
Counties in New York

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Districts in this state

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New York

2022 population: 19,677,151   ( 299,049 from 2010 , 524,079 from 2020)
Land area: 47123.4 square miles
Population density: 417.6 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:10,669,241 54.22% 5.6%
Black:2,837,50514.42% 1.9%
Indian:59,2520.30% 9.9%
Asian:1,861,1909.46% 31.9%
2+ races:382,8871.95% 17.4%
Hispanic:3,867,07619.65% 13.2%
Total non-White:9,007,91045.78% 11.6%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:471,030 11.7
Net Migration: -664,921-16.5
Net Immigration: 108,0362.7
Change in White population:-635,006 -3.3
Change in Non-White pop.:934,055 4.8

Historical Presidential Election Results for New York

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 54% Kamala Harris (D) 4,619,195 55.6% Donald Trump (R) 3,578,899 43.1% 102,448 [+] 1.2% 8,300,542 -7 5.34% 28
2020 54% Joe Biden (D) 5,244,488 60.8% Donald Trump* (R) 3,251,321 37.7% 134,050 [+] 1.6% 8,629,859 -9 5.44% 29
2016 50% Hillary Clinton (D) 4,556,142 59.0% Donald Trump (R) 2,819,557 36.5% 346,096 [+] 4.5% 7,721,795 -9 5.63% 29
2012 47% Barack Obama* (D) 4,485,877 63.3% Mitt Romney (R) 2,490,496 35.2% 105,163 [+] 1.5% 7,081,536 -12 5.48% 29
2008 52% Barack Obama (D) 4,804,945 62.9% John McCain (R) 2,752,771 36.0% 83,232 [+] 1.1% 7,640,948 -10 5.81% 31
2004 51% John Kerry (D) 4,314,280 58.4% George W. Bush* (R) 2,962,567 40.1% 115,107 [+] 1.6% 7,391,954 -11 6.04% 31
2000 48% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 4,113,791 60.2% George W. Bush (R) 2,405,676 35.2% 311,711 [+] 4.6% 6,831,178 -13 6.48% 33
1996 45% Bill Clinton* (D) 3,756,177 59.5% Robert Dole (R) 1,933,492 30.6% 626,460 [+] 9.9% 6,316,129 -10 6.56% 33
1992 50% Bill Clinton (D) 3,444,450 49.7% George Bush* (R) 2,346,649 33.9% 1,135,826 [+] 16.4% 6,926,925 -4 6.63% 33
1988 49% Michael Dukakis (D) 3,347,882 51.6% George Bush (R) 3,081,871 47.5% 55,930 [+] 0.9% 6,485,683 -6 7.08% 36
1984 52% Ronald Reagan* (R) 3,664,763 53.8% Walter Mondale (D) 3,119,609 45.8% 22,438 0.3% 6,806,810 -5 7.35% 36
1980 48% Ronald Reagan (R) 2,893,831 46.7% Jimmy Carter* (D) 2,728,372 44.0% 579,756 [+] 9.3% 6,201,959 -4 7.17% 41
1976 52% Jimmy Carter (D) 3,389,558 51.9% Gerald Ford* (R) 3,100,791 47.5% 44,071 [+] 0.7% 6,534,420 -1 8.01% 41
1972 57% Richard Nixon* (R) 4,192,778 58.5% George McGovern (D) 2,951,084 41.2% 22,057 [+] 0.3% 7,165,919 -2 9.22% 41
1968 58% Hubert Humphrey (D) 3,378,470 49.7% Richard Nixon (R) 3,007,932 44.3% 405,286 [+] 6.0% 6,791,688 1 9.28% 43
1964 63% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 4,913,102 68.6% Barry Goldwater (R) 2,243,559 31.3% 9,614 0.1% 7,166,275 -7 10.14% 43
1960 66% John Kennedy (D) 3,830,085 52.5% Richard Nixon (R) 3,446,419 47.3% 14,575 0.2% 7,291,079 -2 10.59% 45
1956 64% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 4,345,506 61.2% Adlai Stevenson (D) 2,747,944 38.7% 2,521 0.0% 7,095,971 4 11.44% 45
1952 67% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 3,952,813 55.5% Adlai Stevenson (D) 3,104,601 43.6% 70,825 1.0% 7,128,239 0 11.54% 45
1948 61% Thomas Dewey (R) 2,841,163 46.0% Harry Truman* (D) 2,780,204 45.0% 557,135 [+] 9.0% 6,178,502 1 12.66% 47
1944 65% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 3,304,238 52.3% Thomas Dewey (R) 2,987,647 47.3% 24,905 0.4% 6,316,790 1 13.17% 47
1940 67% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 3,251,918 51.6% Wendell Willkie (R) 3,027,478 48.0% 22,200 0.4% 6,301,596 3 12.63% 47
1936 66% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 3,293,222 58.8% Alf Landon (R) 2,180,670 39.0% 122,506 [+] 2.2% 5,596,398 2 12.26% 47
1932 57% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 2,534,959 54.1% Herbert Hoover* (R) 1,937,963 41.3% 215,692 [+] 4.6% 4,688,614 2 11.79% 47
1928 58% Herbert Hoover (R) 2,193,344 49.8% Al Smith (D) 2,089,863 47.4% 122,419 [+] 2.8% 4,405,626 -8 11.97% 45
1924 46% Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,820,058 55.8% John Davis (D) 950,796 29.1% 493,085 [+] 15.1% 3,263,939 2 11.22% 45
1920 44% Warren Harding (R) 1,871,167 64.6% James Cox (D) 781,238 27.0% 246,108 [+] 8.5% 2,898,513 4 10.82% 45
1916 28% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 869,066 50.9% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 759,426 44.5% 77,813 [+] 4.6% 1,706,305 5 9.20% 45
1912 27% Woodrow Wilson (D) 655,573 41.3% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 455,487 28.7% 477,255 [+] 30.0% 1,588,315 1 10.56% 45
1908 31% William Taft (R) 870,070 53.1% William J. Bryan (D) 667,460 40.7% 100,812 [+] 6.2% 1,638,342 2 11.00% 39
1904 33% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 859,533 53.1% Alton Parker (D) 683,981 42.3% 74,251 [+] 4.6% 1,617,765 -3 11.96% 39
1900 35% William McKinley* (R) 822,013 53.1% William J. Bryan (D) 678,462 43.8% 47,568 [+] 3.1% 1,548,043 2 11.08% 36
* incumbent         PUSV: percent of U.S. vote

