
Counties in Nebraska

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Districts in this state

State Senate:    


2022 population: 1,967,923   ( 141,582 from 2010 , 6,434 from 2020)
Land area: 76817.5 square miles
Population density: 25.6 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:1,514,050 76.94% 1.0%
Black:98,3695.00% 21.5%
Indian:16,1370.82% 9.1%
Asian:55,1072.80% 67.6%
2+ races:41,7432.12% 46.8%
Hispanic:242,51712.32% 44.9%
Total non-White:453,87323.06% 39.0%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:54,682 13.9
Net Migration: -11,108-2.8
Net Immigration: 5,6941.5
Change in White population:14,297 0.8
Change in Non-White pop.:127,285 7.0

Historical Presidential Election Results for Nebraska

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 64% Donald Trump (R) 564,816 59.3% Kamala Harris (D) 369,995 38.9% 17,371 [+] 1.8% 952,182 10 0.61% 5
2020 64% Donald Trump* (R) 556,846 58.2% Joe Biden (D) 374,583 39.2% 24,954 [+] 2.6% 956,383 11 0.60% 5
2016 59% Donald Trump (R) 495,961 58.7% Hillary Clinton (D) 284,494 33.7% 63,772 [+] 7.6% 844,227 13 0.62% 5
2012 57% Mitt Romney (R) 475,064 59.8% Barack Obama* (D) 302,081 38.0% 17,234 [+] 2.2% 794,379 13 0.61% 5
2008 60% John McCain (R) 452,979 56.5% Barack Obama (D) 333,319 41.6% 14,983 [+] 1.9% 801,281 11 0.61% 5
2004 60% George W. Bush* (R) 512,814 65.9% John Kerry (D) 254,328 32.7% 11,044 [+] 1.4% 778,186 15 0.64% 5
2000 55% George W. Bush (R) 433,862 62.2% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 231,780 33.3% 31,377 [+] 4.5% 697,019 14 0.66% 5
1996 56% Robert Dole (R) 363,467 53.7% Bill Clinton* (D) 236,761 35.0% 77,187 [+] 11.4% 677,415 13 0.70% 5
1992 63% George Bush* (R) 344,346 46.6% Bill Clinton (D) 217,344 29.4% 177,593 [+] 24.0% 739,283 9 0.71% 5
1988 58% George Bush (R) 397,956 60.2% Michael Dukakis (D) 259,235 39.2% 4,274 [+] 0.6% 661,465 7 0.72% 5
1984 57% Ronald Reagan* (R) 460,054 70.6% Walter Mondale (D) 187,866 28.8% 4,170 0.6% 652,090 12 0.70% 5
1980 57% Ronald Reagan (R) 419,937 65.5% Jimmy Carter* (D) 166,851 26.0% 54,205 [+] 8.5% 640,993 15 0.74% 5
1976 58% Gerald Ford* (R) 359,705 59.2% Jimmy Carter (D) 233,692 38.5% 14,271 [+] 2.3% 607,668 11 0.75% 5
1972 56% Richard Nixon* (R) 406,298 70.5% George McGovern (D) 169,991 29.5% 0 0.0% 576,289 10 0.74% 5
1968 59% Richard Nixon (R) 321,163 59.8% Hubert Humphrey (D) 170,784 31.8% 44,904 [+] 8.4% 536,851 16 0.73% 5
1964 66% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 307,307 52.6% Barry Goldwater (R) 276,847 47.4% 0 0.0% 584,154 9 0.83% 5
1960 71% Richard Nixon (R) 380,553 62.1% John Kennedy (D) 232,542 37.9% 0 0.0% 613,095 12 0.89% 6
1956 65% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 378,108 65.5% Adlai Stevenson (D) 199,029 34.5% 0 0.0% 577,137 8 0.93% 6
1952 70% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 421,603 69.2% Adlai Stevenson (D) 188,057 30.8% 0 0.0% 609,660 14 0.99% 6
1948 58% Thomas Dewey (R) 264,774 54.2% Harry Truman* (D) 224,165 45.8% 1 [+] 0.0% 488,940 9 1.00% 6
1944 67% Thomas Dewey (R) 329,880 58.6% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 233,246 41.4% 0 0.0% 563,126 13 1.17% 6
1940 74% Wendell Willkie (R) 352,201 57.2% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 263,677 42.8% 0 0.0% 615,878 12 1.23% 7
1936 77% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 347,445 57.1% Alf Landon (R) 247,731 40.7% 12,847 [+] 2.1% 608,023 4 1.33% 7
1932 71% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 359,082 63.0% Herbert Hoover* (R) 201,177 35.3% 9,878 [+] 1.7% 570,137 -4 1.43% 7
1928 70% Herbert Hoover (R) 345,745 63.2% Al Smith (D) 197,950 36.2% 3,440 [+] 0.6% 547,135 5 1.49% 8
1924 61% Calvin Coolidge (R) 218,985 47.2% John Davis (D) 137,299 29.6% 107,275 [+] 23.1% 463,559 -7 1.59% 8
1920 52% Warren Harding (R) 247,498 64.7% James Cox (D) 119,608 31.3% 15,637 [+] 4.1% 382,743 4 1.43% 8
1916 41% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 158,827 55.3% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 117,771 41.0% 10,717 [+] 3.7% 287,315 -5 1.55% 8
1912 37% Woodrow Wilson (D) 109,008 43.7% William Taft* (R) 72,681 29.1% 67,794 [+] 27.2% 249,483 6 1.66% 8
1908 43% William J. Bryan (D) 131,099 49.1% William Taft (R) 126,997 47.6% 8,703 [+] 3.3% 266,799 -4 1.79% 8
1904 38% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 138,558 61.4% Alton Parker (D) 52,921 23.4% 34,253 [+] 15.2% 225,732 5 1.67% 8
1900 42% William McKinley* (R) 121,835 50.5% William J. Bryan (D) 114,013 47.2% 5,582 [+] 2.3% 241,430 -1 1.73% 8
* incumbent         PUSV: percent of U.S. vote

