
Counties in Louisiana

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Districts in this state

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2022 population: 4,590,241   ( 56,869 from 2010 , 67,508 from 2020)
Land area: 43210.0 square miles
Population density: 106.2 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:2,652,879 57.79% 3.0%
Black:1,477,73132.19% 2.4%
Indian:30,0040.65% 6.8%
Asian:87,2201.90% 23.1%
2+ races:76,1701.66% 31.9%
Hispanic:266,2375.80% 38.3%
Total non-White:1,937,36242.21% 7.7%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:127,830 13.7
Net Migration: -80,278-8.6
Net Immigration: 11,4811.2
Change in White population:-82,005 -1.8
Change in Non-White pop.:138,874 3.1

Historical Presidential Election Results for Louisiana

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 58% Donald Trump (R) 1,208,505 60.2% Kamala Harris (D) 766,870 38.2% 31,600 [+] 1.6% 2,006,975 11 1.29% 8
2020 61% Donald Trump* (R) 1,255,776 58.5% Joe Biden (D) 856,034 39.9% 36,252 [+] 1.7% 2,148,062 12 1.35% 8
2016 58% Donald Trump (R) 1,178,638 58.1% Hillary Clinton (D) 780,154 38.4% 70,240 [+] 3.5% 2,029,032 12 1.48% 8
2012 58% Mitt Romney (R) 1,152,262 57.8% Barack Obama* (D) 809,141 40.6% 32,662 [+] 1.6% 1,994,065 11 1.54% 8
2008 59% John McCain (R) 1,148,275 58.6% Barack Obama (D) 782,989 39.9% 29,497 [+] 1.5% 1,960,761 13 1.49% 9
2004 59% George W. Bush* (R) 1,102,169 56.7% John Kerry (D) 820,299 42.2% 20,638 [+] 1.1% 1,943,106 6 1.59% 9
2000 54% George W. Bush (R) 927,871 52.6% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 792,344 44.9% 45,441 [+] 2.6% 1,765,656 5 1.67% 9
1996 58% Bill Clinton* (D) 927,837 52.0% Robert Dole (R) 712,586 39.9% 143,536 [+] 8.0% 1,783,959 -1 1.85% 9
1992 59% Bill Clinton (D) 815,971 45.6% George Bush* (R) 733,386 41.0% 240,660 [+] 13.4% 1,790,017 4 1.71% 9
1988 56% George Bush (R) 883,702 54.3% Michael Dukakis (D) 717,460 44.1% 27,040 [+] 1.7% 1,628,202 1 1.78% 10
1984 58% Ronald Reagan* (R) 1,037,299 60.8% Walter Mondale (D) 651,586 38.2% 17,937 1.1% 1,706,822 2 1.84% 10
1980 53% Ronald Reagan (R) 792,853 51.2% Jimmy Carter* (D) 708,453 45.7% 47,285 [+] 3.1% 1,548,591 0 1.79% 10
1976 50% Jimmy Carter (D) 661,365 51.7% Gerald Ford* (R) 587,446 46.0% 29,628 [+] 2.3% 1,278,439 -2 1.57% 10
1972 43% Richard Nixon* (R) 686,852 65.3% George McGovern (D) 298,142 28.4% 66,497 [+] 6.3% 1,051,491 5 1.35% 10
1968 55% George Wallace (AIP) 530,300 48.3% Hubert Humphrey (D) 309,615 28.2% 257,535 [+] 23.5% 1,097,450 -20 1.50% 10
1964 47% Barry Goldwater (R) 509,225 56.8% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 387,068 43.2% 0 0.0% 896,293 18 1.27% 10
1960 45% John Kennedy (D) 407,339 50.4% Richard Nixon (R) 230,980 28.6% 169,572 21.0% 807,891 -21 1.17% 10
1956 35% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 329,047 53.3% Adlai Stevenson (D) 243,977 39.5% 44,520 7.2% 617,544 -4 1.00% 10
1952 39% Adlai Stevenson (D) 345,027 52.9% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 306,925 47.1% 0 0.0% 651,952 -8 1.06% 10
1948 27% Strom Thurmond (StsRts) 204,290 49.1% Harry Truman* (D) 136,344 32.7% 75,702 [+] 18.2% 416,336 -28 0.85% 10
1944 24% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 281,564 80.6% Thomas Dewey (R) 67,750 19.4% 69 0.0% 349,383 -27 0.73% 10
1940 27% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 319,751 85.9% Wendell Willkie (R) 52,446 14.1% 108 0.0% 372,305 -31 0.75% 10
1936 27% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 292,894 88.8% Alf Landon (R) 36,791 11.2% 93 [+] 0.0% 329,778 -25 0.72% 10
1932 23% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 249,418 92.8% Herbert Hoover* (R) 18,853 7.0% 533 [+] 0.2% 268,804 -33 0.68% 10
1928 20% Al Smith (D) 164,655 76.3% Herbert Hoover (R) 51,160 23.7% 18 [+] 0.0% 215,833 -34 0.59% 10
1924 12% John Davis (D) 93,218 75.9% Calvin Coolidge (R) 24,670 20.1% 4,963 [+] 4.0% 122,851 -34 0.42% 10
1920 14% James Cox (D) 87,519 69.2% Warren Harding (R) 38,539 30.5% 339 [+] 0.3% 126,397 -30 0.47% 10
1916 11% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 79,875 85.9% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 6,466 7.0% 6,641 [+] 7.1% 92,982 -39 0.50% 10
1912 9% Woodrow Wilson (D) 60,871 76.8% William Taft* (R) 9,283 11.7% 9,094 [+] 11.5% 79,248 -11 0.53% 10
1908 10% William J. Bryan (D) 63,948 84.7% William Taft (R) 8,958 11.9% 2,596 [+] 3.4% 75,502 -40 0.51% 9
1904 8% Alton Parker (D) 47,747 88.5% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 5,205 9.6% 995 [+] 1.8% 53,947 -47 0.40% 9
1900 10% William J. Bryan (D) 53,668 79.0% William McKinley* (R) 14,234 21.0% 0 0.0% 67,902 -31 0.49% 8
* incumbent         PUSV: percent of U.S. vote