2020 President, New York
Joe Biden (D) 5,244,488 60.8%
Donald Trump* (R) 3,251,321 37.7%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 60,371 0.7%
Other 73,679 0.9%
TOTAL 8,629,859
Turnout: 54% Diff (US): -9

2016 President, New York
Hillary Clinton (D) 4,556,142 59.0%
Donald Trump (R) 2,819,557 36.5%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 176,600 2.3%
Jill Stein (Grn) 107,937 1.4%
Evan McMullin (I) 10,413 0.1%
Other 51,146 0.7%
TOTAL 7,721,795
Turnout: 50% Diff (US): -9

2012 President, New York
Barack Obama* (D) 4,485,877 63.3%
Mitt Romney (R) 2,490,496 35.2%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 47,256 0.7%
Other 57,907 0.8%
TOTAL 7,081,536
Turnout: 47% Diff (US): -12

2008 President, New York
Barack Obama (D) 4,804,945 62.9%
John McCain (R) 2,752,771 36.0%
Ralph Nader (I) 41,249 0.5%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 19,596 0.3%
Other 22,387 0.3%
TOTAL 7,640,948
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): -10

2004 President, New York
George W. Bush* (R) 2,962,567 40.1%
John Kerry (D) 4,314,280 58.4%
Ralph Nader (I) 99,873 1.4%
Other 15,234 0.2%
TOTAL 7,391,954
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): -11

2000 President, New York
George W. Bush (R) 2,405,676 35.2%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 4,113,791 60.2%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 244,398 3.6%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 31,659 0.5%
Other 35,654 0.5%
TOTAL 6,831,178
Turnout: 48% Diff (US): -13

1996 President, New York
Bill Clinton* (D) 3,756,177 59.5%
Robert Dole (R) 1,933,492 30.6%
Ross Perot (Ref) 503,458 8.0%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 75,956 1.2%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 12,220 0.2%
Other 34,826 0.6%
TOTAL 6,316,129
Turnout: 45% Diff (US): -10

1992 President, New York
Bill Clinton (D) 3,444,450 49.7%
George Bush* (R) 2,346,649 33.9%
Ross Perot (I) 1,090,721 15.7%
Other 45,105 0.7%
TOTAL 6,926,925
Turnout: 50% Diff (US): -4

1988 President, New York
George Bush (R) 3,081,871 47.5%
Michael Dukakis (D) 3,347,882 51.6%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 12,109 0.2%
Other 43,821 0.7%
TOTAL 6,485,683
Turnout: 49% Diff (US): -6

1984 President, New York
Ronald Reagan* (R) 3,664,763 53.8%
Walter Mondale (D) 3,119,609 45.8%
Other 22,438 0.3%
TOTAL 6,806,810
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): -5

1980 President, New York
Ronald Reagan (R) 2,893,831 46.7%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 2,728,372 44.0%
John Anderson (I) 467,801 7.5%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 52,648 0.8%
Other 59,307 1.0%
TOTAL 6,201,959
Turnout: 48% Diff (US): -4

1976 President, New York
Jimmy Carter (D) 3,389,558 51.9%
Gerald Ford* (R) 3,100,791 47.5%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 4,303 0.1%
Other 39,768 0.6%
TOTAL 6,534,420
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): -1

