4 0.53% 4
1948 75% Harry Truman* (D) 149,151 54.0% Thomas Dewey (R) 124,402 45.0% 2,752 [+] 1.0% 276,305 0 0.57% 4
1944 73% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 150,088 60.4% Thomas Dewey (R) 97,891 39.4% 340 0.1% 248,319 -6 0.52% 4
1940 80% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 154,277 62.3% Wendell Willkie (R) 93,151 37.6% 391 0.2% 247,819 -7 0.50% 4
1936 78% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 150,248 69.3% Alf Landon (R) 64,555 29.8% 1,876 [+] 0.9% 216,679 -7 0.47% 4
1932 77% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 116,750 56.5% Herbert Hoover* (R) 84,795 41.0% 5,033 [+] 2.4% 206,578 1 0.52% 4
1928 70% Herbert Hoover (R) 94,618 53.6% Al Smith (D) 80,985 45.9% 1,000 [+] 0.6% 176,603 -5 0.48% 4
1924 65% Calvin Coolidge (R) 77,327 49.3% John Davis (D) 47,001 29.9% 32,662 [+] 20.8% 156,990 -5 0.54% 4
1920 64% Warren Harding (R) 81,555 55.9% James Cox (D) 56,639 38.8% 7,634 [+] 5.2% 145,828 -4 0.54% 4
1916 65% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 84,145 58.8% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 54,137 37.8% 4,864 [+] 3.4% 143,146 -8 0.77% 4
1912 55% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 42,100 37.5% Woodrow Wilson (D) 36,579 32.5% 33,707 [+] 30.0% 112,386 -2 0.75% 4
1908 64% William Taft (R) 61,165 56.2% William J. Bryan (D) 42,610 39.2% 4,982 [+] 4.6% 108,757 5 0.73% 3
1904 68% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 62,446 61.4% Alton Parker (D) 33,413 32.9% 5,767 [+] 5.7% 101,626 5 0.75% 3
1900 71% William McKinley* (R) 47,139 50.6% William J. Bryan (D) 45,006 48.4% 929 [+] 1.0% 93,074 -1 0.67% 3
* incumbent         PUSV: percent of U.S. vote

2020 President, Utah
Joe Biden (D) 560,282 37.2%
Donald Trump* (R) 865,140 57.4%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 38,447 2.6%
Other 42,062 2.8%
TOTAL 1,505,931
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): 11

2016 President, Utah
Hillary Clinton (D) 310,676 27.2%
Donald Trump (R) 515,231 45.1%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 39,608 3.5%
Jill Stein (Grn) 9,438 0.8%
Evan McMullin (I) 243,690 21.3%
Other 24,958 2.2%
TOTAL 1,143,601
Turnout: 54% Diff (US): -1

2012 President, Utah
Barack Obama* (D) 251,813 24.7%
Mitt Romney (R) 740,600 72.5%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 12,572 1.2%
Other 15,876 1.6%
TOTAL 1,020,861
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): 25

2008 President, Utah
Barack Obama (D) 327,670 34.2%
John McCain (R) 596,030 62.2%
Ralph Nader (I) 8,416 0.9%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 6,966 0.7%
Other 19,914 2.1%
TOTAL 958,996
Turnout: 53% Diff (US): 17

2004 President, Utah
George W. Bush* (R) 663,742 71.5%
John Kerry (D) 241,199 26.0%
Ralph Nader (I) 11,305 1.2%
Other 11,598 1.2%
TOTAL 927,844
Turnout: 56% Diff (US): 21

2000 President, Utah
George W. Bush (R) 515,096 66.8%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 203,053 26.3%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 35,850 4.7%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 9,319 1.2%
Other 7,436 1.0%
TOTAL 770,754
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): 19

1996 President, Utah
Bill Clinton* (D) 221,633 33.3%
Robert Dole (R) 361,911 54.4%
Ross Perot (Ref) 66,461 10.0%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 4,615 0.7%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 4,129 0.6%
Other 6,880 1.0%
TOTAL 665,629
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): 14