2020 President, Louisiana
Joe Biden (D) 856,034 39.9%
Donald Trump* (R) 1,255,776 58.5%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 21,645 1.0%
Other 14,607 0.7%
TOTAL 2,148,062
Turnout: 61% Diff (US): 12

2016 President, Louisiana
Hillary Clinton (D) 780,154 38.4%
Donald Trump (R) 1,178,638 58.1%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 37,978 1.9%
Jill Stein (Grn) 14,031 0.7%
Evan McMullin (I) 8,547 0.4%
Other 9,684 0.5%
TOTAL 2,029,032
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 12

2012 President, Louisiana
Barack Obama* (D) 809,141 40.6%
Mitt Romney (R) 1,152,262 57.8%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 18,157 0.9%
Other 14,505 0.7%
TOTAL 1,994,065
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 11

2008 President, Louisiana
Barack Obama (D) 782,989 39.9%
John McCain (R) 1,148,275 58.6%
Ralph Nader (I) 6,997 0.4%
Other 22,500 1.1%
TOTAL 1,960,761
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 13

2004 President, Louisiana
George W. Bush* (R) 1,102,169 56.7%
John Kerry (D) 820,299 42.2%
Ralph Nader (I) 7,032 0.4%
Other 13,606 0.7%
TOTAL 1,943,106
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 6

2000 President, Louisiana
George W. Bush (R) 927,871 52.6%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 792,344 44.9%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 20,473 1.2%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 14,356 0.8%
Other 10,612 0.6%
TOTAL 1,765,656
Turnout: 54% Diff (US): 5