2020 President, Nebraska
Joe Biden (D) 374,583 39.2%
Donald Trump* (R) 556,846 58.2%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 20,283 2.1%
Other 4,671 0.5%
TOTAL 956,383
Turnout: 64% Diff (US): 11

2016 President, Nebraska
Hillary Clinton (D) 284,494 33.7%
Donald Trump (R) 495,961 58.7%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 38,946 4.6%
Jill Stein (Grn) 8,775 1.0%
Other 16,051 1.9%
TOTAL 844,227
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 13

2012 President, Nebraska
Barack Obama* (D) 302,081 38.0%
Mitt Romney (R) 475,064 59.8%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 11,109 1.4%
Other 6,125 0.8%
TOTAL 794,379
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): 13

2008 President, Nebraska
Barack Obama (D) 333,319 41.6%
John McCain (R) 452,979 56.5%
Ralph Nader (I) 5,406 0.7%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 2,740 0.3%
Other 6,837 0.9%
TOTAL 801,281
Turnout: 60% Diff (US): 11

2004 President, Nebraska
George W. Bush* (R) 512,814 65.9%
John Kerry (D) 254,328 32.7%
Ralph Nader (I) 5,698 0.7%
Other 5,346 0.7%
TOTAL 778,186
Turnout: 60% Diff (US): 15

2000 President, Nebraska
George W. Bush (R) 433,862 62.2%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 231,780 33.3%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 24,540 3.5%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 3,646 0.5%
Other 3,191 0.5%
TOTAL 697,019
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): 14

1996 President, Nebraska
Bill Clinton* (D) 236,761 35.0%
Robert Dole (R) 363,467 53.7%
Ross Perot (Ref) 71,278 10.5%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 2,792 0.4%
Other 3,117 0.5%
TOTAL 677,415
Turnout: 56% Diff (US): 13

1992 President, Nebraska
Bill Clinton (D) 217,344 29.4%
George Bush* (R) 344,346 46.6%
Ross Perot (I) 174,687 23.6%
Other 2,906 0.4%
TOTAL 739,283
Turnout: 63% Diff (US): 9

1988 President, Nebraska
George Bush (R) 397,956 60.2%
Michael Dukakis (D) 259,235 39.2%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 2,534 0.4%
Other 1,740 0.3%
TOTAL 661,465
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 7

1984 President, Nebraska
Ronald Reagan* (R) 460,054 70.6%
Walter Mondale (D) 187,866 28.8%
Other 4,170 0.6%
TOTAL 652,090
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): 12

1980 President, Nebraska
Ronald Reagan (R) 419,937 65.5%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 166,851 26.0%
John Anderson (I) 44,993 7.0%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 9,073 1.4%
Other 139 0.0%
TOTAL 640,993
Turnout: 57% Diff (US): 15

1976 President, Nebraska
Jimmy Carter (D) 233,692 38.5%
Gerald Ford* (R) 359,705 59.2%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 9,409 1.5%
Other 4,862 0.8%
TOTAL 607,668
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 11

1972 President, Nebraska
Richard Nixon* (R) 406,298 70.5%
George McGovern (D) 169,991 29.5%
TOTAL 576,289
Turnout: 56% Diff (US): 10

1968 President, Nebraska
Richard Nixon (R) 321,163 59.8%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 170,784 31.8%
George Wallace (AIP) 44,904 8.4%
TOTAL 536,851
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 16

1964 President, Nebraska
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 307,307 52.6%
Barry Goldwater (R) 276,847 47.4%
TOTAL 584,154
Turnout: 66% Diff (US): 9

1960 President, Nebraska
John Kennedy (D) 232,542 37.9%
Richard Nixon (R) 380,553 62.1%
TOTAL 613,095
Turnout: 71% Diff (US): 12

1956 President, Nebraska
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 378,108 65.5%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 199,029 34.5%
TOTAL 577,137
Turnout: 65% Diff (US): 8

1952 President, Nebraska
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 421,603 69.2%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 188,057 30.8%
TOTAL 609,660
Turnout: 70% Diff (US): 14

1948 President, Nebraska
Harry Truman* (D) 224,165 45.8%
Thomas Dewey (R) 264,774 54.2%
Other 1 0.0%
TOTAL 488,940
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 9

