
Counties in New Mexico

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New Mexico

2022 population: 2,113,344   ( 54,165 from 2010 , 4,183 from 2020)
Land area: 121312.2 square miles
Population density: 17.4 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:754,687 35.71% 9.5%
Black:41,6371.97% 17.4%
Indian:185,0938.76% 5.5%
Asian:37,0871.75% 34.6%
2+ races:34,9751.65% 17.2%
Hispanic:1,059,86550.15% 11.2%
Total non-White:1,358,65764.29% 10.9%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:47,605 11.2
Net Migration: -5,058-1.2
Net Immigration: 8,3112.0
Change in White population:-79,123 -3.8
Change in Non-White pop.:133,288 6.5

Historical Presidential Election Results for New Mexico

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 57% Kamala Harris (D) 478,802 51.9% Donald Trump (R) 423,391 45.9% 21,210 [+] 2.3% 923,403 -4 0.59% 5
2020 57% Joe Biden (D) 501,614 54.3% Donald Trump* (R) 401,894 43.5% 20,457 [+] 2.2% 923,965 -3 0.58% 5
2016 51% Hillary Clinton (D) 385,234 48.3% Donald Trump (R) 319,667 40.0% 93,418 [+] 11.7% 798,319 -6 0.58% 5
2012 51% Barack Obama* (D) 415,335 53.0% Mitt Romney (R) 335,788 42.8% 32,634 [+] 4.2% 783,757 -4 0.61% 5
2008 57% Barack Obama (D) 472,422 56.9% John McCain (R) 346,832 41.8% 10,904 [+] 1.3% 830,158 -4 0.63% 5
2004 55% George W. Bush* (R) 376,930 49.8% John Kerry (D) 370,942 49.0% 8,432 [+] 1.1% 756,304 -1 0.62% 5
2000 46% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 286,783 47.9% George W. Bush (R) 286,417 47.8% 25,405 [+] 4.2% 598,605 0 0.57% 5
1996 46% Bill Clinton* (D) 273,495 49.2% Robert Dole (R) 232,751 41.9% 49,828 [+] 9.0% 556,074 1 0.58% 5
1992 51% Bill Clinton (D) 261,617 45.9% George Bush* (R) 212,824 37.3% 95,545 [+] 16.8% 569,986 0 0.55% 5
1988 51% George Bush (R) 270,341 51.9% Michael Dukakis (D) 244,497 46.9% 6,449 [+] 1.2% 521,287 -2 0.57% 5
1984 54% Ronald Reagan* (R) 307,101 59.7% Walter Mondale (D) 201,769 39.2% 5,500 1.1% 514,370 1 0.56% 5
1980 51% Ronald Reagan (R) 250,779 54.9% Jimmy Carter* (D) 167,826 36.7% 38,366 [+] 8.4% 456,971 4 0.53% 4
1976 55% Gerald Ford* (R) 211,419 50.5% Jimmy Carter (D) 201,148 48.1% 5,842 [+] 1.4% 418,409 3 0.51% 4
1972 55% Richard Nixon* (R) 235,606 61.0% George McGovern (D) 141,084 36.5% 9,551 [+] 2.5% 386,241 0 0.50% 4
1968 61% Richard Nixon (R) 169,692 51.8% Hubert Humphrey (D) 130,081 39.7% 27,577 [+] 8.4% 327,350 8 0.45% 4
1964 63% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 194,015 59.0% Barry Goldwater (R) 132,838 40.4% 1,792 0.5% 328,645 2 0.47% 4
1960 62% John Kennedy (D) 156,027 50.2% Richard Nixon (R) 153,733 49.4% 1,347 0.4% 311,107 0 0.45% 4
1956 55% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 146,788 57.8% Adlai Stevenson (D) 106,098 41.8% 1,040 0.4% 253,926 0 0.41% 4
1952 59% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 132,170 55.4% Adlai Stevenson (D) 105,661 44.3% 777 0.3% 238,608 0 0.39% 4
1948 54% Harry Truman* (D) 105,464 56.4% Thomas Dewey (R) 80,303 42.9% 1,296 [+] 0.7% 187,063 -2 0.38% 4
1944 48% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 81,389 53.5% Thomas Dewey (R) 70,688 46.4% 148 0.1% 152,225 1 0.32% 4
1940 64% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 103,699 56.6% Wendell Willkie (R) 79,315 43.3% 244 0.1% 183,258 -2 0.37% 3
1936 67% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 106,037 62.7% Alf Landon (R) 61,727 36.5% 1,372 [+] 0.8% 169,136 0 0.37% 3
1932 66% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 95,089 62.7% Herbert Hoover* (R) 54,217 35.8% 2,300 [+] 1.5% 151,606 -4 0.38% 3
1928 56% Herbert Hoover (R) 69,708 59.0% Al Smith (D) 48,211 40.8% 158 [+] 0.1% 118,077 1 0.32% 3
1924 57% Calvin Coolidge (R) 54,745 48.5% John Davis (D) 48,542 43.0% 9,543 [+] 8.5% 112,830 -5 0.39% 3
1920 57% Warren Harding (R) 57,634 54.7% James Cox (D) 46,668 44.3% 1,104 [+] 1.0% 105,406 -6 0.39% 3
1916 36% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 33,693 50.3% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 31,163 46.5% 2,111 [+] 3.2% 66,967 0 0.36% 3
1912 27% Woodrow Wilson (D) 20,437 41.4% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 17,733 35.9% 11,206 [+] 22.7% 49,376 -6 0.33% 3
* incumbent         PUSV: percent of U.S. vote