1972 President, New York
Richard Nixon* (R) 4,192,778 58.5%
George McGovern (D) 2,951,084 41.2%
Other 22,057 0.3%
TOTAL 7,165,919
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): -2

1968 President, New York
Richard Nixon (R) 3,007,932 44.3%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 3,378,470 49.7%
George Wallace (AIP) 358,864 5.3%
Other 46,422 0.7%
TOTAL 6,791,688
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 1

1964 President, New York
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 4,913,102 68.6%
Barry Goldwater (R) 2,243,559 31.3%
Other 9,614 0.1%
TOTAL 7,166,275
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): -7

1960 President, New York
John Kennedy (D) 3,830,085 52.5%
Richard Nixon (R) 3,446,419 47.3%
Other 14,575 0.2%
TOTAL 7,291,079
Turnout: 66% Diff (US): -2

1956 President, New York
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 4,345,506 61.2%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 2,747,944 38.7%
Other 2,521 0.0%
TOTAL 7,095,971
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): 4

1952 President, New York
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 3,952,813 55.5%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 3,104,601 43.6%
Other 70,825 1.0%
TOTAL 7,128,239
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): 0

1948 President, New York
Harry Truman* (D) 2,780,204 45.0%
Thomas Dewey (R) 2,841,163 46.0%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 509,559 8.2%
Other 47,576 0.8%
TOTAL 6,178,502
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): 1

1944 President, New York
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 3,304,238 52.3%
Thomas Dewey (R) 2,987,647 47.3%
Other 24,905 0.4%
TOTAL 6,316,790
Turnout: 65% Diff (US): 1

1940 President, New York
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 3,251,918 51.6%
Wendell Willkie (R) 3,027,478 48.0%
Other 22,200 0.4%
TOTAL 6,301,596
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): 3

1936 President, New York
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 3,293,222 58.8%
Alf Landon (R) 2,180,670 39.0%
William Lemke (Union) 86,897 1.6%
Other 35,609 0.6%
TOTAL 5,596,398
Turnout: 66% Diff (US): 2

1932 President, New York
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 2,534,959 54.1%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 1,937,963 41.3%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 177,397 3.8%
Other 38,295 0.8%
TOTAL 4,688,614
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): 2

1928 President, New York
Herbert Hoover (R) 2,193,344 49.8%
Al Smith (D) 2,089,863 47.4%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 107,332 2.4%
Other 15,087 0.3%
TOTAL 4,405,626
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): -8

1924 President, New York
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,820,058 55.8%
John Davis (D) 950,796 29.1%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 474,913 14.6%
Other 18,172 0.6%
TOTAL 3,263,939
Turnout: 46% Diff (US): 2

1920 President, New York
Warren Harding (R) 1,871,167 64.6%
James Cox (D) 781,238 27.0%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 203,201 7.0%
Parley Christiansen (FL) 18,413 0.6%
Aaron Watkins (Proh) 19,653 0.7%
Other 4,841 0.2%
TOTAL 2,898,513
Turnout: 44% Diff (US): 4

1916 President, New York
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 759,426 44.5%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 869,066 50.9%
Allan Benson (Soc) 45,944 2.7%
James Hanly (Proh) 19,031 1.1%
Other 12,838 0.8%
TOTAL 1,706,305
Turnout: 28% Diff (US): 5

1912 President, New York
Woodrow Wilson (D) 655,573 41.3%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 455,487 28.7%
William Taft* (R) 390,093 24.6%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 63,434 4.0%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 19,455 1.2%
Other 4,273 0.3%
TOTAL 1,588,315
Turnout: 27% Diff (US): 1

1908 President, New York
William Taft (R) 870,070 53.1%
William J. Bryan (D) 667,460 40.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 38,451 2.3%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 22,667 1.4%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 35,817 2.2%
Other 3,877 0.2%
TOTAL 1,638,342
Turnout: 31% Diff (US): 2

1904 President, New York
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 859,533 53.1%
Alton Parker (D) 683,981 42.3%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 36,883 2.3%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 20,787 1.3%
Thomas Watson (Pop) 7,459 0.5%
Other 9,122 0.6%
TOTAL 1,617,765
Turnout: 33% Diff (US): -3

1900 President, New York
William McKinley* (R) 822,013 53.1%
William J. Bryan (D) 678,462 43.8%
John Woolley (Proh) 22,077 1.4%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 12,869 0.8%
Other 12,622 0.8%
TOTAL 1,548,043
Turnout: 35% Diff (US): 2
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for New York