1992 President, Utah
Bill Clinton (D) 183,429 24.7%
George Bush* (R) 322,632 43.4%
Ross Perot (I) 203,400 27.3%
Other 34,608 4.7%
TOTAL 744,069
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): 6

1988 President, Utah
George Bush (R) 428,442 66.2%
Michael Dukakis (D) 207,343 32.0%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 7,473 1.2%
Other 3,750 0.6%
TOTAL 647,008
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): 13

1984 President, Utah
Ronald Reagan* (R) 469,105 74.5%
Walter Mondale (D) 155,369 24.7%
Other 5,182 0.8%
TOTAL 629,656
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): 16

1980 President, Utah
Ronald Reagan (R) 439,687 72.8%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 124,266 20.6%
John Anderson (I) 30,284 5.0%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 7,226 1.2%
Other 2,759 0.5%
TOTAL 604,222
Turnout: 65% Diff (US): 22

1976 President, Utah
Jimmy Carter (D) 182,110 33.6%
Gerald Ford* (R) 337,908 62.4%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 3,907 0.7%
Other 17,273 3.2%
TOTAL 541,198
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): 14

1972 President, Utah
Richard Nixon* (R) 323,643 67.6%
George McGovern (D) 126,284 26.4%
John Schmitz (Amer) 28,549 6.0%
TOTAL 478,476
Turnout: 66% Diff (US): 7

1968 President, Utah
Richard Nixon (R) 238,728 56.5%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 156,665 37.1%
George Wallace (AIP) 26,906 6.4%
Other 269 0.1%
TOTAL 422,568
Turnout: 76% Diff (US): 13

1964 President, Utah
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 219,628 54.7%
Barry Goldwater (R) 181,785 45.3%
TOTAL 401,413
Turnout: 78% Diff (US): 7

1960 President, Utah
John Kennedy (D) 169,248 45.2%
Richard Nixon (R) 205,361 54.8%
Other 100 0.0%
TOTAL 374,709
Turnout: 78% Diff (US): 5

1956 President, Utah
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 215,631 64.6%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 118,364 35.4%
TOTAL 333,995
Turnout: 73% Diff (US): 7

1952 President, Utah
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 194,190 58.9%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 135,364 41.1%
TOTAL 329,554
Turnout: 80% Diff (US): 4

1948 President, Utah
Harry Truman* (D) 149,151 54.0%
Thomas Dewey (R) 124,402 45.0%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 2,679 1.0%
Other 73 0.0%
TOTAL 276,305
Turnout: 75% Diff (US): 0

1944 President, Utah
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 150,088 60.4%
Thomas Dewey (R) 97,891 39.4%
Other 340 0.1%
TOTAL 248,319
Turnout: 73% Diff (US): -6

1940 President, Utah
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 154,277 62.3%
Wendell Willkie (R) 93,151 37.6%
Other 391 0.2%
TOTAL 247,819
Turnout: 80% Diff (US): -7

1936 President, Utah
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 150,248 69.3%
Alf Landon (R) 64,555 29.8%
William Lemke (Union) 1,121 0.5%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 432 0.2%
Other 323 0.1%
TOTAL 216,679
Turnout: 78% Diff (US): -7

1932 President, Utah
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 116,750 56.5%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 84,795 41.0%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 4,087 2.0%
Other 946 0.5%
TOTAL 206,578
Turnout: 77% Diff (US): 1

1928 President, Utah
Herbert Hoover (R) 94,618 53.6%
Al Smith (D) 80,985 45.9%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 954 0.5%
Other 46 0.0%
TOTAL 176,603
Turnout: 70% Diff (US): -5

1924 President, Utah
Calvin Coolidge (R) 77,327 49.3%
John Davis (D) 47,001 29.9%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 32,662 20.8%
TOTAL 156,990
Turnout: 65% Diff (US): -5