2020 President, New Mexico
Joe Biden (D) 501,614 54.3%
Donald Trump* (R) 401,894 43.5%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 12,585 1.4%
Other 7,872 0.9%
TOTAL 923,965
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): -3

2016 President, New Mexico
Hillary Clinton (D) 385,234 48.3%
Donald Trump (R) 319,667 40.0%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 74,541 9.3%
Jill Stein (Grn) 9,879 1.2%
Evan McMullin (I) 5,825 0.7%
Other 3,173 0.4%
TOTAL 798,319
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): -6

2012 President, New Mexico
Barack Obama* (D) 415,335 53.0%
Mitt Romney (R) 335,788 42.8%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 27,787 3.5%
Other 4,847 0.6%
TOTAL 783,757
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): -4

2008 President, New Mexico
Barack Obama (D) 472,422 56.9%
John McCain (R) 346,832 41.8%
Ralph Nader (I) 5,327 0.6%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 2,428 0.3%
Other 3,149 0.4%
TOTAL 830,158
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): -4

2004 President, New Mexico
George W. Bush* (R) 376,930 49.8%
John Kerry (D) 370,942 49.0%
Ralph Nader (I) 4,053 0.5%
Other 4,379 0.6%
TOTAL 756,304
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): -1

2000 President, New Mexico
George W. Bush (R) 286,417 47.8%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 286,783 47.9%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 21,251 3.6%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 1,392 0.2%
Other 2,762 0.5%
TOTAL 598,605
Turnout: 46% Diff (US): 0

1996 President, New Mexico
Bill Clinton* (D) 273,495 49.2%
Robert Dole (R) 232,751 41.9%
Ross Perot (Ref) 32,257 5.8%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 13,218 2.4%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 2,996 0.5%
Other 1,357 0.2%
TOTAL 556,074
Turnout: 46% Diff (US): 1

1992 President, New Mexico
Bill Clinton (D) 261,617 45.9%
George Bush* (R) 212,824 37.3%
Ross Perot (I) 91,895 16.1%
Other 3,650 0.6%
TOTAL 569,986
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): 0

1988 President, New Mexico
George Bush (R) 270,341 51.9%
Michael Dukakis (D) 244,497 46.9%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 3,268 0.6%
Other 3,181 0.6%
TOTAL 521,287
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): -2

1984 President, New Mexico
Ronald Reagan* (R) 307,101 59.7%
Walter Mondale (D) 201,769 39.2%
Other 5,500 1.1%
TOTAL 514,370
Turnout: 54% Diff (US): 1

1980 President, New Mexico
Ronald Reagan (R) 250,779 54.9%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 167,826 36.7%
John Anderson (I) 29,459 6.4%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 4,365 1.0%
Other 4,542 1.0%
TOTAL 456,971
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): 4

1976 President, New Mexico
Jimmy Carter (D) 201,148 48.1%
Gerald Ford* (R) 211,419 50.5%
Other 5,842 1.4%
TOTAL 418,409
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): 3

1972 President, New Mexico
Richard Nixon* (R) 235,606 61.0%
George McGovern (D) 141,084 36.5%
John Schmitz (Amer) 8,767 2.3%
Other 784 0.2%
TOTAL 386,241
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): 0

1968 President, New Mexico
Richard Nixon (R) 169,692 51.8%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 130,081 39.7%
George Wallace (AIP) 25,737 7.9%
Other 1,840 0.6%
TOTAL 327,350
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): 8

1964 President, New Mexico
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 194,015 59.0%
Barry Goldwater (R) 132,838 40.4%
Other 1,792 0.5%
TOTAL 328,645
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): 2

1960 President, New Mexico
John Kennedy (D) 156,027 50.2%
Richard Nixon (R) 153,733 49.4%
Other 1,347 0.4%
TOTAL 311,107
Turnout: 62% Diff (US): 0

1956 President, New Mexico
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 146,788 57.8%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 106,098 41.8%
Other 1,040 0.4%
TOTAL 253,926
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): 0

1952 President, New Mexico
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 132,170 55.4%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 105,661 44.3%
Other 777 0.3%
TOTAL 238,608
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 0

1948 President, New Mexico
Harry Truman* (D) 105,464 56.4%
Thomas Dewey (R) 80,303 42.9%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 1,037 0.6%
Other 259 0.1%
TOTAL 187,063
Turnout: 54% Diff (US): -2

1944 President, New Mexico
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 81,389 53.5%
Thomas Dewey (R) 70,688 46.4%
Other 148 0.1%
TOTAL 152,225
Turnout: 48% Diff (US): 1

1940 President, New Mexico
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 103,699 56.6%
Wendell Willkie (R) 79,315 43.3%
Other 244 0.1%
TOTAL 183,258
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): -2

1936 President, New Mexico
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 106,037 62.7%
Alf Landon (R) 61,727 36.5%
William Lemke (Union) 924 0.5%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 343 0.2%
Other 105 0.1%
TOTAL 169,136
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): 0