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2024 S1 52% Kirsten Gillibrand* (D,WF) 4,711,298 58.8% Michael Sapraicone (R,C) 3,246,114 40.5% 52,905 [+] 0.7% 8,010,317
2022 G 38% Kathy Hochul* (D,WF) 3,140,415 53.1% Lee Zeldin (R,C) 2,762,581 46.7% 9,290 0.2% 5,912,286
2022 S3 38% Charles Schumer* (D,WF) 3,320,561 56.7% Joe Pinion (R,C) 2,501,151 42.7% 30,995 [+] 0.5% 5,852,707
2018 G 39% Andrew Cuomo* (D,In+) 3,635,340 59.6% Marc Molinaro (R,C+) 2,207,602 36.2% 261,535 [+] 4.3% 6,104,477
2018 S1 39% Kirsten Gillibrand* (D,In+) 4,056,931 67.0% Chele Farley (R,C+) 1,998,220 33.0% 3,872 0.1% 6,059,023
2016 S3 48% Charles Schumer* (D,In+) 5,221,967 70.6% Wendy Long (R,C+) 2,009,380 27.2% 165,024 [+] 2.2% 7,396,371
2014 G 25% Andrew Cuomo* (D,In+) 2,069,480 54.2% Rob Astorino (R,C) 1,536,879 40.2% 212,925 [+] 5.6% 3,819,284
2012 S1 42% Kirsten Gillibrand* (D,In+) 4,511,045 71.5% Wendy Long (R,C) 1,700,640 27.0% 93,205 [+] 1.5% 6,304,890
2010 S3 31% Charles Schumer* (D,In+) 3,047,111 66.3% Jay Townsend (R,C) 1,479,724 32.2% 68,540 [+] 1.5% 4,595,375
2010 G 31% Andrew Cuomo (D,In+) 2,910,876 62.5% Carl Paladino (R,C) 1,547,857 33.2% 199,222 [+] 4.3% 4,657,955
2010 S1 30% Kirsten Gillibrand* (D,In+) 2,836,361 62.9% Joseph DioGuardi (R,C) 1,581,834 35.1% 88,431 [+] 2.0% 4,506,626
2006 G 31% Eliot Spitzer (D,In+) 3,086,709 69.6% John Faso (R,C) 1,274,335 28.7% 76,176 [+] 1.7% 4,437,220
2006 S1 31% Hillary Clinton* (D,In+) 3,008,428 67.0% John Spencer (R,C) 1,392,189 31.0% 89,436 [+] 2.0% 4,490,053
2004 S3 46% Charles Schumer* (D) 4,769,824 71.2% Howard Mills (R) 1,625,069 24.2% 307,982 [+] 4.6% 6,702,875
2002 G 32% George Pataki* (R,C) 2,262,255 49.4% Carl McCall (D,WF) 1,534,064 33.5% 782,759 [+] 17.1% 4,579,078
2000 S1 47% Hillary Clinton (D,L+) 3,747,310 55.3% Rick Lazio (R,C) 2,915,730 43.0% 116,799 [+] 1.7% 6,779,839
1998 G 33% George Pataki* (R,C) 2,571,991 54.3% Peter Vallone (D,WF) 1,570,317 33.2% 592,928 [+] 12.5% 4,735,236
1998 S3 33% Charles Schumer (D,L+) 2,551,065 54.6% Al D'Amato* (R,C+) 2,058,988 44.1% 60,752 [+] 1.3% 4,670,805
1994 G 37% George Pataki (R,C+) 2,538,702 48.7% Mario Cuomo* (D,L) 2,364,906 45.4% 305,156 [+] 5.9% 5,208,764
1994 S1 34% Daniel Patrick Moynihan* (D,L) 2,646,541 55.2% Bernadette Castro (R,C) 1,988,308 41.5% 159,752 [+] 3.3% 4,794,601
1992 S3 47% Al D'Amato* (R,C+) 3,166,994 49.0% Robert Abrams (D,L) 3,086,200 47.8% 205,632 [+] 3.2% 6,458,826
1990 G 30% Mario Cuomo* (D,L) 2,157,087 53.2% Pierre Rinfret (R) 865,948 21.3% 1,033,861 [+] 25.5% 4,056,896
1988 S1 46% Daniel Patrick Moynihan* (D,L) 4,048,649 67.0% Robert McMillan (R,C) 1,875,784 31.1% 116,547 [+] 1.9% 6,040,980
1986 G 33% Mario Cuomo* (D,L) 2,775,229 64.6% Andrew O'Rourke (R,C) 1,363,810 31.8% 155,085 [+] 3.6% 4,294,124
1986 S3 32% Al D'Amato* (R,C+) 2,378,197 56.9% Mark Green (D) 1,723,216 41.2% 78,034 [+] 1.9% 4,179,447
1982 S1 38% Daniel Patrick Moynihan* (D,L) 3,232,146 65.1% Florence Sullivan (R,C+) 1,696,766 34.2% 38,817 [+] 0.8% 4,967,729
1982 G 40% Mario Cuomo (D,L) 2,675,213 50.9% Lew Lehrman (R,C) 2,494,827 47.5% 84,851 [+] 1.6% 5,254,891
1980 S3 47% Al D'Amato (R,C+) 2,699,652 44.9% Liz Holtzman (D) 2,618,661 43.5% 696,601 [+] 11.6% 6,014,914