1920 President, Utah
Warren Harding (R) 81,555 55.9%
James Cox (D) 56,639 38.8%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 3,159 2.2%
Parley Christiansen (FL) 4,475 3.1%
TOTAL 145,828
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): -4

1916 President, Utah
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 84,145 58.8%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 54,137 37.8%
Allan Benson (Soc) 4,460 3.1%
James Hanly (Proh) 149 0.1%
Other 255 0.2%
TOTAL 143,146
Turnout: 65% Diff (US): -8

1912 President, Utah
Woodrow Wilson (D) 36,579 32.5%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 42,100 37.5%
William Taft* (R) 24,174 21.5%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 9,023 8.0%
Other 510 0.5%
TOTAL 112,386
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): -2

1908 President, Utah
William Taft (R) 61,165 56.2%
William J. Bryan (D) 42,610 39.2%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 4,895 4.5%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 87 0.1%
TOTAL 108,757
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): 5

1904 President, Utah
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 62,446 61.4%
Alton Parker (D) 33,413 32.9%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 5,767 5.7%
TOTAL 101,626
Turnout: 68% Diff (US): 5

1900 President, Utah
William McKinley* (R) 47,139 50.6%
William J. Bryan (D) 45,006 48.4%
John Woolley (Proh) 209 0.2%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 720 0.8%
TOTAL 93,074
Turnout: 71% Diff (US): -1
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Utah