1944 President, Nebraska
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 233,246 41.4%
Thomas Dewey (R) 329,880 58.6%
TOTAL 563,126
Turnout: 67% Diff (US): 13

1940 President, Nebraska
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 263,677 42.8%
Wendell Willkie (R) 352,201 57.2%
TOTAL 615,878
Turnout: 74% Diff (US): 12

1936 President, Nebraska
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 347,445 57.1%
Alf Landon (R) 247,731 40.7%
William Lemke (Union) 12,847 2.1%
TOTAL 608,023
Turnout: 77% Diff (US): 4

1932 President, Nebraska
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 359,082 63.0%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 201,177 35.3%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 9,876 1.7%
Other 2 0.0%
TOTAL 570,137
Turnout: 71% Diff (US): -4

1928 President, Nebraska
Herbert Hoover (R) 345,745 63.2%
Al Smith (D) 197,950 36.2%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 3,434 0.6%
Other 6 0.0%
TOTAL 547,135
Turnout: 70% Diff (US): 5

1924 President, Nebraska
Calvin Coolidge (R) 218,985 47.2%
John Davis (D) 137,299 29.6%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 105,681 22.8%
Other 1,594 0.3%
TOTAL 463,559
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): -7

1920 President, Nebraska
Warren Harding (R) 247,498 64.7%
James Cox (D) 119,608 31.3%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 9,600 2.5%
Aaron Watkins (Proh) 5,947 1.6%
Other 90 0.0%
TOTAL 382,743
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): 4

1916 President, Nebraska
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 158,827 55.3%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 117,771 41.0%
Allan Benson (Soc) 7,141 2.5%
James Hanly (Proh) 2,952 1.0%
Other 624 0.2%
TOTAL 287,315
Turnout: 41% Diff (US): -5

1912 President, Nebraska
Woodrow Wilson (D) 109,008 43.7%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 54,226 21.7%
William Taft* (R) 72,681 29.1%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 10,185 4.1%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 3,383 1.4%
TOTAL 249,483
Turnout: 37% Diff (US): 6

1908 President, Nebraska
William Taft (R) 126,997 47.6%
William J. Bryan (D) 131,099 49.1%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 3,524 1.3%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 5,179 1.9%
TOTAL 266,799
Turnout: 43% Diff (US): -4

1904 President, Nebraska
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 138,558 61.4%
Alton Parker (D) 52,921 23.4%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 7,412 3.3%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 6,323 2.8%
Thomas Watson (Pop) 20,518 9.1%
TOTAL 225,732
Turnout: 38% Diff (US): 5

1900 President, Nebraska
William McKinley* (R) 121,835 50.5%
William J. Bryan (D) 114,013 47.2%
John Woolley (Proh) 3,655 1.5%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 823 0.3%
Other 1,104 0.5%
TOTAL 241,430
Turnout: 42% Diff (US): -1
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Nebraska