1978 G 40% Hugh Carey* (D,L) 2,429,272 50.9% Perry Duryea (R,C) 2,156,404 45.2% 183,144 [+] 3.8% 4,768,820
1976 S1 50% Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D,L) 3,422,594 54.2% James Buckley* (R,C) 2,836,633 44.9% 60,528 [+] 1.0% 6,319,755
1974 S3 43% Jacob Javits* (R,L) 2,340,188 45.3% Ramsey Clark (D) 1,973,781 38.2% 849,631 [+] 16.5% 5,163,600
1974 G 44% Hugh Carey (D,L) 3,028,503 57.2% Malcolm Wilson (R,C) 2,219,667 41.9% 45,006 [+] 0.9% 5,293,176
1970 S1 49% James Buckley (C) 2,288,190 38.8% Richard Ottinger (D) 2,171,232 36.8% 1,445,360 [+] 24.5% 5,904,782
1970 G 49% Nelson Rockefeller* (R) 3,151,432 52.4% Arthur Goldberg (D,L) 2,421,426 40.3% 440,209 [+] 7.3% 6,013,067
1968 S3 56% Jacob Javits* (R,L) 3,269,772 49.7% Paul O'Dwyer (D) 2,150,695 32.7% 1,161,120 [+] 17.6% 6,581,587
1966 G 52% Nelson Rockefeller* (R) 2,690,626 44.6% Frank O'Connor (D) 2,298,363 38.1% 1,042,596 [+] 17.3% 6,031,585
1964 S1 63% Robert Kennedy (D,L) 3,823,749 53.5% Kenneth Keating* (R) 3,104,056 43.4% 223,881 [+] 3.1% 7,151,686
1962 S3 51% Jacob Javits* (R) 3,272,417 57.4% James Donovan (D,L) 2,289,323 40.1% 141,377 [+] 2.5% 5,703,117
1962 G 52% Nelson Rockefeller* (R) 3,081,587 53.1% Robert Morgenthau (D,L) 2,552,418 44.0% 171,626 [+] 3.0% 5,805,631
1958 G 50% Nelson Rockefeller (R) 3,126,929 54.7% Averell Harriman* (D,L) 2,553,895 44.7% 31,841 [+] 0.6% 5,712,665
1958 S1 49% Kenneth Keating (R) 2,842,942 50.7% Frank Hogan (D,L) 2,709,950 48.4% 49,196 [+] 0.9% 5,602,088
1956 S3 63% Jacob Javits (R) 3,723,933 53.3% Robert Wagner (D,L) 3,265,159 46.7% 2,044 [+] 0.0% 6,991,136
1954 G 47% Averell Harriman (D,L) 2,560,738 49.6% Irving Ives (R) 2,549,613 49.4% 51,591 [+] 1.0% 5,161,942
1952 S1 66% Irving Ives* (R) 3,853,934 55.2% John Cashmore (D) 2,521,736 36.1% 604,573 [+] 8.7% 6,980,243
1950 S3 50% Herbert Lehman* (D,L) 2,632,313 50.3% Joe Hanley (R) 2,367,353 45.3% 228,737 [+] 4.4% 5,228,403
1950 G 51% Thomas Dewey* (R) 2,819,523 53.1% Walter Lynch (D,L) 2,246,855 42.3% 242,511 [+] 4.6% 5,308,889
1949 S3 49% Herbert Lehman (D,L) 2,582,438 52.0% John Foster Dulles (R) 2,384,381 48.0% 0 0.0% 4,966,819
1946 S1 49% Irving Ives (R) 2,559,365 52.6% Herbert Lehman (D,L+) 2,308,112 47.4% 0 0.0% 4,867,477
1946 G 50% Thomas Dewey* (R) 2,825,633 56.9% James Mead (D,L+) 2,138,482 43.1% 0 0.0% 4,964,115
1944 S3 64% Robert Wagner* (D,L+) 3,294,576 53.1% Thomas Curran (R) 2,899,497 46.7% 15,244 [+] 0.2% 6,209,317
1942 G 43% Thomas Dewey (R) 2,148,546 52.1% John Bennett (D) 1,501,039 36.4% 474,304 [+] 11.5% 4,123,889
1940 S1 66% James Mead* (D,AL) 3,274,766 53.3% Bruce Barton (R) 2,868,852 46.7% 4,944 [+] 0.1% 6,148,562
1938 S1 53% James Mead (D,AL) 2,438,904 53.6% Edward Corsi (R,Prog) 2,083,666 45.8% 27,161 [+] 0.6% 4,549,731
1938 S3 53% Robert Wagner* (D,AL) 2,497,029 54.5% John O'Brien (R,Prog) 2,058,615 44.9% 27,404 [+] 0.6% 4,583,048
1938 G 55% Herbert Lehman* (D,AL) 2,391,331 50.4% Thomas Dewey (R,Prog) 2,326,892 49.0% 28,541 [+] 0.6% 4,746,764
1936 G 65% Herbert Lehman* (D,AL) 2,970,595 53.5% William Bleakley (R) 2,450,105 44.1% 136,639 [+] 2.5% 5,557,339
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election