1932 President, New Mexico
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 95,089 62.7%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 54,217 35.8%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 1,776 1.2%
Other 524 0.3%
TOTAL 151,606
Turnout: 66% Diff (US): -4

1928 President, New Mexico
Herbert Hoover (R) 69,708 59.0%
Al Smith (D) 48,211 40.8%
Other 158 0.1%
TOTAL 118,077
Turnout: 56% Diff (US): 1

1924 President, New Mexico
Calvin Coolidge (R) 54,745 48.5%
John Davis (D) 48,542 43.0%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 9,543 8.5%
TOTAL 112,830
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): -5

1920 President, New Mexico
Warren Harding (R) 57,634 54.7%
James Cox (D) 46,668 44.3%
Parley Christiansen (FL) 1,104 1.0%
TOTAL 105,406
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): -6

1916 President, New Mexico
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 33,693 50.3%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 31,163 46.5%
Allan Benson (Soc) 1,996 3.0%
James Hanly (Proh) 112 0.2%
Other 3 0.0%
TOTAL 66,967
Turnout: 36% Diff (US): 0

1912 President, New Mexico
Woodrow Wilson (D) 20,437 41.4%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 17,733 35.9%
William Taft* (R) 8,347 16.9%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 2,859 5.8%
TOTAL 49,376
Turnout: 27% Diff (US): -6
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for New Mexico