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2024 S1 60% John Curtis (R) 914,700 62.5% Caroline Gleich (D) 464,515 31.7% 84,294 [+] 5.8% 1,463,509
2024 G 61% Spencer Cox* (R) 781,431 52.9% Brian King (D) 420,514 28.5% 275,512 [+] 18.6% 1,477,457
2022 S3 44% Mike Lee* (R) 571,974 53.2% Evan McMullin (I) 459,958 42.7% 44,136 [+] 4.1% 1,076,068
2020 G 62% Spencer Cox (R) 918,754 63.0% Chris Peterson (D) 442,754 30.3% 97,370 [+] 6.7% 1,458,878
2018 S1 49% Mitt Romney (R) 665,215 62.6% Jenny Wilson (D) 328,541 30.9% 69,141 [+] 6.5% 1,062,897
2016 G 53% Gary Herbert* (R) 750,850 66.7% Mike Weinholtz (D) 323,349 28.7% 50,836 [+] 4.5% 1,125,035
2016 S3 53% Mike Lee* (R) 760,220 68.1% Misty Snow (D) 301,858 27.1% 53,505 [+] 4.8% 1,115,583
2012 G 51% Gary Herbert* (R) 688,592 68.4% Peter Cooke (D) 277,622 27.6% 40,310 [+] 4.0% 1,006,524
2012 S1 51% Orrin Hatch* (R) 657,608 65.3% Scott Howell (D) 301,873 30.0% 47,420 [+] 4.7% 1,006,901
2010 G 34% Gary Herbert (R) 412,151 64.1% Peter Corroon (D) 205,246 31.9% 25,910 [+] 4.0% 643,307
2010 S3 33% Mike Lee (R) 390,179 61.6% Sam Granato (D) 207,685 32.8% 35,965 [+] 5.7% 633,829
2008 G 52% Jon Huntsman* (R) 734,049 77.6% Bob Springmeyer (D) 186,503 19.7% 24,973 [+] 2.6% 945,525
2006 S1 33% Orrin Hatch* (R) 356,238 62.4% Pete Ashdown (D) 177,459 31.1% 37,555 [+] 6.6% 571,252
2004 G 55% Jon Huntsman (R) 531,190 57.7% Scott Matheson (D) 380,359 41.3% 8,411 [+] 0.9% 919,960
2004 S3 55% Bob Bennett* (R) 626,640 68.7% Paul Van Dam (D) 258,955 28.4% 26,131 [+] 2.9% 911,726
2000 G 50% Mike Leavitt* (R) 424,837 55.8% Bill Orton (D) 321,979 42.3% 14,990 [+] 2.0% 761,806
2000 S1 51% Orrin Hatch* (R) 504,803 65.6% Scott Howell (D) 242,569 31.5% 22,332 [+] 2.9% 769,704
1998 S3 36% Bob Bennett* (R) 316,652 64.0% Scott Leckman (D) 163,172 33.0% 15,085 [+] 3.0% 494,909
1996 G 52% Mike Leavitt* (R) 503,693 75.0% Jim Bradley (D) 156,616 23.3% 11,570 [+] 1.7% 671,879
1994 S1 42% Orrin Hatch* (R) 357,297 68.8% Patrick Shea (D) 146,938 28.3% 15,088 [+] 2.9% 519,323
1992 G 66% Mike Leavitt (R) 321,713 42.2% Merrill Cook (I) 255,753 33.5% 185,083 [+] 24.3% 762,549
1992 S3 65% Bob Bennett (R) 420,069 55.4% Wayne Owens (D) 301,228 39.7% 37,182 [+] 4.9% 758,479
1988 G 61% Norman Bangerter* (R) 260,462 40.1% Ted Wilson (D) 249,321 38.4% 139,331 [+] 21.5% 649,114
1988 S1 60% Orrin Hatch* (R) 430,089 67.1% Brian Moss (D) 203,364 31.7% 7,249 [+] 1.1% 640,702
1986 S3 42% Jake Garn* (R) 314,608 72.3% Craig Oliver (D) 115,523 26.6% 4,980 [+] 1.1% 435,111
1984 G 63% Norman Bangerter (R) 351,792 55.9% Wayne Owens (D) 275,669 43.8% 2,158 [+] 0.3% 629,619