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2024 S1 63% Deb Fischer* (R) 499,124 53.2% Dan Osborn (I) 436,493 46.5% 2,719 0.3% 938,336
2024 S2 63% Pete Ricketts* (R) 585,103 62.7% Preston Love (D) 349,902 37.5% -1,841 -0.2% 933,164
2022 G 45% Jim Pillen (R) 398,334 59.7% Carol Blood (D) 242,006 36.3% 26,455 [+] 4.0% 666,795
2020 S2 62% Ben Sasse* (R) 583,507 62.7% Chris Janicek (D) 227,191 24.4% 119,314 [+] 12.8% 930,012
2018 G 48% Pete Ricketts* (R) 411,812 59.0% Bob Krist (D) 286,169 41.0% 0 0.0% 697,981
2018 S1 48% Deb Fischer* (R) 403,151 57.7% Jane Raybould (D) 269,917 38.6% 25,815 [+] 3.7% 698,883
2014 G 38% Pete Ricketts (R) 308,751 57.2% Chuck Hassebrook (D) 211,905 39.2% 19,546 [+] 3.6% 540,202
2014 S2 38% Ben Sasse (R) 347,636 64.3% Dave Domina (D) 170,127 31.5% 22,574 [+] 4.2% 540,337
2012 S1 57% Deb Fischer (R) 455,593 57.8% Bob Kerrey (D) 332,979 42.2% 0 0.0% 788,572
2010 G 36% Dave Heineman* (R) 360,645 73.9% Mike Meister (D) 127,343 26.1% 0 0.0% 487,988
2008 S2 60% Mike Johanns (R) 455,854 57.5% Scott Kleeb (D) 317,456 40.1% 19,201 [+] 2.4% 792,511
2006 G 45% Dave Heineman* (R) 435,507 73.4% David Hahn (D) 145,115 24.5% 12,735 [+] 2.1% 593,357
2006 S1 45% Ben Nelson* (D) 378,388 63.9% Pete Ricketts (R) 213,928 36.1% 0 0.0% 592,316
2002 S2 38% Chuck Hagel* (R) 397,438 82.8% Charlie Matulka (D) 70,290 14.6% 12,489 [+] 2.6% 480,217
2002 G 38% Mike Johanns* (R) 330,349 68.7% Stormy Dean (D) 132,348 27.5% 18,294 [+] 3.8% 480,991
2000 S1 55% Ben Nelson (D) 353,093 51.0% Don Stenberg (R) 337,977 48.8% 1,280 0.2% 692,350
1998 G 44% Mike Johanns (R) 293,910 53.9% Bill Hoppner (D) 250,678 46.0% 650 0.1% 545,238
1996 S2 56% Chuck Hagel (R) 379,933 56.1% Ben Nelson (D) 281,904 41.7% 14,952 [+] 2.2% 676,789
1994 G 49% Ben Nelson* (D) 423,270 73.0% Gene Spence (R) 148,230 25.6% 8,061 [+] 1.4% 579,561
1994 S1 49% Bob Kerrey* (D) 317,297 54.8% Jan Stoney (R) 260,668 45.0% 1,240 0.2% 579,205
1990 G 51% Ben Nelson (D) 292,771 49.9% Kay Orr* (R) 288,741 49.2% 5,030 [+] 0.9% 586,542
1990 S2 52% James Exon* (D) 349,779 58.9% Hal Daub (R) 243,013 40.9% 1,036 0.2% 593,828
1988 S1 59% Bob Kerrey (D) 378,717 56.7% David Karnes* (R) 278,250 41.7% 10,893 [+] 1.6% 667,860
1986 G 50% Kay Orr (R) 298,325 52.9% Helen Boosalis (D) 265,156 47.0% 941 0.2% 564,422
1984 S2 56% James Exon* (D) 332,217 51.9% Nancy Hoch (R) 307,147 48.0% 304 0.0% 639,668
1982 G 48% Bob Kerrey (D) 277,436 50.6% Charles Thone* (R) 270,203 49.3% 263 0.0% 547,902
1982 S1 48% Edward Zorinsky* (D) 363,350 66.6% Jim Keck (R) 155,760 28.5% 26,537 [+] 4.9% 545,647
1978 S2 49% James Exon (D) 334,276 67.6% Donald Shasteen (R) 159,806 32.3% 286 0.1% 494,368
1978 G 49% Charles Thone (R) 275,473 55.9% Gerald Whelan (D) 216,754 44.0% 196 0.0% 492,423
1976 S1 57% Edward Zorinsky (D) 313,805 52.4% John McCollister (R) 284,284 47.5% 221 0.0% 598,310
1974 G 46% James Exon* (D) 267,012 59.2% Richard Marvel (R) 159,780 35.4% 24,514 [+] 5.4% 451,306
1972 S2 55% Carl Curtis* (R) 301,841 53.1% Terry Carpenter (D) 265,922 46.8% 817 0.1% 568,580