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2024 S1 55% Martin Heinrich* (D) 497,333 55.1% Nella Domenici (R) 405,978 44.9% 0 0.0% 903,311
2022 G 44% Michelle Lujan Grisham* (D) 370,168 52.0% Mark Ronchetti (R) 324,701 45.6% 17,387 [+] 2.4% 712,256
2020 S2 56% Ben Lujan (D) 474,883 51.8% Mark Ronchetti (R) 418,483 45.6% 23,871 [+] 2.6% 917,237
2018 G 44% Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) 398,368 57.2% Steve Pearce (R) 298,091 42.8% 0 0.0% 696,459
2018 S1 44% Martin Heinrich* (D) 376,998 54.1% Mick Rich (R) 212,813 30.5% 107,201 [+] 15.4% 697,012
2014 G 33% Susana Martinez* (R) 293,443 57.2% Gary King (D) 219,362 42.8% 0 0.0% 512,805
2014 S2 33% Tom Udall* (D) 286,409 55.6% Allen Weh (R) 229,097 44.4% 0 0.0% 515,506
2012 S1 50% Martin Heinrich (D) 395,717 51.0% Heather Wilson (R) 351,259 45.3% 28,816 [+] 3.7% 775,792
2010 G 39% Susana Martinez (R) 321,219 53.3% Diane Denish (D) 280,614 46.5% 993 0.2% 602,826
2008 S2 57% Tom Udall (D) 505,128 61.3% Steve Pearce (R) 318,522 38.7% 0 0.0% 823,650
2006 G 39% Bill Richardson* (D) 384,806 68.8% John Dendahl (R) 174,364 31.2% 0 0.0% 559,170
2006 S1 39% Jeff Bingaman* (D) 394,365 70.6% Allen McCulloch (R) 163,826 29.3% 359 0.1% 558,550
2002 G 36% Bill Richardson (D) 268,693 55.5% John Sanchez (R) 189,074 39.0% 26,466 [+] 5.5% 484,233
2002 S2 36% Pete Domenici* (R) 314,193 65.0% Gloria Tristani (D) 168,863 35.0% 0 0.0% 483,056
2000 S1 45% Jeff Bingaman* (D) 363,744 61.7% Bill Redmond (R) 225,517 38.3% 265 [+] 0.0% 589,526
1998 G 40% Gary Johnson* (R) 271,948 54.5% Martin Chavez (D) 226,755 45.5% 0 0.0% 498,703
1996 S2 46% Pete Domenici* (R) 357,171 64.7% Art Trujillo (D) 164,356 29.8% 30,294 [+] 5.5% 551,821
1994 G 40% Gary Johnson (R) 232,945 49.8% Bruce King* (D) 186,686 39.9% 47,990 [+] 10.3% 467,621
1994 S1 40% Jeff Bingaman* (D) 249,989 54.0% Colin McMillan (R) 213,025 46.0% 182 0.0% 463,196
1990 G 38% Bruce King (D) 224,564 54.6% Frank Bond (R) 185,692 45.2% 980 0.2% 411,236
1990 S2 38% Pete Domenici* (R) 296,712 72.9% Tom Benavides (D) 110,033 27.0% 193 0.0% 406,938
1988 S1 50% Jeff Bingaman* (D) 321,983 63.3% Bill Valentine (R) 186,579 36.7% 36 0.0% 508,598
1986 G 40% Garrey Carruthers (R) 209,455 53.0% Ray Powell (D) 185,378 47.0% 0 0.0% 394,833
1984 S2 52% Pete Domenici* (R) 361,371 71.9% Judith Pratt (D) 141,253 28.1% 10 0.0% 502,634
1982 G 44% Toney Anaya (D) 215,840 53.0% John Irick (R) 191,626 47.0% 0 0.0% 407,466
1982 S1 44% Jeff Bingaman (D) 217,682 53.8% Jack Schmitt* (R) 187,128 46.2% 0 0.0% 404,810
1978 S2 47% Pete Domenici* (R) 183,442 53.4% Toney Anaya (D) 160,045 46.6% 67 0.0% 343,554
1978 G 47% Bruce King (D) 174,631 50.5% Joe Skeen (R) 170,848 49.4% 92 0.0% 345,571
1976 S1 54% Jack Schmitt (R) 234,681 56.8% Joseph Montoya* (D) 176,382 42.7% 2,078 [+] 0.5% 413,141
1974 G 50% Jerry Apodaca (D) 164,172 49.9% Joe Skeen (R) 160,430 48.8% 4,140 [+] 1.3% 328,742
1972 S2 54% Pete Domenici (R) 204,253 54.0% Jack Daniels (D) 173,815 45.9% 262 0.1% 378,330
1970 S1 49% Joseph Montoya* (D) 151,486 52.3% Anderson Carter (R) 135,004 46.6% 3,416 [+] 1.2% 289,906
1970 G 49% Bruce King (D) 148,835 51.3% Pete Domenici (R) 134,640 46.4% 6,900 [+] 2.4% 290,375
1968 G 60% David Cargo* (R) 160,140 50.2% Fabian Chavez (D) 157,230 49.3% 1,605 [+] 0.5% 318,975
1966 S2 49% Clinton Anderson* (D) 137,205 53.1% Anderson Carter (R) 120,988 46.9% 10 0.0% 258,203
1966 G 49% David Cargo (R) 134,625 51.7% Gene Lusk (D) 125,587 48.3% 20 0.0% 260,232
1964 S1 63% Joseph Montoya (D) 178,209 54.7% Edwin Mechem* (R) 147,562 45.3% 3 0.0% 325,774
1964 G 61% Jack Campbell* (D) 191,497 60.2% Merle Tucker (R) 126,540 39.8% 5 0.0% 318,042
1962 G 48% Jack Campbell (D) 130,933 53.0% Edwin Mechem* (R) 116,184 47.0% 18 0.0% 247,135
1960 G 61% Edwin Mechem (R) 153,765 50.3% John Burroughs* (D) 151,777 49.7% 0 0.0% 305,542
1960 S2 60% Clinton Anderson* (D) 190,654 63.4% William Cowles (R) 109,897 36.6% 0 0.0% 300,551
1958 G 42% John Burroughs (D) 103,481 50.5% Edwin Mechem* (R) 101,567 49.5% 0 0.0% 205,048
1958 S1 41% Dennis Chavez* (D) 127,496 62.7% Forrest Atchley (R) 75,827 37.3% 0 0.0% 203,323
1956 G 54% Edwin Mechem (R) 131,488 52.2% John Simms* (D) 120,263 47.8% 0 0.0% 251,751
1954 G 45% John Simms (D) 110,583 57.0% Alvin Stockton (R) 83,373 43.0% 0 0.0% 193,956
1954 S2 45% Clinton Anderson* (D) 111,351 57.3% Edwin Mechem (R) 83,071 42.7% 0 0.0% 194,422
1952 G 59% Edwin Mechem* (R) 129,116 53.8% Everett Grantham (D) 111,034 46.2% 0 0.0% 240,150
1952 S1 59% Dennis Chavez* (D) 122,543 51.1% Patrick Hurley (R) 117,168 48.9% 0 0.0% 239,711
1950 G 48% Edwin Mechem (R) 96,846 53.7% John Miles (D) 83,359 46.3% 0 0.0% 180,205
1948 G 54% Thomas Mabry* (D) 103,969 54.7% Manuel Lujan, Sr. (R) 86,203 45.3% 0 0.0% 190,172
1948 S2 54% Clinton Anderson (D) 108,269 57.2% Patrick Hurley (R) 80,226 42.4% 705 [+] 0.4% 189,200
1946 G 40% Thomas Mabry (D) 70,055 52.8% Edward Safford (R) 62,575 47.2% 0 0.0% 132,630
1946 S1 40% Dennis Chavez* (D) 68,650 51.5% Patrick Hurley (R) 64,632 48.5% 0 0.0% 133,282
1944 G 47% John Dempsey* (D) 76,443 51.8% Carroll Gunderson (R) 71,113 48.2% 0 0.0% 147,556
1942 S2 36% Carl Hatch* (D) 63,301 59.2% Benson Newell (R) 43,704 40.8% 0 0.0% 107,005
1942 G 36% John Dempsey (D) 59,258 54.5% Joseph Tondre (R) 49,380 45.5% 0 0.0% 108,638
1940 S1 65% Dennis Chavez* (D) 103,194 55.9% Albert Mitchell (R) 81,257 44.1% 0 0.0% 184,451
1940 G 65% John Miles* (D) 103,035 55.6% Maurice Miera (R) 82,306 44.4% 0 0.0% 185,341
1938 G 60% John Miles (D) 82,344 52.2% Albert Mitchell (R) 75,017 47.6% 386 [+] 0.2% 157,747
1936 S1 68% Dennis Chavez* (D) 94,585 55.7% Miguel Otero (R) 75,030 44.2% 68 [+] 0.0% 169,683
1936 S2 68% Carl Hatch (D) 104,550 61.7% Ernest Everly (R) 64,817 38.3% 71 [+] 0.0% 169,438
1936 G 68% Clyde Tingley* (D) 97,090 57.2% Jaffa Miller (R) 72,539 42.7% 71 [+] 0.0% 169,700
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election