1996 President, Louisiana
Bill Clinton* (D) 927,837 52.0%
Robert Dole (R) 712,586 39.9%
Ross Perot (Ref) 123,293 6.9%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 4,719 0.3%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 7,499 0.4%
Other 8,025 0.4%
TOTAL 1,783,959
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): -1

1992 President, Louisiana
Bill Clinton (D) 815,971 45.6%
George Bush* (R) 733,386 41.0%
Ross Perot (I) 211,478 11.8%
Other 29,182 1.6%
TOTAL 1,790,017
Turnout: 59% Diff (US): 4

1988 President, Louisiana
George Bush (R) 883,702 54.3%
Michael Dukakis (D) 717,460 44.1%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 4,115 0.3%
Other 22,925 1.4%
TOTAL 1,628,202
Turnout: 56% Diff (US): 1

1984 President, Louisiana
Ronald Reagan* (R) 1,037,299 60.8%
Walter Mondale (D) 651,586 38.2%
Other 17,937 1.1%
TOTAL 1,706,822
Turnout: 58% Diff (US): 2

1980 President, Louisiana
Ronald Reagan (R) 792,853 51.2%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 708,453 45.7%
John Anderson (I) 26,345 1.7%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 10,333 0.7%
Other 10,607 0.7%
TOTAL 1,548,591
Turnout: 53% Diff (US): 0

1976 President, Louisiana
Jimmy Carter (D) 661,365 51.7%
Gerald Ford* (R) 587,446 46.0%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 6,588 0.5%
Other 23,040 1.8%
TOTAL 1,278,439
Turnout: 50% Diff (US): -2

1972 President, Louisiana
Richard Nixon* (R) 686,852 65.3%
George McGovern (D) 298,142 28.4%
John Schmitz (Amer) 52,099 5.0%
Other 14,398 1.4%
TOTAL 1,051,491
Turnout: 43% Diff (US): 5

1968 President, Louisiana
Richard Nixon (R) 257,535 23.5%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 309,615 28.2%
George Wallace (AIP) 530,300 48.3%
TOTAL 1,097,450
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): -20

1964 President, Louisiana
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 387,068 43.2%
Barry Goldwater (R) 509,225 56.8%
TOTAL 896,293
Turnout: 47% Diff (US): 18

1960 President, Louisiana
John Kennedy (D) 407,339 50.4%
Richard Nixon (R) 230,980 28.6%
Other 169,572 21.0%
TOTAL 807,891
Turnout: 45% Diff (US): -21

1956 President, Louisiana
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 329,047 53.3%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 243,977 39.5%
Other 44,520 7.2%
TOTAL 617,544
Turnout: 35% Diff (US): -4

1952 President, Louisiana
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 306,925 47.1%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 345,027 52.9%
TOTAL 651,952
Turnout: 39% Diff (US): -8

1948 President, Louisiana
Harry Truman* (D) 136,344 32.7%
Thomas Dewey (R) 72,657 17.5%
Strom Thurmond (StsRts) 204,290 49.1%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 3,035 0.7%
Other 10 0.0%
TOTAL 416,336
Turnout: 27% Diff (US): -28

1944 President, Louisiana
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 281,564 80.6%
Thomas Dewey (R) 67,750 19.4%
Other 69 0.0%
TOTAL 349,383
Turnout: 24% Diff (US): -27

1940 President, Louisiana
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 319,751 85.9%
Wendell Willkie (R) 52,446 14.1%
Other 108 0.0%
TOTAL 372,305
Turnout: 27% Diff (US): -31

1936 President, Louisiana
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 292,894 88.8%
Alf Landon (R) 36,791 11.2%
Other 93 0.0%
TOTAL 329,778
Turnout: 27% Diff (US): -25

1932 President, Louisiana
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 249,418 92.8%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 18,853 7.0%
Other 533 0.2%
TOTAL 268,804
Turnout: 23% Diff (US): -33