1970 S1 49% Roman Hruska* (R) 240,894 52.5% Frank Morrison (D) 217,681 47.4% 391 0.1% 458,966
1970 G 49% James Exon (D) 248,552 53.8% Norbert Tiemann* (R) 201,994 43.8% 11,073 [+] 2.4% 461,619
1966 S2 54% Carl Curtis* (R) 296,116 61.0% Frank Morrison (D) 187,950 38.7% 1,035 0.2% 485,101
1966 G 54% Norbert Tiemann (R) 299,245 61.5% Philip Sorensen (D) 186,985 38.4% 166 0.0% 486,396
1964 S1 64% Roman Hruska* (R) 345,772 61.4% Raymond Arndt (D) 217,605 38.6% 24 0.0% 563,401
1964 G 65% Frank Morrison* (D) 347,026 60.0% Dwight Burney (R) 231,029 40.0% 35 0.0% 578,090
1962 G 53% Frank Morrison* (D) 242,669 52.2% Fred Seaton (R) 221,885 47.8% 31 0.0% 464,585
1960 G 69% Frank Morrison (D) 311,344 52.0% John Cooper (R) 287,302 48.0% 325 0.1% 598,971
1960 S2 69% Carl Curtis* (R) 352,748 58.9% Robert Conrad (D) 245,837 41.1% 158 0.0% 598,743
1958 G 47% Ralph Brooks (D) 211,345 50.2% Victor Anderson* (R) 209,705 49.8% 17 0.0% 421,067
1958 S1 46% Roman Hruska* (R) 232,227 55.6% Frank Morrison (D) 185,152 44.4% 6 0.0% 417,385
1956 G 64% Victor Anderson* (R) 308,293 54.3% Frank Sorrell (D) 228,048 40.2% 31,592 [+] 5.6% 567,933
1954 S2 46% Hazel Abel (R) 233,589 57.8% William Meier (D) 170,828 42.2% 0 0.0% 404,417
1954 G 47% Victor Anderson (R) 250,080 60.3% William Ritchie (D) 164,753 39.7% 8 0.0% 414,841
1954 S1 47% Roman Hruska (R) 250,341 60.9% James Green (D) 160,881 39.1% 3 0.0% 411,225
1954 S2 48% Carl Curtis (R) 255,695 61.1% Keith Neville (D) 162,990 38.9% 6 0.0% 418,691
1952 G 68% Robert Crosby (R) 365,409 61.4% Walter Raecke (D) 229,700 38.6% 5 0.0% 595,114
1952 S1 68% Hugh Butler* (R) 408,971 69.1% Stanley Long (D) 164,660 27.8% 18,223 [+] 3.1% 591,854
1952 S2 67% Dwight Griswold (R) 369,841 63.6% William Ritchie (D) 211,898 36.4% 0 0.0% 581,739
1950 G 52% Val Peterson* (R) 247,089 54.9% Walter Raecke (D) 202,638 45.1% 1 0.0% 449,728
1948 G 57% Val Peterson* (R) 286,119 60.1% Frank Sorrell (D) 190,214 39.9% 0 0.0% 476,333
1948 S2 56% Kenneth Wherry* (R) 267,575 56.7% Terry Carpenter (D) 204,320 43.3% 0 0.0% 471,895
1946 G 45% Val Peterson (R) 249,468 65.5% Frank Sorrell (D) 131,367 34.5% 0 0.0% 380,835
1946 S1 46% Hugh Butler* (R) 271,208 70.8% John Mekota (D) 111,751 29.2% 0 0.0% 382,959
1944 G 64% Dwight Griswold* (R) 410,136 76.1% George Olson (D) 128,760 23.9% 0 0.0% 538,896
1942 G 45% Dwight Griswold* (R) 283,271 74.8% Charles Bryan (D) 95,231 25.2% 0 0.0% 378,502
1942 S2 45% Kenneth Wherry (R) 186,207 49.0% George Norris* (I) 108,851 28.6% 85,111 [+] 22.4% 380,169
1940 S1 71% Hugh Butler (R) 340,250 57.0% Robert Cochran (D) 247,659 41.5% 8,982 [+] 1.5% 596,891
1940 G 72% Dwight Griswold (R) 365,638 60.9% Terry Carpenter (D) 235,167 39.1% 0 0.0% 600,805
1938 G 63% Robert Cochran* (D) 218,787 44.0% Charles Warner (R) 201,898 40.6% 76,558 [+] 15.4% 497,243
1936 S2 74% George Norris (I) 258,700 43.8% Robert Simmons (R) 223,276 37.8% 108,391 [+] 18.4% 590,367
1936 G 75% Robert Cochran* (D) 333,412 55.9% Dwight Griswold (R) 257,279 43.1% 5,746 [+] 1.0% 596,437
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election