Other Statewide Election Results for New Mexico

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022 AG 43% Raul Torrez (D) 388,592 55.3% Jeremy Gay (R) 314,023 44.7% 0 0.0% 702,615
2022 AUD 40% Joseph Maestas (D) 399,810 61.9% Travis Sanchez (Lbt) 245,725 38.1% 0 0.0% 645,535
2022 CPL 43% Stephanie Garcia-Richard* (D) 379,621 54.7% Jefferson Byrd (R) 310,853 44.8% 3,950 [+] 0.6% 694,424
2022 LG 0% Howie Morales* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2022 SOS 43% Maggie Oliver* (D) 384,526 54.5% Audrey Trujillo (R) 300,763 42.6% 20,050 [+] 2.8% 705,339
2022 TRE 43% Laura Montoya (D) 370,089 53.1% Harry Montoya (R) 326,224 46.9% 0 0.0% 696,313
2018 AG 44% Hector Balderas* (D) 427,583 61.8% Michael Hendricks (R) 231,296 33.4% 32,931 [+] 4.8% 691,810
2018 AUD 44% Brian Colon (D) 395,714 57.6% Wayne Johnson* (R) 291,714 42.4% 0 0.0% 687,428
2018 CPL 44% Stephanie Garcia-Richard (D) 352,335 51.1% Patrick Lyons (R) 297,379 43.1% 39,791 [+] 5.8% 689,505
2018 LG 0% Howie Morales (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2018 SOS 44% Maggie Oliver* (D) 399,134 57.8% Gavin Clarkson (R) 257,306 37.2% 34,527 [+] 5.0% 690,967
2018 TRE 43% Tim Eichenberg* (D) 394,780 57.9% Arthur Castillo (R) 286,822 42.1% 0 0.0% 681,602
2016 SOS sp 49% Maggie Oliver (D) 433,227 56.4% Nora Espinoza (R) 334,733 43.6% 0 0.0% 767,960
2014 AG 32% Hector Balderas (D) 295,008 58.3% Susan Riedel (R) 211,303 41.7% 0 0.0% 506,311
2014 AUD 32% Tim Keller (D) 270,386 54.3% Robert Aragon (R) 228,019 45.7% 0 0.0% 498,405
2014 CPL 32% Aubrey Dunn, Jr. (R) 250,185 50.1% Ray Powell* (D) 249,481 49.9% 0 0.0% 499,666
2014 LG 0% John Sanchez* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2014 SOS 33% Dianna Duran* (R) 262,117 51.6% Maggie Oliver (D) 245,508 48.4% 0 0.0% 507,625
2014 TRE 32% Tim Eichenberg (D) 261,203 52.5% Rick Lopez (R) 236,699 47.5% 0 0.0% 497,902
2010 AG 39% Gary King* (D) 321,547 53.7% Matthew Chandler (R) 277,139 46.3% 0 0.0% 598,686
2010 AUD 38% Hector Balderas* (D) 323,427 55.2% Errol Chavez (R) 263,008 44.8% 0 0.0% 586,435
2010 CPL 38% Ray Powell (D) 308,033 52.4% Matthew Rush (R) 279,664 47.6% 0 0.0% 587,697
2010 LG 0% John Sanchez (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2010 SOS 39% Dianna Duran (R) 341,915 57.4% Mary Herrera* (D) 253,325 42.6% 0 0.0% 595,240
2010 TRE 38% Jim Lewis* (D) 324,624 55.4% Jim Schoonover (R) 261,724 44.6% 0 0.0% 586,348
2006 AG 39% Gary King (D) 318,000 56.8% Jim Bibb (R) 241,715 43.2% 0 0.0% 559,715
2006 AUD 38% Hector Balderas (D) 298,143 54.8% Lorenzo Garcia (R) 246,225 45.2% 0 0.0% 544,368
2006 CPL 39% Patrick Lyons* (R) 288,968 51.8% Jim Baca (D) 269,218 48.2% 0 0.0% 558,186
2006 LG 0% Diane Denish* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2006 SOS 39% Mary Herrera (D) 301,862 54.2% Vickie Perea (R) 254,748 45.8% 0 0.0% 556,610
2006 TRE 39% Jim Lewis (D) 332,545 60.6% Demesia Padilla (R) 216,399 39.4% 0 0.0% 548,944
2002 AG 35% Patricia Madrid* (D) 273,175 57.1% Rob Perry (R) 179,718 37.6% 25,191 [+] 5.3% 478,084
2002 AUD 34% Domingo Martinez* (D) 238,507 52.2% Tom Benavides (R) 218,747 47.8% 0 0.0% 457,254
2002 CPL 34% Patrick Lyons (R) 236,606 50.9% Art Trujillo (D) 224,842 48.4% 3,084 [+] 0.7% 464,532
2002 LG 0% Diane Denish (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2002 SOS 35% Rebecca Vigil-Giron* (D) 269,871 57.7% Sharon Clahchischilliage (R) 198,094 42.3% 0 0.0% 467,965
2002 TRE 25% Robert Vigil (D) 331,987 100.0%       0 0.0% 331,987
1998 AG 39% Patricia Madrid (D) 250,487 51.4% David Iglesias (R) 236,466 48.6% 0 0.0% 486,953
1998 AUD 33% Domingo Martinez (D) 295,364 71.8% Richard Haley (Grn) 115,829 28.2% 0 0.0% 411,193
1998 CPL 34% Ray Powell* (D) 318,532 76.2% Sam Hitt (Grn) 63,636 15.2% 35,878 [+] 8.6% 418,046
1998 LG 0% Walter Bradley* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1998 SOS 39% Rebecca Vigil-Giron (D) 234,546 48.4% Dianna Duran (R) 223,415 46.1% 27,093 [+] 5.6% 485,054
1998 TRE 38% Michael Montoya* (D) 251,795 53.2% Lorenzo Garcia (R) 221,224 46.8% 0 0.0% 473,019
1994 AG 39% Tom Udall* (D) 277,225 60.9% Donald Bruckner (R) 177,822 39.1% 0 0.0% 455,047
1994 AUD 38% Robert Vigil* (D) 231,363 52.1% H.R. Fine (R) 212,705 47.9% 0 0.0% 444,068
1994 CPL 39% Ray Powell* (D) 217,659 48.1% Stirling Spencer (R) 181,448 40.1% 53,066 [+] 11.7% 452,173
1994 LG 0% Walter Bradley (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1994 SOS 39% Stephanie Gonzales* (D) 245,625 55.0% Gloria Baca-Greigo (R) 200,976 45.0% 0 0.0% 446,601
1994 TRE 33% Michael Montoya (D) 259,499 67.4% Lorenzo Garcia (Grn) 125,370 32.6% 0 0.0% 384,869
1990 AG 37% Tom Udall (D) 265,582 67.6% William Davis (R) 127,364 32.4% 0 0.0% 392,946