1928 President, Louisiana
Herbert Hoover (R) 51,160 23.7%
Al Smith (D) 164,655 76.3%
Other 18 0.0%
TOTAL 215,833
Turnout: 20% Diff (US): -34

1924 President, Louisiana
Calvin Coolidge (R) 24,670 20.1%
John Davis (D) 93,218 75.9%
Other 4,963 4.0%
TOTAL 122,851
Turnout: 12% Diff (US): -34

1920 President, Louisiana
Warren Harding (R) 38,539 30.5%
James Cox (D) 87,519 69.2%
Other 339 0.3%
TOTAL 126,397
Turnout: 14% Diff (US): -30

1916 President, Louisiana
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 79,875 85.9%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 6,466 7.0%
Allan Benson (Soc) 292 0.3%
Other 6,349 6.8%
TOTAL 92,982
Turnout: 11% Diff (US): -39

1912 President, Louisiana
Woodrow Wilson (D) 60,871 76.8%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 3,833 4.8%
William Taft* (R) 9,283 11.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 5,261 6.6%
TOTAL 79,248
Turnout: 9% Diff (US): -11

1908 President, Louisiana
William Taft (R) 8,958 11.9%
William J. Bryan (D) 63,948 84.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 2,514 3.3%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 77 0.1%
Other 5 0.0%
TOTAL 75,502
Turnout: 10% Diff (US): -40

1904 President, Louisiana
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 5,205 9.6%
Alton Parker (D) 47,747 88.5%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 995 1.8%
TOTAL 53,947
Turnout: 8% Diff (US): -47

1900 President, Louisiana
William McKinley* (R) 14,234 21.0%
William J. Bryan (D) 53,668 79.0%
TOTAL 67,902
Turnout: 10% Diff (US): -31
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Louisiana