1982 S1 55% Orrin Hatch* (R) 309,332 58.3% Ted Wilson (D) 219,482 41.3% 1,988 [+] 0.4% 530,802
1980 S3 64% Jake Garn* (R) 437,675 73.6% Dan Berman (D) 151,454 25.5% 5,169 [+] 0.9% 594,298
1980 G 64% Scott Matheson* (D) 330,974 55.2% Bob Wright (R) 266,578 44.4% 2,467 [+] 0.4% 600,019
1976 S1 66% Orrin Hatch (R) 290,221 53.7% Frank Moss* (D) 241,948 44.8% 7,939 [+] 1.5% 540,108
1976 G 66% Scott Matheson (D) 280,706 52.0% Vernon Romney (R) 248,027 46.0% 10,916 [+] 2.0% 539,649
1974 S3 61% Jake Garn (R) 210,299 50.0% Wayne Owens (D) 185,377 44.1% 24,966 [+] 5.9% 420,642
1972 G 65% Calvin Rampton* (D) 331,998 69.7% Nicholas Strike (R) 144,449 30.3% 0 0.0% 476,447
1970 S1 63% Frank Moss* (D) 210,207 56.2% Laurence Burton (R) 159,004 42.5% 5,092 [+] 1.4% 374,303
1968 G 76% Calvin Rampton* (D) 289,283 68.7% Carl Buehner (R) 131,729 31.3% 0 0.0% 421,012
1968 S3 76% Wallace Bennett* (R) 225,075 53.7% Milton Weilenmann (D) 192,168 45.8% 2,019 [+] 0.5% 419,262
1964 G 77% Calvin Rampton (D) 226,956 57.0% Mitchell Melich (R) 171,300 43.0% 0 0.0% 398,256
1964 S1 77% Frank Moss* (D) 227,822 57.3% Ernest Wilkinson (R) 169,562 42.7% 0 0.0% 397,384
1962 S3 64% Wallace Bennett* (R) 166,775 52.4% David King (D) 151,656 47.6% 0 0.0% 318,431
1960 G 78% George Clyde* (R) 195,634 52.7% William Barlocker (D) 175,855 47.3% 0 0.0% 371,489
1958 S1 61% Frank Moss (D) 112,827 38.7% Arthur Watkins* (R) 101,471 34.8% 77,013 [+] 26.4% 291,311
1956 G 73% George Clyde (R) 127,164 38.2% Rennie Romney (D) 111,297 33.4% 94,428 [+] 28.4% 332,889
1956 S3 72% Wallace Bennett* (R) 178,261 54.0% Alonzo Hopkin (D) 152,120 46.0% 0 0.0% 330,381
1952 S1 79% Arthur Watkins* (R) 177,435 54.3% Walter Granger (D) 149,598 45.7% 0 0.0% 327,033
1952 G 79% Bracken Lee* (R) 180,516 55.1% Earl Glade (D) 147,188 44.9% 0 0.0% 327,704
1950 S3 68% Wallace Bennett (R) 142,427 53.9% Elbert Thomas* (D) 121,198 45.8% 815 [+] 0.3% 264,440
1948 G 74% Bracken Lee (R) 151,253 55.0% Herbert Maw* (D) 123,814 45.0% 0 0.0% 275,067
1946 S1 56% Arthur Watkins (R) 101,142 51.2% Abe Murdock* (D) 96,257 48.8% 0 0.0% 197,399
1944 S3 73% Elbert Thomas* (D) 148,748 59.9% Adam Bennion (R) 99,532 40.1% 0 0.0% 248,280
1944 G 73% Herbert Maw* (D) 123,907 50.2% Bracken Lee (R) 122,851 49.8% 0 0.0% 246,758
1940 S1 80% Abe Murdock (D) 155,499 62.8% Philo Farnsworth (R) 91,931 37.2% 0 0.0% 247,430
1940 G 80% Herbert Maw (D) 128,519 52.1% Don Cotton (R) 117,713 47.7% 580 [+] 0.2% 246,812
1938 S3 65% Elbert Thomas* (D) 102,353 55.8% Franklin Harris (R) 81,071 44.2% 0 0.0% 183,424
1936 G 77% Henry Blood* (D) 109,656 51.1% Ray Dillman (R) 80,118 37.3% 24,754 [+] 11.5% 214,528
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election