Other Statewide Election Results for Nebraska

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022 AG 42% Mike Hilgers (R) 434,671 69.7% Larry Bolinger (I) 188,649 30.3% 0 0.0% 623,320
2022 AUD 42% Mike Foley (R) 429,169 68.5% Leroy Lopez (I) 120,987 19.3% 76,223 [+] 12.2% 626,379
2022 LG 0% Joseph Kelly (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2022 SOS 34% Bob Evnen* (R) 500,342 100.0%       0 0.0% 500,342
2022 TRE 40% John Murante* (R) 431,193 72.2% Katrina Tomsen (Lbt) 165,951 27.8% 0 0.0% 597,144
2018 AG 36% Doug Peterson* (R) 516,777 100.0%       0 0.0% 516,777
2018 AUD 46% Charlie Janssen* (R) 380,666 57.6% Jane Skinner (D) 280,669 42.4% 0 0.0% 661,335
2018 LG 0% Mike Foley* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2018 SOS 46% Bob Evnen (R) 406,632 60.6% Spencer Danner (D) 263,982 39.4% 0 0.0% 670,614
2018 TRE 36% John Murante (R) 516,210 100.0%       0 0.0% 516,210
2014 AG 37% Doug Peterson (R) 339,846 66.1% Janet Stewart (D) 174,614 33.9% 0 0.0% 514,460
2014 AUD 35% Charlie Janssen (R) 294,688 59.1% Amanda McGill (D) 204,221 40.9% 0 0.0% 498,909
2014 LG 0% Mike Foley (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2014 SOS 35% John Gale* (R) 368,135 75.2% Ben Backus (Lbt) 121,470 24.8% 0 0.0% 489,605
2014 TRE 37% Don Stenberg* (R) 357,474 68.1% Michael O'Hara (D) 139,101 26.5% 28,009 [+] 5.3% 524,584
2010 AG 29% Jon Bruning* (R) 393,124 100.0%       0 0.0% 393,124
2010 AUD 32% Mike Foley* (R) 345,436 79.6% Michelle Sallach-Grace (Lbt) 88,433 20.4% 0 0.0% 433,869
2010 LG 0% Rick Sheehy* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2010 SOS 34% John Gale* (R) 326,431 69.8% Janet Stewart (D) 141,564 30.2% 0 0.0% 467,995
2010 TRE 35% Don Stenberg (R) 345,661 72.9% Mark Stoj (D) 128,231 27.1% 0 0.0% 473,892
2006 AG 36% Jon Bruning* (R) 477,691 100.0%       0 0.0% 477,691
2006 AUD 41% Mike Foley (R) 290,564 53.3% Kate Witek* (D) 214,208 39.3% 40,167 [+] 7.4% 544,939
2006 LG 0% Rick Sheehy* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2006 SOS 42% John Gale* (R) 337,189 61.3% Jay Stoddard (D) 184,684 33.6% 27,987 [+] 5.1% 549,860
2006 TRE 41% Shane Osborn (R) 410,459 76.3% John Gathings (I) 127,586 23.7% 0 0.0% 538,045
2002 AG 35% Jon Bruning (R) 292,673 66.1% Mike Meister (D) 150,286 33.9% 0 0.0% 442,959
2002 AUD 34% Kate Witek* (R) 277,523 63.7% David Wilken (D) 126,132 29.0% 31,827 [+] 7.3% 435,482
2002 LG 0% Dave Heineman* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2002 SOS 35% John Gale* (R) 274,268 62.1% Jay Stoddard (D) 131,408 29.7% 36,258 [+] 8.2% 441,934
2002 TRE 33% Lorelee Byrd* (R) 316,225 75.5% Bob Sheckler (I) 102,564 24.5% 0 0.0% 418,789
1998 AG 42% Don Stenberg* (R) 353,939 68.1% Pat Knapp (D) 151,054 29.1% 14,946 [+] 2.9% 519,939
1998 AUD 40% Kate Witek (R) 287,920 58.3% Kandra Hahn (D) 186,717 37.8% 19,257 [+] 3.9% 493,894
1998 LG 0% Dave Maurstad (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1998 SOS 41% Scott Moore* (R) 322,340 64.6% Kent Bernbeck (D) 140,460 28.1% 36,234 [+] 7.3% 499,034
1998 TRE 40% Dave Heineman* (R) 310,881 63.4% David Tagart (D) 162,762 33.2% 16,698 [+] 3.4% 490,341
1994 AG 46% Don Stenberg* (R) 367,396 67.5% Steve Scherr (D) 176,594 32.4% 463 0.1% 544,453
1994 AUD 35% John Breslow* (D) 415,008 99.0%       4,291 1.0% 419,299
1994 LG 0% Kim Robak* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1994 SOS 44% Scott Moore (R) 331,254 63.0% Allan Eurek (D) 193,959 36.9% 528 0.1% 525,741
1994 TRE 45% Dave Heineman (R) 286,138 53.9% Dawn Rockey* (D) 243,955 46.0% 416 0.1% 530,509
1990 AG 48% Don Stenberg (R) 297,815 53.7% Gene Crump (D) 256,686 46.3% 335 0.1% 554,836
1990 AUD 48% John Breslow (D) 355,557 65.1% Ray Johnson* (R) 190,551 34.9% 402 0.1% 546,510
1990 LG 0% Maxine Moul (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1990 SOS 49% Allen Beermann* (R) 317,342 56.5% Nancy Sue Hansen (D) 244,240 43.5% 364 0.1% 561,946
1990 TRE 47% Dawn Rockey (D) 350,252 64.4% Frank Marsh* (R) 191,652 35.3% 1,593 0.3% 543,497
1986 AG 45% Robert Spire* (R) 313,431 61.0% Bernie Glaser (D) 200,218 39.0% 255 0.0% 513,904
1986 AUD 44% Ray Johnson* (R) 279,452 56.1% David Wilken (D) 218,529 43.9% 253 0.1% 498,234