1990 AUD 24% Robert Vigil (D) 259,473 100.0%       0 0.0% 259,473
1990 CPL 37% Jim Baca (D) 238,270 60.3% John Bigbee (R) 156,701 39.7% 0 0.0% 394,971
1990 LG 0% Casey Luna (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1990 SOS 36% Stephanie Gonzales (D) 218,495 57.5% Cecilia Salazar (R) 161,212 42.4% 585 0.2% 380,292
1990 TRE 36% David King (D) 240,547 62.0% Robert Corn (R) 147,387 38.0% 0 0.0% 387,934
1986 AG 38% Hal Stratton (R) 186,317 50.1% Bob McNeill (D) 185,627 49.9% 0 0.0% 371,944
1986 AUD 36% Harroll Adams (D) 181,785 50.8% Charles Emmons (R) 175,835 49.2% 0 0.0% 357,620
1986 LG 0% Jack Stahl (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1986 SOS 37% Rebecca Vigil-Giron (D) 187,241 50.6% Jannie McDaniel (R) 182,522 49.4% 0 0.0% 369,763
1986 TRE 37% Jim Lewis* (D) 210,351 58.1% Paul Donisthorpe (R) 151,665 41.9% 0 0.0% 362,016
1982 AG 41% Paul Bardacke (D) 234,184 61.6% Paul Kennedy (R) 146,264 38.4% 0 0.0% 380,448
1982 AUD 40% Al Romero (D) 195,640 52.2% Charles Emmons (R) 179,059 47.8% 0 0.0% 374,699
1982 LG 0% Mike Runnels (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1982 SOS 41% Clara Jones (D) 206,244 54.2% Fran Hill (R) 174,368 45.8% 0 0.0% 380,612
1982 TRE 40% Earl Hartley (D) 211,785 56.5% William McBroom (R) 162,881 43.5% 0 0.0% 374,666
1978 AG 28% Jeff Bingaman (D) 206,140 100.0%       0 0.0% 206,140
1978 AUD 42% Alvino Castillo (D) 165,666 54.0% Charles Emmons (R) 140,907 46.0% 0 0.0% 306,573
1978 LG 0% Roberto Mondragon (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1978 SOS 42% Shirley Hooper (D) 198,184 64.3% Nila Baer (R) 109,847 35.7% 0 0.0% 308,031
1978 TRE 41% Jan Hartke (D) 194,339 63.7% Majel Bowman (R) 110,814 36.3% 0 0.0% 305,153
1974 AG 46% Toney Anaya (D) 157,463 51.0% Stephen ReVeal (R) 151,121 49.0% 0 0.0% 308,584
1974 AUD 45% Max Sanchez (D) 160,296 53.1% Larry Humphrey (R) 141,367 46.9% 0 0.0% 301,663
1974 LG 0% Robert Ferguson (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1974 SOS 47% Ernestine Evans (D) 180,853 58.3% Mary Ann Gomez (R) 129,563 41.7% 0 0.0% 310,416
1974 TRE 45% Edward Murphy (D) 182,176 61.4% John Gibbs (R) 114,308 38.6% 0 0.0% 296,484
1970 AG 45% David Norvell (D) 161,628 60.1% Gerald Pittman (R) 107,247 39.9% 0 0.0% 268,875
1970 AUD 45% Frank Olmstead (D) 150,353 56.0% Larry Humphrey (R) 112,898 42.0% 5,287 [+] 2.0% 268,538
1970 LG 0% Roberto Mondragon (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1970 SOS 47% Betty Fiorina (D) 159,793 57.7% Robin Bishop (R) 111,690 40.4% 5,238 [+] 1.9% 276,721
1970 TRE 46% Jesse Kornegay* (D) 147,810 54.7% Lawrence Hess (R) 116,160 43.0% 6,093 [+] 2.3% 270,063
1968 AG 56% James Maloney (D) 161,441 53.7% Tom Clear (R) 139,056 46.3% 0 0.0% 300,497
1968 AUD 55% Harold Thompson* (R) 147,700 49.7% Frank Olmstead (D) 146,935 49.4% 2,669 [+] 0.9% 297,304
1968 LG 0% Lee Francis* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1968 SOS 57% Ernestine Evans* (D) 155,860 51.1% Louise Bundy (R) 146,568 48.1% 2,473 [+] 0.8% 304,901
1968 TRE 56% Jesse Kornegay (D) 150,294 50.5% Bob Whatley (R) 144,216 48.5% 2,884 [+] 1.0% 297,394
1966 AG 47% Boston Witt* (D) 127,473 51.4% John Donnell (D) 120,429 48.6% 0 0.0% 247,902
1966 AUD 47% Harold Thompson (R) 127,540 51.2% Al Romero (D) 121,578 48.8% 0 0.0% 249,118
1966 LG 0% Lee Francis (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1966 SOS 47% Ernestine Evans (D) 125,778 50.4% Louise Bundy (R) 123,653 49.6% 0 0.0% 249,431
1966 TRE 47% H.E. Thomas (R) 125,968 50.6% Chris Sanchez (D) 123,191 49.4% 0 0.0% 249,159
1964 AG 59% Boston Witt (D) 187,826 60.9% Lawrence Prentice (R) 120,721 39.1% 0 0.0% 308,547
1964 AUD 60% Alex Armijo* (D) 183,184 59.0% Ernest Hawkins (R) 127,488 41.0% 0 0.0% 310,672
1964 LG 0% Mack Easley* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1964 SOS 60% Alberta Miller* (D) 193,121 61.9% B. Lyman (R) 118,624 38.1% 0 0.0% 311,745
1964 TRE 59% Joseph Grant* (D) 190,586 61.7% Warren Cobean (R) 118,377 38.3% 0 0.0% 308,963
1962 AG 46% Earl Hartley* (D) 140,694 59.3% Edwin Stockly (R) 96,670 40.7% 0 0.0% 237,364
1962 AUD 46% Alex Armijo (D) 129,754 54.6% Paul Corey (R) 107,793 45.4% 0 0.0% 237,547
1962 LG 47% Mack Easley (D) 134,420 55.6% Jack Dillon (R) 107,191 44.4% 0 0.0% 241,611
1962 SOS 46% Alberta Miller (D) 137,870 57.9% Frances Shipman (R) 100,059 42.1% 0 0.0% 237,929
1962 TRE 46% Joseph Grant (D) 140,712 59.6% E.C. Lineberry (R) 95,319 40.4% 0 0.0% 236,031
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines
Type: AG: Attorney General; AUD: Auditor; CPL: Commissioner of Public Lands; LG: Lt. Governor; SOS: Secretary of State; TRE: Treasurer
italics: special election