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2023 G 30% Jeff Landry (R) 547,827 51.6% Shawn Wilson (D) 275,525 25.9% 239,146 [+] 22.5% 1,062,498
2022 S3 40% John Kennedy* (R) 851,568 61.6% Gary Chambers (D) 246,933 17.9% 284,789 [+] 20.6% 1,383,290
2020 S2 58% Bill Cassidy* (R) 1,228,908 59.3% Adrian Perkins (D) 394,049 19.0% 448,586 [+] 21.7% 2,071,543
2019 G 43% John Bel Edwards* (D) 774,498 51.3% Eddie Rispone (R) 734,286 48.7% 0 0.0% 1,508,784
2016 S3 25% John Kennedy (R) 536,191 60.7% Foster Campbell (D) 347,816 39.3% 0 0.0% 884,007
2015 G 33% John Bel Edwards (D) 646,924 56.1% David Vitter (R) 505,940 43.9% 0 0.0% 1,152,864
2014 S2 37% Bill Cassidy (R) 712,379 55.9% Mary Landrieu* (D) 561,210 44.1% 0 0.0% 1,273,589
2011 G 30% Bobby Jindal* (R) 673,239 65.8% Tara Hollis (D) 182,925 17.9% 166,999 [+] 16.3% 1,023,163
2010 S3 37% David Vitter* (R) 715,415 56.6% Charlie Melancon (D) 476,572 37.7% 73,007 [+] 5.8% 1,264,994
2008 S2 58% Mary Landrieu* (D) 988,298 52.1% John Kennedy (R) 867,177 45.7% 41,099 [+] 2.2% 1,896,574
2007 G 39% Bobby Jindal (R) 699,672 53.9% Walter Boasso (D) 226,364 17.4% 371,907 [+] 28.7% 1,297,943
2004 S3 56% David Vitter (R) 943,014 51.0% Chris John (D) 542,150 29.3% 362,895 [+] 19.6% 1,848,059
2003 G 43% Kathleen Blanco (D) 731,358 51.9% Bobby Jindal (R) 676,484 48.1% 0 0.0% 1,407,842
2002 S2 38% Mary Landrieu* (D) 638,654 51.7% Suzanne Terrell (R) 596,642 48.3% 0 0.0% 1,235,296
1999 G 41% Mike Foster* (R) 805,203 62.2% Bill Jefferson (D) 382,445 29.5% 107,557 [+] 8.3% 1,295,205
1998 S3 31% John Breaux* (D) 620,502 64.0% Jim Donelon (R) 306,616 31.6% 42,047 [+] 4.3% 969,165
1996 S2 55% Mary Landrieu (D) 852,945 50.2% Woody Jenkins (R) 847,157 49.8% 0 0.0% 1,700,102
1995 G 50% Mike Foster (R) 984,499 63.5% Cleo Fields (D) 565,861 36.5% 0 0.0% 1,550,360
1992 S3 28% John Breaux* (D) 616,021 73.1% John Khachaturian (I) 74,785 8.9% 152,231 [+] 18.1% 843,037
1991 G 57% Eddie Edwards (D) 1,057,031 61.2% David Duke (R) 671,009 38.8% 0 0.0% 1,728,040
1990 S2 47% Bennett Johnston* (D) 753,198 53.9% David Duke (R) 607,091 43.5% 35,923 [+] 2.6% 1,396,212
1987 G 53% Buddy Roemer (D) 516,128 33.2% Eddie Edwards (D) 434,802 27.9% 605,305 [+] 38.9% 1,556,235
1986 S3 47% John Breaux (D) 723,528 52.8% Henson Moore (R) 646,176 47.2% 0 0.0% 1,369,704
1984 S2 33% Bennett Johnston* (D) 838,181 85.7% Robert Ross (R) 86,546 8.9% 52,746 [+] 5.4% 977,473
1983 G 55% Eddie Edwards (D) 1,002,798 62.3% David Treen (R) 585,692 36.4% 20,862 [+] 1.3% 1,609,352