1986 LG 0% Bill Nichol (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1986 SOS 47% Allen Beermann* (R) 366,876 68.7% Harold Stein (D) 166,625 31.2% 180 0.0% 533,681
1986 TRE 46% Frank Marsh (R) 276,818 52.9% DiAnna Schimek (D) 246,200 47.1% 213 0.0% 523,231
1982 AG 45% Paul Douglas* (R) 424,521 83.3% Ernie Chambers (I) 85,070 16.7% 338 0.1% 509,929
1982 AUD 43% Ray Johnson* (R) 275,203 56.8% Darl Nauman (D) 208,748 43.1% 172 0.0% 484,123
1982 LG 0% Donald McGinley (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1982 SOS 39% Allen Beermann* (R) 435,387 99.5%       2,359 0.5% 437,746
1982 TRE 44% Kay Orr* (R) 312,754 62.7% Orval Keyes (D) 185,503 37.2% 185 0.0% 498,442
1978 AG 44% Paul Douglas* (R) 294,232 66.3% Thomas Garvey (D) 149,784 33.7% 50 0.0% 444,066
1978 AUD 43% Ray Johnson* (R) 275,104 63.7% Darl Nauman (D) 156,937 36.3% 68 0.0% 432,109
1978 LG 0% Roland Luedtke (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1978 SOS 46% Allen Beermann* (R) 321,275 69.8% Clarence Davis (D) 138,823 30.2% 80 0.0% 460,178
1978 TRE 45% Frank Marsh* (R) 306,433 67.7% E.J. McBride (D) 146,424 32.3% 49 0.0% 452,906
1974 AG 46% Paul Douglas (R) 253,905 57.2% Frank Morrison (D) 189,775 42.8% 39 0.0% 443,719
1974 AUD 43% Ray Johnson* (R) 229,955 55.5% Richard Larsen (D) 184,389 44.5% 27 0.0% 414,371
1974 LG 0% Gerald Whelan (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1974 SOS 44% Allen Beermann* (R) 271,557 63.0% Christine Dahlquist (D) 159,436 37.0% 20 0.0% 431,013
1974 TRE 44% Frank Marsh (R) 258,828 60.7% Kurt Rasmussen (D) 167,359 39.3% 24 0.0% 426,211
1970 AG 44% Clarence Meyer* (R) 255,645 61.6% Stanley Cohen (D) 159,080 38.4% 22 0.0% 414,747
1970 AUD 45% Ray Johnson* (R) 227,684 53.4% Fred Sorensen (D) 198,935 46.6% 10 0.0% 426,629
1970 LG 47% Frank Marsh (R) 256,487 57.4% Ronald E. Reagan (D) 190,029 42.6% 23 0.0% 446,539
1970 SOS 45% Allen Beermann (R) 220,302 51.4% Stanley Matzke (D) 208,302 48.6% 8 0.0% 428,612
1970 TRE 45% Wayne Swanson* (R) 241,013 57.0% John Kissack (D) 181,437 42.9% 25 0.0% 422,475
1966 AG 50% Clarence Meyer* (R) 297,432 66.3% David Thomas (D) 150,915 33.7% 8 0.0% 448,355
1966 AUD 50% Ray Johnson* (R) 309,050 68.6% Arthur Case (D) 141,579 31.4% 12 0.0% 450,641
1966 LG 52% John Everroad (R) 285,163 61.1% Ross Rasmussen (D) 181,486 38.9% 25 0.0% 466,674
1966 SOS 52% Frank Marsh* (R) 336,656 72.3% George Meister (D) 129,280 27.7% 10 0.0% 465,946
1966 TRE 51% Wayne Swanson (R) 270,778 58.9% Fred Sorensen* (D) 188,636 41.1% 19 0.0% 459,433
1964 AG 59% Clarence Meyer* (R) 296,643 56.2% David Downing (D) 230,778 43.8% 7 0.0% 527,428
1964 AUD 60% Ray Johnson* (R) 293,282 54.8% Russel Swanson (D) 242,276 45.2% 7 0.0% 535,565
1964 LG 63% Philip Sorensen (D) 285,033 50.7% Charles Thone (R) 276,688 49.3% 19 0.0% 561,740
1964 SOS 62% Frank Marsh* (R) 342,272 62.7% Leonard Foster (D) 203,436 37.3% 5 0.0% 545,713
1964 TRE 61% Fred Sorensen (D) 275,623 51.4% Leo Swanson (R) 261,004 48.6% 35 0.0% 536,662
1962 AG 48% Clarence Meyer* (R) 250,359 59.6% David Thomas (D) 169,397 40.4% 6 0.0% 419,762
1962 AUD 49% Ray Johnson* (R) 271,685 63.8% Charles Broderick (D) 154,428 36.2% 3 0.0% 426,116
1962 LG 66% Dwight Burney* (R) 338,824 58.2% Rudolph Andersen (D) 242,891 41.8% 22 0.0% 581,737
1962 SOS 50% Frank Marsh* (R) 296,238 67.4% Leonard Foster (D) 143,387 32.6% 5 0.0% 439,630
1962 TRE 49% Clarence Swanson* (R) 244,823 56.8% Richard Larsen (D) 186,362 43.2% 6 0.0% 431,191
1960 AG 64% Clarence Meyer (R) 313,777 56.7% W.O. Baldwin (D) 239,823 43.3% 8 0.0% 553,608
1960 AUD 65% Ray Johnson* (R) 344,220 61.3% Charles Broderick (D) 216,927 38.7% 2 0.0% 561,149
1960 LG 46% Dwight Burney (R) 202,295 50.6% Frank Sorrell (D) 197,849 49.4% 1 0.0% 400,145
1960 SOS 66% Frank Marsh* (R) 367,075 63.7% Robert Dixon (D) 209,070 36.3% 4 0.0% 576,149
1960 TRE 65% Clarence Swanson (R) 306,347 53.9% Richard Larsen* (D) 261,937 46.1% 1 0.0% 568,285
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines
Type: AG: Attorney General; AUD: Auditor; LG: Lt. Governor; SOS: Secretary of State; TRE: Treasurer
italics: special election