Voter Registration Data for New Mexico

Click on the Year to display registration data in the map

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2024 1,377,085 435,362 31.6% 590,301 42.9% 351,422 25.5% Dem +154,939 Dem +11.3% 87%
2022 1,362,028 423,915 31.1% 602,433 44.2% 335,680 24.6% Dem +178,518 Dem +13.1% 84%
2020 1,350,181 422,519 31.3% 610,507 45.2% 317,155 23.5% Dem +187,988 Dem +13.9% 83%
2018 1,261,522 382,924 30.4% 578,321 45.8% 300,277 23.8% Dem +195,397 Dem +15.5% 78%
2016 1,289,420 399,930 31.0% 599,813 46.5% 289,677 22.5% Dem +199,883 Dem +15.5% 81%
2014 1,289,994 402,047 31.2% 600,644 46.6% 287,303 22.3% Dem +198,597 Dem +15.4% 82%
2012 1,255,273 395,992 31.5% 596,209 47.5% 263,072 21.0% Dem +200,217 Dem +16.0% 81%
2010 1,152,917 367,638 31.9% 570,659 49.5% 214,620 18.6% Dem +203,021 Dem +17.6% 75%
2008 1,185,449 375,619 31.7% 594,229 50.1% 215,601 18.2% Dem +218,610 Dem +18.4% 79%
2006 1,088,977 358,825 33.0% 538,471 49.4% 191,681 17.6% Dem +179,646 Dem +16.5% 75%
2004 1,105,402 359,563 32.5% 550,549 49.8% 195,290 17.7% Dem +190,986 Dem +17.3% 79%
2002 950,743 310,337 32.6% 495,221 52.1% 145,185 15.3% Dem +184,884 Dem +19.4% 70%
2000 972,895 318,122 32.7% 507,943 52.2% 146,830 15.1% Dem +189,821 Dem +19.5% 74%
1998 887,649 294,197 33.1% 478,684 53.9% 114,768 12.9% Dem +184,487 Dem +20.8% 70%
1996 837,794 281,895 33.6% 457,678 54.6% 98,221 11.7% Dem +175,783 Dem +21.0% 69%
1994 713,685 243,210 34.1% 411,471 57.7% 59,004 8.3% Dem +168,261 Dem +23.6% 61%
1986 632,787 214,977 34.0% 380,193 60.1% 37,617 5.9% Dem +165,216 Dem +26.1% 64%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.