Other Statewide Election Results for New York

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022 AG 38% Letitia James* (D,WF) 3,168,256 54.6% Michael Henry (R,C) 2,631,301 45.3% 3,073 0.1% 5,802,630
2022 CMP 37% Thomas DiNapoli* (D,WF) 3,305,112 57.3% Paul Rodriguez (R,C) 2,463,404 42.7% 2,880 0.0% 5,771,396
2022 LG 0% Antonio Delgado* (D,WF) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2018 AG 38% Letitia James (D,WF) 3,739,239 62.4% Keith Wofford (R,C) 2,108,600 35.2% 145,678 [+] 2.4% 5,993,517
2018 CMP 39% Thomas DiNapoli* (D,WF+) 4,027,886 66.9% Jonathan Trichter (R,C) 1,882,958 31.3% 106,104 [+] 1.8% 6,016,948
2018 LG 0% Kathy Hochul* (D,WF+) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2014 AG 24% Eric Schneiderman* (D,WF) 2,069,956 55.7% John Cahill (R,C) 1,538,990 41.4% 106,590 [+] 2.9% 3,715,536
2014 CMP 24% Thomas DiNapoli* (D,WF+) 2,233,057 60.1% Robert Antonacci (R,C) 1,354,643 36.5% 125,686 [+] 3.4% 3,713,386
2014 LG 0% Kathy Hochul (D,WF+) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2010 AG 30% Eric Schneiderman (D,WF) 2,477,438 55.8% Dan Donovan (R,C) 1,909,525 43.0% 55,716 [+] 1.3% 4,442,679
2010 CMP 30% Thomas DiNapoli* (D,WF) 2,271,666 50.8% Harry Wilson (R,C+) 2,069,427 46.3% 133,293 [+] 3.0% 4,474,386
2010 LG 0% Robert Duffy (D,WF) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2006 AG 30% Andrew Cuomo (D,WF) 2,509,311 58.3% Jeanine Pirro (R,C+) 1,692,580 39.3% 101,459 [+] 2.4% 4,303,350
2006 CMP 28% Alan Hevesi* (D,WF) 2,349,578 56.8% Christopher Callaghan (R,C) 1,612,270 39.0% 173,125 [+] 4.2% 4,134,973
2006 LG 0% David Paterson (D,In+) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2002 AG 29% Eliot Spitzer* (D,L+) 2,744,302 66.4% Dora Irizarry (R,C) 1,234,899 29.9% 152,236 [+] 3.7% 4,131,437
2002 CMP 29% Alan Hevesi (D,L+) 2,095,913 50.4% John Faso (R,C+) 1,933,104 46.5% 128,470 [+] 3.1% 4,157,487
2002 LG 0% Mary Donohue* (R,C+) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1998 AG 30% Eliot Spitzer (D,L) 2,084,948 48.2% Dennis Vacco* (R,C) 2,059,762 47.6% 180,686 [+] 4.2% 4,325,396
1998 CMP 31% Carl McCall* (D,L+) 2,862,903 64.8% Bruce Blakeman (R,C) 1,423,086 32.2% 135,263 [+] 3.1% 4,421,252
1998 LG 0% Mary Donohue (R,C) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1994 AG 33% Dennis Vacco (R,C) 2,294,528 49.3% Karen Burstein (D,L) 2,206,188 47.4% 155,767 [+] 3.3% 4,656,483
1994 CMP 33% Carl McCall* (D,L) 2,404,404 51.8% Herb London (R,C+) 2,155,759 46.4% 81,865 [+] 1.8% 4,642,028
1994 LG 0% Betsy McCaughey (R,C+) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1990 AG 28% Robert Abrams* (D,L) 2,404,791 62.7% Bernard Smith (R,C) 1,229,318 32.1% 199,191 [+] 5.2% 3,833,300
1990 CMP 29% Ned Regan* (R,C) 1,942,911 49.2% Carol Bellamy (D,L) 1,841,826 46.7% 160,706 [+] 4.1% 3,945,443
1990 LG 0% Stan Lundine* (D,L) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1986 AG 30% Robert Abrams* (D,L) 2,548,386 65.1% Peter King (R,C+) 1,344,344 34.4% 20,100 [+] 0.5% 3,912,830
1986 CMP 30% Ned Regan* (R,C) 2,274,547 57.2% Herman Badillo (D,L) 1,593,174 40.1% 108,683 [+] 2.7% 3,976,404
1986 LG 0% Stan Lundine (D,L) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1982 AG 36% Robert Abrams* (D,L) 3,056,950 64.4% Frances Sclafani (R,C) 1,560,474 32.9% 126,282 [+] 2.7% 4,743,706
1982 CMP 36% Ned Regan* (R,C) 2,714,832 57.2% Raymond Gallagher (D) 1,842,145 38.8% 186,187 [+] 3.9% 4,743,164
1982 LG 0% Alfred Del Bello (D,L) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1978 AG 37% Robert Abrams (D,L) 2,352,484 53.8% Michael Roth (R,C) 1,973,490 45.1% 48,108 [+] 1.1% 4,374,082
1978 CMP 38% Ned Regan (R,C) 2,286,885 51.0% Harrison Goldin (D,L) 2,148,801 47.9% 46,984 [+] 1.0% 4,482,670
1978 LG 0% Mario Cuomo (D,L) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1974 AG 42% Louis Lefkowitz* (R,L) 2,624,637 51.6% Robert Abrams (D) 2,189,654 43.1% 269,591 [+] 5.3% 5,083,882
1974 CMP 41% Arthur Levitt* (D,L) 3,300,140 67.7% Stephen May (R) 1,288,538 26.4% 285,516 [+] 5.9% 4,874,194
1974 LG 0% Mary Anne Krupsak (D,L) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1970 AG 45% Louis Lefkowitz* (R,L) 3,213,834 58.2% Adam Walinsky (D) 1,886,631 34.2% 423,475 [+] 7.7% 5,523,940
1970 CMP 45% Arthur Levitt* (D,L) 3,185,583 58.0% Ned Regan (R) 1,853,142 33.7% 457,563 [+] 8.3% 5,496,288
1970 LG 0% Malcolm Wilson* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1966 AG 49% Louis Lefkowitz* (R) 3,062,355 53.6% Frank Sedita (D) 2,033,981 35.6% 619,839 [+] 10.8% 5,716,175
1966 CMP 49% Arthur Levitt* (D,L) 3,497,349 61.2% Charles Lanigan (R) 1,861,450 32.6% 357,253 [+] 6.2% 5,716,052
1966 LG 0% Malcolm Wilson* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1962 AG 51% Louis Lefkowitz* (R) 3,111,072 55.2% Edward Dudley (D,L) 2,408,653 42.7% 120,550 [+] 2.1% 5,640,275
1962 CMP 51% Arthur Levitt* (D,L) 3,154,164 55.9% John Lomenzo (R) 2,363,102 41.9% 129,058 [+] 2.3% 5,646,324
1962 LG 0% Malcolm Wilson (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines
Type: AG: Attorney General; CMP: Comptroller; LG: Lt. Governor
italics: special election