Other Statewide Election Results for Utah

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2024 AG 60% Derek Brown (R) 838,445 57.8% Rudy Bautista (D) 401,234 27.7% 209,816 [+] 14.5% 1,449,495
2024 AUD 59% Tina Cannon (R) 906,531 63.5% Catherine Voutaz (D) 446,608 31.3% 73,741 [+] 5.2% 1,426,880
2024 LG 0% Deidre Henderson* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2024 TRE 57% Marlo Oaks (R) 902,758 64.5% Neil Hansen (D) 420,883 30.1% 76,212 [+] 5.4% 1,399,853
2020 AG 62% Sean Reyes* (R) 878,853 60.6% Greg Skordas (D) 489,499 33.7% 82,444 [+] 5.7% 1,450,796
2020 AUD 57% John Dougall* (R) 1,000,846 74.8% Brian Fabbi (I) 173,644 13.0% 163,872 [+] 12.2% 1,338,362
2020 LG 0% Deidre Henderson (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2020 TRE 57% David Damschen* (R) 994,115 74.6% Joe Speciale (Lbt) 198,549 14.9% 140,466 [+] 10.5% 1,333,130
2016 AG 52% Sean Reyes* (R) 719,064 65.4% Jon Harper (D) 275,571 25.1% 104,662 [+] 9.5% 1,099,297
2016 AUD 51% John Dougall* (R) 679,675 63.2% Mike Mitchell (D) 329,625 30.7% 65,692 [+] 6.1% 1,074,992
2016 LG 0% Spencer Cox* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2016 TRE 51% David Damschen* (R) 652,725 61.2% Neil Hansen (D) 337,997 31.7% 75,365 [+] 7.1% 1,066,087
2014 AG sp 28% Sean Reyes* (R) 355,275 63.1% Charles Stormont (D) 151,967 27.0% 56,163 [+] 10.0% 563,405
2012 AG 50% John Swallow (R) 638,492 64.7% Dee Smith (D) 295,317 29.9% 53,018 [+] 5.4% 986,827
2012 AUD 49% John Dougall (R) 634,373 65.5% Mark Sage (D) 284,238 29.3% 50,489 [+] 5.2% 969,100
2012 LG 0% Gregory Bell* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2012 TRE 49% Richard Ellis* (R) 649,061 67.0% Christopher Stout (D) 270,638 27.9% 49,321 [+] 5.1% 969,020
2010 LG sp 0% Gregory Bell* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2008 AG 52% Mark Shurtleff* (R) 650,147 69.3% Jean Hill (D) 249,492 26.6% 38,231 [+] 4.1% 937,870
2008 AUD 50% Auston Johnson* (R) 527,381 58.4% Clare Collard (D) 285,417 31.6% 89,792 [+] 9.9% 902,590
2008 LG 0% Gary Herbert* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2008 TRE 50% Richard Ellis (R) 604,091 66.7% Dick Clark (D) 302,247 33.3% 0 0.0% 906,338
2004 AG 53% Mark Shurtleff* (R) 607,393 68.5% Greg Skordas (D) 250,820 28.3% 28,202 [+] 3.2% 886,415
2004 AUD 53% Auston Johnson* (R) 546,664 62.7% Carlos Vasquez (D) 248,960 28.5% 76,792 [+] 8.8% 872,416
2004 LG 0% Gary Herbert (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2004 TRE 52% Edward Alter* (R) 530,030 61.4% Debbie Hansen (D) 285,687 33.1% 47,696 [+] 5.5% 863,413
2000 AG 50% Mark Shurtleff (R) 435,988 57.5% Reed Richards (D) 299,683 39.5% 22,273 [+] 2.9% 757,944
2000 LG 0% Olene Walker* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2000 TRE 42% Edward Alter* (R) 532,372 82.9% Hugh Butler (Lbt) 81,697 12.7% 27,778 [+] 4.3% 641,847
1996 AG 52% Jan Graham* (D) 351,523 52.4% Scott Burns (R) 308,698 46.0% 10,436 [+] 1.6% 670,657
1996 AUD 49% Auston Johnson (R) 366,441 58.0% Karen Truman (D) 264,896 42.0% 0 0.0% 631,337
1996 LG 0% Olene Walker* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1996 TRE 50% Edward Alter* (R) 369,586 57.4% D'Arcy Pignanelli (D) 251,431 39.0% 23,369 [+] 3.6% 644,386