Voter Registration Data for Nebraska

Click on the Year to display registration data in the map

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2024 1,264,040 623,229 49.3% 337,289 26.7% 303,522 24.0% Rep +285,940 Rep +22.6% 89%
2022 1,243,241 606,967 48.8% 345,292 27.8% 290,982 23.4% Rep +261,675 Rep +21.0% 84%
2020 1,267,099 606,759 47.9% 370,494 29.2% 289,846 22.9% Rep +236,265 Rep +18.6% 85%
2018 1,220,149 584,155 47.9% 362,240 29.7% 273,754 22.4% Rep +221,915 Rep +18.2% 84%
2016 1,211,912 582,924 48.1% 370,227 30.5% 258,761 21.4% Rep +212,697 Rep +17.6% 84%
2014 1,158,840 559,364 48.3% 357,835 30.9% 241,641 20.9% Rep +201,529 Rep +17.4% 82%
2012 1,164,166 558,170 47.9% 374,191 32.1% 231,805 19.9% Rep +183,979 Rep +15.8% 84%
2010 1,142,247 549,105 48.1% 380,321 33.3% 212,821 18.6% Rep +168,784 Rep +14.8% 84%
2008 1,157,034 558,465 48.3% 392,943 34.0% 205,626 17.8% Rep +165,522 Rep +14.3% 86%
2006 1,138,069 572,869 50.3% 370,600 32.6% 194,600 17.1% Rep +202,269 Rep +17.8% 86%
2004 1,160,202 575,781 49.6% 396,767 34.2% 187,654 16.2% Rep +179,014 Rep +15.4% 89%
2002 1,083,444 543,935 50.2% 381,991 35.3% 157,518 14.5% Rep +161,944 Rep +14.9% 84%
2000 1,085,272 537,605 49.5% 392,344 36.2% 155,323 14.3% Rep +145,261 Rep +13.4% 86%
1998 1,056,351 521,137 49.3% 390,776 37.0% 144,438 13.7% Rep +130,361 Rep +12.3% 85%
1996 1,015,056 502,030 49.5% 384,667 37.9% 128,359 12.6% Rep +117,363 Rep +11.6% 83%
1994 919,321 456,399 49.6% 365,872 39.8% 97,050 10.6% Rep +90,527 Rep +9.8% 77%
1992 951,395 464,955 48.9% 389,102 40.9% 97,338 10.2% Rep +75,853 Rep +8.0% 81%
1990 890,579 449,335 50.5% 374,023 42.0% 67,221 7.5% Rep +75,312 Rep +8.5% 77%
1986 849,762 435,289 51.2% 359,281 42.3% 55,192 6.5% Rep +76,008 Rep +8.9% 75%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.

Partisan Legislative Composition for Nebraska

YearU.S. House
2024 3 0 0
2022 3 0 0
2020 3 0 0
2018 3 0 0
2016 3 0 0
2014 2 1 0
2012 3 0 0
2010 3 0 0
2008 3 0 0
2006 3 0 0
2004 3 0 0
2002 3 0 0
2000 3 0 0
1998 3 0 0
1996 3 0 0
1994 3 0 0
1992 2 1 0
1990 2 1 0
1988 2 1 0
1986 3 0 0
1984 3 0 0
1982 3 0 0
1980 3 0 0
1978 2 1 0
1976 2 1 0
1974 3 0 0
1972 3 0 0
1970 3 0 0
1968 3 0 0
1966 3 0 0
1964 2 1 0
1962 3 0 0
1960 4 0 0
1958 2 2 0
1956 4 0 0
1954 4 0 0
1952 4 0 0
1950 4 0 0
1948 3 1 0
1946 4 0 0
1944 4 0 0
1942 4 0 0
1940 3 2 0
1938 3 2 0
1936 1 4 0
YearState Senate
2024 33 15 1
2022 32 16 1
2020 32 17 0
2018 30 18 1
2016 31 15 3
2014 35 13 1
2012 30 18 1
2010 34 15 0
2008 32 17 0
2006 31 15 3
2004 0 0 49
2002 0 0 49
2000 0 0 49
1998 0 0 49
1996 0 0 49
1994 0 0 49
1992 0 0 49
1990 0 0 49
1988 0 0 49
1986 0 0 49
1984 0 0 49
1982 0 0 49
1980 0 0 49
1978 0 0 49
1976 0 0 49
1974 0 0 49
1972 0 0 49
1970 0 0 49
1968 0 0 49
1966 0 0 49
1964 0 0 49
1962 0 0 43
1960 0 0 43
1958 0 0 43
1956 0 0 43
1954 0 0 43
1952 0 0 43
1950 0 0 43
1948 0 0 43
1946 0 0 43
1944 0 0 43
1942 0 0 43
1940 0 0 43
1938 [1] 0 0 43
1936 0 0 43
YearState House
2024 0 0 0
2022 0 0 0
2020 0 0 0
2018 0 0 0
2016 0 0 0
2014 0 0 0
2012 0 0 0
2010 0 0 0
2008 0 0 0
2006 0 0 0
2004 0 0 0
2002 0 0 0
2000 0 0 0
1998 0 0 0
1996 0 0 0
1994 0 0 0
1992 0 0 0
1990 0 0 0
1988 0 0 0
1986 0 0 0
1984 0 0 0
1982 0 0 0
1980 0 0 0
1978 0 0 0
1976 0 0 0
1974 0 0 0
1972 0 0 0
1970 0 0 0
1968 0 0 0
1966 0 0 0
1964 0 0 0
1962 0 0 0
1960 0 0 0
1958 0 0 0
1956 0 0 0
1954 0 0 0
1952 0 0 0
1950 0 0 0
1948 0 0 0
1946 0 0 0
1944 0 0 0
1942 0 0 0
1940 0 0 0
1938 0 0 0
1936 0 0 0
The partisan breakdowns shown are ones which took effect following the general elections in the specified year.

[1] Due to a constitutional amendment passed in 1934, effective with the 1936 election, the Nebraska Legislature became a non-partisan unicameral body with 43 elected members.

Source for state legislature data and notations: Wikipedia