Voter Registration Data for New York

Click on the Year to display registration data in the map

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2024 12,426,602 2,821,984 22.7% 5,946,567 47.9% 3,658,051 29.4% Dem +3,124,583 Dem +25.1% 82%
2022 12,124,242 2,695,984 22.2% 6,021,708 49.7% 3,406,550 28.1% Dem +3,325,724 Dem +27.4% 78%
2020 12,712,523 2,744,859 21.6% 6,189,227 48.7% 3,778,437 29.7% Dem +3,444,368 Dem +27.1% 82%
2018 11,574,222 2,633,776 22.8% 5,780,030 49.9% 3,160,416 27.3% Dem +3,146,254 Dem +27.2% 75%
2016 11,476,433 2,648,842 23.1% 5,665,105 49.4% 3,162,486 27.6% Dem +3,016,263 Dem +26.3% 75%
2014 10,827,434 2,584,405 23.9% 5,346,661 49.4% 2,896,368 26.8% Dem +2,762,256 Dem +25.5% 71%
2012 10,923,383 2,681,774 24.6% 5,402,018 49.5% 2,839,591 26.0% Dem +2,720,244 Dem +24.9% 72%
2010 10,680,536 2,693,919 25.2% 5,277,865 49.4% 2,708,752 25.4% Dem +2,583,946 Dem +24.2% 71%
2008 10,816,500 2,789,863 25.8% 5,243,960 48.5% 2,782,677 25.7% Dem +2,454,097 Dem +22.7% 73%
2006 10,236,727 2,806,866 27.4% 4,842,836 47.3% 2,587,025 25.3% Dem +2,035,970 Dem +19.9% 69%
2004 11,837,068 3,209,082 27.1% 5,534,574 46.8% 3,093,412 26.1% Dem +2,325,492 Dem +19.6% 81%
2002 11,246,362 3,132,161 27.9% 5,255,341 46.7% 2,858,860 25.4% Dem +2,123,180 Dem +18.9% 78%
2000 11,262,816 3,171,034 28.2% 5,243,617 46.6% 2,848,165 25.3% Dem +2,072,583 Dem +18.4% 79%
1998 10,551,375 3,083,550 29.2% 4,923,893 46.7% 2,543,932 24.1% Dem +1,840,343 Dem +17.4% 74%
1994 8,818,491 2,708,791 30.7% 4,140,794 47.0% 1,968,906 22.3% Dem +1,432,003 Dem +16.2% 63%
1986 8,078,779 2,713,267 33.6% 3,882,625 48.1% 1,482,887 18.4% Dem +1,169,358 Dem +14.5% 60%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.