1980 S3 29% Russell Long* (D) 484,770 57.6% Woody Jenkins (D) 325,992 38.8% 30,251 [+] 3.6% 841,013
1979 G 23% David Treen (R) 297,469 51.3% Louis Lambert (D) 282,708 48.7% 0 0.0% 580,177
1978 S2 34% Bennett Johnston* (D) 498,773 59.4% Woody Jenkins (D) 340,986 40.6% 0 0.0% 839,759
1975 G 52% Eddie Edwards* (D) 750,107 62.4% Bob Jones (D) 292,220 24.3% 160,677 [+] 13.4% 1,203,004
1974 S3 19% Russell Long* (D) 434,643 100.0%       0 0.0% 434,643
1972 S2 44% Bennett Johnston (D) 598,987 55.2% John McKeithen (I) 250,161 23.1% 235,756 [+] 21.7% 1,084,904
1972 G 46% Eddie Edwards (D) 641,146 57.2% David Treen (R) 480,424 42.8% 0 0.0% 1,121,570
1968 S3 26% Russell Long* (D) 518,586 100.0%       0 0.0% 518,586
1968 G 19% John McKeithen* (D) 372,762 100.0%       0 0.0% 372,762
1966 S2 22% Allen Ellender* (D) 437,695 100.0%       0 0.0% 437,695
1964 G 41% John McKeithen (D) 469,589 60.7% Charlton Lyons (R) 297,753 38.5% 6,048 [+] 0.8% 773,390
1962 S3 23% Russell Long* (D) 318,838 75.5% Taylor O'Hearn (R) 103,666 24.5% 0 0.0% 422,504
1960 S2 30% Allen Ellender* (D) 432,228 79.8% George Reese (R) 109,698 20.2% 2 0.0% 541,928
1960 G 28% Jimmie Davis (D) 407,907 80.5% Francis Grevemberg (R) 86,135 17.0% 12,520 [+] 2.5% 506,562
1956 S3 19% Russell Long* (D) 335,564 100.0%       0 0.0% 335,564
1956 G 10% Earl Long (D) 172,291 100.0%       0 0.0% 172,291
1954 S2 12% Allen Ellender* (D) 207,115 100.0%       0 0.0% 207,115
1952 G 7% Robert Kennon (D) 118,723 96.0% Harrison Bagwell (R) 4,958 4.0% 0 0.0% 123,681
1950 S3 16% Russell Long* (D) 220,907 87.7% Charles Gerth (R) 30,931 12.3% 0 0.0% 251,838
1948 S3 27% Russell Long (D) 305,346 74.9% Clem Clarke (R) 102,339 25.1% 0 0.0% 407,685
1948 S2 22% Allen Ellender* (D) 330,115 100.0%       0 0.0% 330,115
1948 G 11% Earl Long (D) 172,291 100.0%       0 0.0% 172,291
1944 S3 20% John Overton* (D) 287,365 100.0%       0 0.0% 287,365
1944 G 4% Jimmie Davis (D) 51,604 100.0%       0 0.0% 51,604
1942 S2 6% Allen Ellender* (D) 85,488 100.0%       0 0.0% 85,488
1940 G 17% Sam Jones (D) 225,841 99.4% W.W. Tuttle (R) 1,367 0.6% 0 0.0% 227,208
1938 S3 12% John Overton* (D) 151,585 99.8% Maurice Clark (I) 250 0.2% 0 0.0% 151,835
1936 S2 24% Allen Ellender (D) 293,256 100.0%       0 0.0% 293,256
1936 G 11% Richard Leche (D) 131,999 100.0%       0 0.0% 131,999
1936 S2 11% Rose Long (D) 131,930 100.0%       0 0.0% 131,930
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election