Partisan Legislative Composition for New Mexico

YearU.S. House
2024 0 3 0
2022 0 3 0
2020 1 2 0
2018 0 3 0
2016 1 2 0
2014 1 2 0
2012 1 2 0
2010 1 2 0
2008 0 3 0
2006 2 1 0
2004 2 1 0
2002 2 1 0
2000 2 1 0
1998 2 1 0
1996 2 1 0
1994 2 1 0
1992 2 1 0
1990 2 1 0
1988 2 1 0
1986 2 1 0
1984 2 1 0
1982 2 1 0
1980 2 0 0
1978 1 1 0
1976 1 1 0
1974 1 1 0
1972 1 1 0
1970 1 1 0
1968 2 0 0
1966 0 2 0
1964 0 2 0
1962 0 2 0
1960 0 2 0
1958 0 2 0
1956 0 2 0
1954 0 2 0
1952 0 2 0
1950 0 2 0
1948 0 2 0
1946 0 2 0
1944 0 2 0
1942 0 2 0
1940 0 1 0
1938 0 1 0
1936 0 1 0
YearState Senate
2024 16 26 0
2022 [1] 15 26 1
2020 [2] 15 27 0
2018 16 26 0
2016 16 26 0
2014 [3] 17 25 0
2012 17 25 0
2010 [4] 15 27 0
2008 [5] 15 27 0
2006 18 24 0
2004 18 24 0
2002 18 24 0
2000 [6] 18 24 0
1998 17 25 0
1996 17 25 0
1994 15 27 0
1992 15 27 0
1990 16 26 0
1988 16 26 0
1986 [7] 21 21 0
1984 [8] 17 25 0
1982 19 23 0
1980 20 22 0
1978 9 33 0
1976 9 33 0
1974 13 29 0
1972 12 30 0
1970 14 28 0
1968 17 25 0
1966 17 25 0
1964 4 28 0
1962 4 28 0
1960 4 28 0
1958 8 24 0
1956 8 24 0
1954 9 23 0
1952 9 22 0
1950 6 18 0
1948 5 19 0
1946 6 18 0
1944 6 18 0
1942 3 21 0
1940 3 21 0
1938 1 23 0
1936 1 23 0
YearState House
2024 26 44 0
2022 25 45 0
2020 25 45 0
2018 24 46 0
2016 32 38 0
2014 37 33 0
2012 32 38 0
2010 34 36 0
2008 25 45 0
2006 28 42 0
2004 28 42 0
2002 27 43 0
2000 28 42 0
1998 30 40 0
1996 28 42 0
1994 24 46 0
1992 17 53 0
1990 21 49 0
1988 25 45 0
1986 23 47 0
1984 [9] 27 43 0
1982 24 46 0
1980 [10] 29 41 0
1978 [11] 29 41 0
1976 22 48 0
1974 19 51 0
1972 19 51 0
1970 22 48 0
1968 26 44 0
1966 25 45 0
1964 18 59 0
1962 11 55 0
1960 7 59 0
1958 6 60 0
1956 23 43 0
1954 4 51 0
1952 28 27 0
1950 9 46 0
1948 13 36 0
1946 19 30 0
1944 19 30 0
1942 16 33 0
1940 9 40 0
1938 7 42 0
1936 2 47 0
The partisan breakdowns shown are ones which took effect following the general elections in the specified year.

[1] Independent Jacob Candelaria resigned in October, 2022; Democrat Moe Maestats was appointed to replace him in November (15 R, 27 D).
[2] State Sen. Jacob Candelaria (I-Albuquerque District 26) left the Democratic Party of New Mexico to register as an Independent on December 6, 2021 (15 R, 26 D, 1 I).
[3] Sen. Phil Griego (D-39) resigned on March 14 over a scandal involving state building sale. A Republican, Ted Barela, was appointed to replace him on April 3, 2015 (18 R, 24 D).
[4] A coalition of 8 Democrats and 15 Republicans controlled the Senate Majority.
[5] A coalition of 8 Democrats and 15 Republicans controlled the Senate Majority.
[6] A coalition of 3 Democrats and 18 Republicans controlled the Senate Majority. The Lieutenant Governor broke the tie.
[7] A coalition of 21 Democrats and 3 Republicans controlled the Senate Majority.
[8] A coalition of 8 Democrats and 15 Republicans controlled the Senate Majority.
[9] A coalition of 10 Democrats and 26 Republicans controlled the House Majority and elected a Democrat Speaker.
[10] A coalition of 10 Democrats and 27 Republicans controlled the House Majority and elected a Democrat Speaker.
[11] A coalition of 11 Democrats and 26 Republicans controlled the House Majority and elected a Democrat Speaker.

Source for state legislature data and notations: Wikipedia