Partisan Legislative Composition for New York

YearU.S. House
2024 7 19 0
2022 11 15 0
2020 8 19 0
2018 6 21 0
2016 9 18 0
2014 9 18 0
2012 6 21 0
2010 8 21 0
2008 3 26 0
2006 6 23 0
2004 9 20 0
2002 10 19 0
2000 12 19 0
1998 13 18 0
1996 13 18 0
1994 14 17 0
1992 13 18 0
1990 13 21 0
1988 13 21 0
1986 14 20 0
1984 15 19 0
1982 14 20 0
1980 17 22 0
1978 13 26 0
1976 11 28 0
1974 12 27 0
1972 17 22 0
1970 17 24 0
1968 15 26 0
1966 15 26 0
1964 14 27 0
1962 21 20 0
1960 21 22 0
1958 24 19 0
1956 26 17 0
1954 26 17 0
1952 27 16 0
1950 22 23 0
1948 20 24 1
1946 28 17 0
1944 21 24 0
1942 21 24 0
1940 20 25 0
1938 20 25 0
1936 17 28 0
YearState Senate
2024 22 41 0
2022 21 42 0
2020 20 43 0
2018 22 40 0
2016 [1] 31 32 0
2014 [2] 31 32 0
2012 [3] 30 33 0
2010 32 30 0
2008 30 32 0
2006 33 29 0
2004 35 27 0
2002 37 25 0
2000 36 25 0
1998 35 26 0
1996 35 26 0
1994 36 25 0
1992 35 26 0
1990 35 26 0
1988 34 27 0
1986 35 26 0
1984 35 26 0
1982 35 26 0
1980 35 25 0
1978 35 25 0
1976 35 25 0
1974 34 26 0
1972 37 23 0
1970 32 25 0
1968 33 24 0
1966 31 26 0
1965 37 28 0
1964 25 33 0
1962 33 25 0
1960 33 25 0
1958 34 24 0
1956 38 20 0
1954 34 24 0
1952 37 19 0
1950 32 23 1
1948 31 25 0
1946 41 14 1
1944 35 21 0
1942 31 20 0
1940 30 21 0
1938 27 24 0
1936 22 29 0
YearState House
2024 47 103 0
2022 48 102 0
2020 [4] 46 103 1
2018 [5] 43 106 1
2016 [6] 43 106 1
2014 [7] 43 105 2
2012 [8] 44 105 1
2010 [9] 51 98 1
2008 [10] 41 107 2
2006 [11] 42 106 2
2004 46 104 0
2002 48 102 0
2000 52 98 0
1998 52 98 0
1996 55 95 0
1994 55 95 0
1992 50 100 0
1990 55 95 0
1988 58 92 0
1986 58 92 0
1984 [12] 56 92 2
1982 52 98 0
1980 [13] 64 85 1
1978 64 86 0
1976 60 90 0
1974 62 88 0
1972 [14] 83 66 1
1970 [15] 77 70 3
1968 [16] 76 72 2
1966 70 80 0
1965 75 90 0
1964 62 88 0
1962 85 65 0
1960 84 66 0
1958 92 58 0
1956 96 54 0
1954 90 60 0
1952 98 52 0
1950 87 63 0
1948 87 63 0
1946 109 40 1
1944 94 55 1
1942 90 59 1
1940 87 62 1
1938 85 64 1
1936 76 74 0
The partisan breakdowns shown are ones which took effect following the general elections in the specified year.

[1] Members of the Independent Democratic Conference, along with one other Democratic Senator, Simcha Felder, formed a power-sharing deal with the Republicans.
[2] Members of the Independent Democratic Conference, along with one other Democratic Senator, Simcha Felder, formed a power-sharing deal with the Republicans.
[3] Members of the Independent Democratic Conference, along with one other Democratic Senator, Simcha Felder, formed a power-sharing deal with the Republicans.
[4] The member of the Independence party caucused with Democrats; he formally joined the Democratic Party on May 5, 2022 (43 R, 107 D).
[5] The member of the Independence party caucused with Democrats.
[6] The member of the Independence party caucused with Democrats.
[7] The member of the Independence party caucused with Democrats; the member of the Conservative Party caucused with Republicans.
[8] The member of the Independence party caucused with Democrats.
[9] The member of the Independence party caucused with Democrats.
[10] Members of the Independence and Working Families parties caucused with Democrats.
[11] Members of the Independence and Working Families parties caucused with Democrats.
[12] Two members of the Liberal party caucused with Democrats.
[13] The member of the Liberal party caucused with Democrats.
[14] The Conservative members caucused with the Republicans.
[15] Two Conservative members caucused with the Republicans. John J. Walsh, a registered Democrat, ran for re-election on the ticket of an "Upper Manhattan Apartment Building Party", and defeated the regular Democratic candidate Edward H. Lehner.
[16] Two Conservative member(s) caucused with the Republicans.

Source for state legislature data and notations: Wikipedia