1992 AG 64% Jan Graham (D) 364,119 49.2% Scott Burns (R) 358,766 48.4% 17,690 [+] 2.4% 740,575
1992 AUD 60% Tom Allen* (R) 437,982 62.6% Harold Black (D) 261,884 37.4% 0 0.0% 699,866
1992 LG 0% Olene Walker (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1992 TRE 62% Edward Alter* (R) 354,932 49.4% Arthur Monson (D) 316,798 44.1% 46,960 [+] 6.5% 718,690
1988 AG 59% Paul Van Dam (D) 329,656 52.2% David Wilkinson* (R) 301,438 47.8% 0 0.0% 631,094
1988 AUD 56% Tom Allen* (R) 367,240 61.8% Arthur Miller (D) 227,207 38.2% 0 0.0% 594,447
1988 LG 0% Val Oveson* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1988 TRE 57% Edward Alter* (R) 328,380 54.0% Arthur Monson (D) 279,972 46.0% 0 0.0% 608,352
1984 AG 60% David Wilkinson* (R) 414,096 68.7% Joseph Tesch (D) 188,781 31.3% 0 0.0% 602,877
1984 AUD 59% Tom Allen (R) 406,871 69.3% Sterrett Neale (D) 179,836 30.7% 0 0.0% 586,707
1984 LG 0% Val Oveson (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1984 TRE 60% Edward Alter* (R) 380,402 63.5% Brian Moss (D) 218,443 36.5% 0 0.0% 598,845
1980 AG 63% David Wilkinson (R) 358,941 61.3% Jim McConkie (D) 226,412 38.7% 0 0.0% 585,353
1980 AUD 62% Val Oveson (R) 341,034 59.3% Linn Baker (D) 234,491 40.7% 0 0.0% 575,525
1980 LG 0% David Monson* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1980 TRE 61% Edward Alter (R) 363,061 63.7% Leonard McDonald (D) 207,335 36.3% 0 0.0% 570,396
1976 AG 65% Robert Hansen (R) 312,895 59.6% Gilbert Athay (D) 211,998 40.4% 0 0.0% 524,893
1976 AUD 64% Richard Jensen (R) 302,182 58.5% Robert Swan (D) 214,414 41.5% 0 0.0% 516,596
1976 LG 65% David Monson (R) 298,484 57.0% David Duncan (D) 225,568 43.0% 0 0.0% 524,052
1976 TRE 63% Linn Baker (D) 266,469 51.8% Stanford Darger (R) 248,370 48.2% 0 0.0% 514,839
1972 AG 64% Vernon Romney* (R) 295,878 63.2% Thorpe Waddingham (D) 172,446 36.8% 0 0.0% 468,324
1972 AUD 41% David Monson (R) 155,083 51.4% Linn Baker (D) 146,775 48.6% 0 0.0% 301,858
1972 TRE 63% David Duncan (D) 238,636 51.7% Sid Lambourne (R) 222,648 48.3% 0 0.0% 461,284
1968 AG 76% Vernon Romney (R) 215,527 51.6% John Creer (D) 202,452 48.4% 0 0.0% 417,979
1968 AUD 75% Sherman Preece (R) 219,947 53.1% Linn Baker (D) 194,370 46.9% 0 0.0% 414,317
1968 TRE 75% Golden Allen (R) 213,295 51.4% Sharp Larsen (D) 201,408 48.6% 0 0.0% 414,703
1964 AG 77% Phil Hansen (D) 210,830 53.3% Pratt Kesler (R) 185,023 46.7% 0 0.0% 395,853
1964 AUD 76% Sharp Larsen (D) 226,849 57.8% Robert Edwards (R) 165,774 42.2% 0 0.0% 392,623
1964 TRE 76% Linn Baker (D) 214,053 54.3% Sid Lambourne (R) 180,337 45.7% 0 0.0% 394,390
1960 AG 77% Walter Budge (R) 184,921 50.3% William Henderson (D) 182,851 49.7% 0 0.0% 367,772
1960 AUD 77% Sherman Preece (R) 188,678 51.3% Louis Holley (D) 178,813 48.7% 0 0.0% 367,491
1960 TRE 77% Sharp Larsen (D) 185,626 50.5% Sid Lambourne (R) 181,692 49.5% 0 0.0% 367,318
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines
Type: AG: Attorney General; AUD: Auditor; LG: Lt. Governor; SOS: Secretary of State; TRE: Treasurer
italics: special election