Other Statewide Election Results for Louisiana

YearTypeTurnoutWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2023 AG 19% Liz Murrill (R) 444,544 66.4% Lindsey Cheek (D) 225,050 33.6% 0 0.0% 669,594
2023 LG 30% Billy Nungesser* (R) 678,531 65.5% Willie Jones (D) 211,988 20.5% 145,075 [+] 14.0% 1,035,594
2023 SOS 19% Nancy Landry (R) 446,494 66.8% Gwen Collins-Greenup (D) 221,739 33.2% 0 0.0% 668,233
2023 TRE 19% John Fleming (R) 437,763 65.5% Dustin Granger (D) 231,002 34.5% 0 0.0% 668,765
2019 AG 37% Jeff Landry* (R) 855,366 66.2% Ike Jackson (D) 436,502 33.8% 0 0.0% 1,291,868
2019 AGR 36% Mike Strain* (R) 724,706 56.8% Marguerite Green (D) 259,718 20.3% 292,334 [+] 22.9% 1,276,758
2019 INS 34% Jim Donelon* (R) 631,728 53.5% Tim Temple (R) 549,132 46.5% 0 0.0% 1,180,860
2019 LG 37% Billy Nungesser* (R) 884,309 68.1% Willie Jones (D) 413,556 31.9% 0 0.0% 1,297,865
2019 SOS 42% Kyle Ardoin* (R) 867,607 59.1% Gwen Collins-Greenup (D) 601,126 40.9% 0 0.0% 1,468,733
2019 TRE 37% John Schroder* (R) 769,462 60.0% Derrick Edwards (D) 442,740 34.5% 69,908 [+] 5.5% 1,282,110
2018 SOS sp 15% Kyle Ardoin (R) 306,568 59.3% Gwen Collins-Greenup (D) 210,085 40.7% 0 0.0% 516,653
2017 TRE sp 11% John Schroder (R) 208,144 55.7% Derrick Edwards (D) 165,271 44.3% 0 0.0% 373,415
2015 AG 31% Jeff Landry (R) 610,459 56.3% Buddy Caldwell* (R) 473,915 43.7% 0 0.0% 1,084,374
2015 AGR 30% Mike Strain* (R) 603,892 58.2% Charlie Greer (D) 312,705 30.1% 121,638 [+] 11.7% 1,038,235
2015 INS 30% Jim Donelon* (R) 561,743 53.5% Charlotte McGhee (D) 199,606 19.0% 288,194 [+] 27.5% 1,049,543
2015 LG 33% Billy Nungesser (R) 628,876 55.4% Kip Holden (D) 506,640 44.6% 0 0.0% 1,135,516
2015 SOS 30% Tom Schedler* (R) 649,540 62.2% Chris Tyson (D) 394,587 37.8% 0 0.0% 1,044,127
2015 TRE 28% John Kennedy (R) 787,677 80.1% Jennifer Treadway (R) 195,791 19.9% 0 0.0% 983,468
2011 AG 0% Buddy Caldwell (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2011 AGR 28% Mike Strain* (R) 640,886 66.5% Jamie LaBranche (D) 267,942 27.8% 54,888 [+] 5.7% 963,716
2011 INS 28% Jim Donelon* (R) 651,559 67.5% Donald Hodge (D) 314,317 32.5% 0 0.0% 965,876
2011 LG 28% Jay Dardenne* (R) 504,451 53.1% Billy Nungesser (R) 445,049 46.9% 0 0.0% 949,500
2011 SOS 26% Tom Schedler (R) 449,616 50.5% Jim Tucker (R) 441,170 49.5% 0 0.0% 890,786
2011 TRE 0% John Kennedy* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2010 LG sp 37% Jay Dardenne (R) 719,271 57.1% Caroline Fayard (D) 540,649 42.9% 0 0.0% 1,259,920
2007 AG 22% Buddy Caldwell (D) 477,574 66.6% Royal Alexander (R) 239,485 33.4% 0 0.0% 717,059
2007 AGR 0% Mike Strain (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2007 INS 36% Jim Donelon* (R) 606,196 50.9% Jim Crowley (D) 423,986 35.6% 161,341 [+] 13.5% 1,191,523
2007 LG 38% Mitch Landrieu* (D) 701,887 56.6% Sammy Kershaw (R) 375,727 30.3% 162,396 [+] 13.1% 1,240,010
2007 SOS 36% Jay Dardenne* (R) 757,821 63.3% Robert Wooley (D) 374,199 31.3% 64,723 [+] 5.4% 1,196,743
2007 TRE 0% John Kennedy* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2006 INS sp 17% Jim Donelon (R) 284,245 50.1% James Cain (R) 222,619 39.3% 60,175 [+] 10.6% 567,039
2006 SOS sp 0% Jay Dardenne (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