Voter Registration Data for Utah

Click on the Year to display registration data in the map

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2022 1,689,918 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,689,918 100.0% n/a n/a 69%
2020 1,682,512 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,682,512 100.0% n/a n/a 69%
2018 1,433,498 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,433,498 100.0% n/a n/a 62%
2016 1,405,275 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,405,275 100.0% n/a n/a 63%
2014 1,249,654 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,249,654 100.0% n/a n/a 59%
2012 1,283,526 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,283,526 100.0% n/a n/a 64%
2010 1,267,250 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,267,250 100.0% n/a n/a 67%
2008 1,432,525 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,432,525 100.0% n/a n/a 79%
2006 1,302,405 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,302,405 100.0% n/a n/a 75%
2004 1,278,251 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,278,251 100.0% n/a n/a 77%
2002 1,135,492 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,135,492 100.0% n/a n/a 71%
2000 1,123,238 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,123,238 100.0% n/a n/a 74%
1994 921,981 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 921,981 100.0% n/a n/a 73%
1986 763,057 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 763,057 100.0% n/a n/a 74%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.

Partisan Legislative Composition for Utah

YearU.S. House
2022 4 0 0
2020 4 0 0
2018 3 1 0
2016 4 0 0
2014 4 0 0
2012 3 1 0
2010 2 1 0
2008 2 1 0
2006 2 1 0
2004 2 1 0
2002 2 1 0
2000 2 1 0
1998 3 0 0
1996 3 0 0
1994 2 1 0
1992 1 2 0
1990 1 2 0
1988 2 1 0
1986 2 1 0
1984 3 0 0
1982 3 0 0
1980 2 0 0
1978 1 1 0
1976 1 1 0
1974 0 2 0
1972 0 2 0
1970 1 1 0
1968 2 0 0
1966 2 0 0
1964 1 1 0
1962 2 0 0
1960 0 2 0
1958 1 1 0
1956 2 0 0
1954 2 0 0
1952 2 0 0
1950 0 2 0
1948 0 2 0
1946 1 1 0
1944 0 2 0
1942 0 2 0
1940 0 2 0
1938 0 2 0
1936 0 2 0
YearState Senate
2022 23 6 0
2020 23 6 0
2018 23 6 0
2016 24 5 0
2014 24 5 0
2012 24 5 0
2010 22 7 0
2008 21 8 0
2006 21 8 0
2004 21 8 0
2002 22 7 0
2000 20 9 0
1998 18 11 0
1996 20 9 0
1994 19 10 0
1992 18 11 0
1990 19 10 0
1988 22 7 0
1986 21 8 0
1984 23 6 0
1982 24 5 0
1980 22 7 0
1978 19 10 0
1976 12 17 0
1974 14 15 0
1972 16 13 0
1970 16 12 0
1968 20 8 0
1966 23 5 0
1964 12 15 0
1962 13 12 0
1960 11 14 0
1958 13 12 0
1956 15 10 0
1954 16 7 0
1952 15 8 0
1950 7 16 0
1948 11 12 0
1946 11 12 0
1944 5 18 0
1942 6 17 0
1940 4 19 0
1938 2 21 0
1936 1 22 0
YearState House
2022 61 14 0
2020 58 17 0
2018 59 16 0
2016 62 13 0
2014 63 12 0
2012 61 14 0
2010 58 17 0
2008 53 22 0
2006 55 20 0
2004 56 19 0
2002 56 19 0
2000 51 24 0
1998 54 21 0
1996 55 20 0
1994 55 20 0
1992 49 26 0
1990 44 31 0
1988 47 28 0
1986 48 27 0
1984 62 13 0
1982 59 16 0
1980 58 17 0
1978 51 24 0
1976 40 35 0
1974 35 40 0
1972 44 31 0
1970 29 40 0
1968 48 21 0
1966 59 10 0
1964 30 39 0
1962 34 30 0
1960 28 36 0
1958 22 42 0
1956 39 24 1
1954 33 27 0
1952 39 21 0
1950 [1] 30 30 0
1948 19 41 0
1946 39 21 0
1944 15 45 0
1942 21 39 0
1940 16 44 0
1938 15 45 0
1936 4 56 0
The partisan breakdowns shown are ones which took effect following the general elections in the specified year.

[1] After a four-day standoff a power-sharing agreement was worked out between both parties, with Republicans gaining the Speakership under Clifton G.M. Kerr, and Democrats having control of four committees of their choosing, including the Appropriations Committee, with the other 34 committees alternating between the two parties for choice of control. As such, Democrats controlled 21 committees, and Republicans 17.

Source for state legislature data and notations: Wikipedia