2003 AG 39% Charles Foti (D) 689,179 54.3% Suzanne Terrell (R) 579,917 45.7% 0 0.0% 1,269,096
2003 AGR 38% Bob Odom* (D) 822,682 65.6% Don Johnson (R) 430,856 34.4% 0 0.0% 1,253,538
2003 INS 41% Robert Wooley (D) 773,578 57.7% Dan Kyle (R) 567,034 42.3% 0 0.0% 1,340,612
2003 LG 39% Mitch Landrieu (D) 674,803 52.7% Clyde Holloway (R) 249,668 19.5% 356,408 [+] 27.8% 1,280,879
2003 SOS 39% Fox McKeithen* (R) 916,235 72.3% Al Donovan (D) 284,125 22.4% 66,969 [+] 5.3% 1,267,329
2003 TRE 0% John Kennedy* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1999 AG 0% Richard Ieyoub* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1999 AGR 0% Bob Odom* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1999 ELE 23% Suzanne Terrell (R) 437,817 59.2% Woody Jenkins (R) 302,261 40.8% 0 0.0% 740,078
1999 INS 24% Jim Brown* (D) 426,098 57.2% Allen Boudreaux (R) 319,124 42.8% 0 0.0% 745,222
1999 LG 38% Kathleen Blanco (D) 968,249 80.2% Kevin Duplantis (R) 121,296 10.0% 117,467 [+] 9.7% 1,207,012
1999 SOS 0% Fox McKeithen* (R) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1999 TRE 35% John Kennedy (D) 621,796 55.6% Ken Duncan* (D) 497,319 44.4% 0 0.0% 1,119,115
1995 AG 43% Richard Ieyoub* (D) 1,019,041 76.4% Ed Tarpley (R) 137,372 10.3% 176,549 [+] 13.2% 1,332,962
1995 AGR 43% Bob Odom* (D) 980,909 74.0% Don Johnson (R) 272,349 20.6% 71,829 [+] 5.4% 1,325,087
1995 ELE 41% Jerry Fowler* (D) 954,076 74.7% Wray Anderson (R) 323,422 25.3% 0 0.0% 1,277,498
1995 INS 44% Jim Brown* (D) 809,778 60.0% Sally Nungesser (R) 373,234 27.7% 166,776 [+] 12.4% 1,349,788
1995 LG 48% Kathleen Blanco (D) 964,559 65.3% Suzanne Krieger (R) 513,613 34.7% 0 0.0% 1,478,172
1995 SOS 43% Fox McKeithen* (R) 744,707 56.1% Doug Schmidt (D) 456,349 34.4% 126,673 [+] 9.5% 1,327,729
1995 TRE 46% Ken Duncan (D) 798,280 56.6% Steve Theriot (D) 610,964 43.4% 0 0.0% 1,409,244
1991 AG 55% Richard Ieyoub (D) 1,147,592 68.9% Ben Bagert (R) 517,660 31.1% 0 0.0% 1,665,252
1991 AGR 46% Bob Odom* (D) 824,167 59.9% Don Johnson (R) 199,688 14.5% 353,078 [+] 25.6% 1,376,933
1991 ELE 44% Jerry Fowler* (D) 940,309 71.6% Steve Young (R) 372,480 28.4% 0 0.0% 1,312,789
1991 INS 56% Jim Brown (D) 1,002,038 59.8% Peggy Wilson (R) 674,097 40.2% 0 0.0% 1,676,135
1991 LG 57% Melinda Schwegmann (D) 1,009,026 59.3% Paul Hardy (R) 693,412 40.7% 0 0.0% 1,702,438
1991 SOS 55% Fox McKeithen* (R) 827,506 50.3% Doug Schmidt (D) 818,355 49.7% 0 0.0% 1,645,861
1987 AG 33% Billy Guste* (D) 516,658 54.0% Harry Connick, Sr. (D) 440,984 46.0% 0 0.0% 957,642
1987 AGR 46% Bob Odom* (D) 993,869 73.5% Don Johnson (R) 190,502 14.1% 168,301 [+] 12.4% 1,352,672
1987 ELE 44% Jerry Fowler* (D) 1,079,851 83.2% Jim Rentz (D) 217,886 16.8% 0 0.0% 1,297,737
1987 INS 48% Doug Green (D) 773,026 55.3% Sherman Bernard* (D) 456,539 32.6% 169,036 [+] 12.1% 1,398,601
1987 LG 34% Paul Hardy (R) 521,992 53.1% Bobby Freeman* (D) 460,199 46.9% 0 0.0% 982,191
1987 SOS 33% Fox McKeithen (D) 490,190 51.2% Mike Cutshaw (D) 467,582 48.8% 0 0.0% 957,772
1987 TRE 47% Mary Landrieu (D) 602,879 44.0% Kevin Reilly (D) 437,438 32.0% 328,553 [+] 24.0% 1,368,870
1983 AGR 49% Bob Odom (D) 821,804 57.2% Noel Baum (D) 407,945 28.4% 207,647 [+] 14.4% 1,437,396
1983 ELE 45% Jerry Fowler (D) 921,659 70.3% Jim Crowley (D) 229,875 17.5% 159,648 [+] 12.2% 1,311,182
1983 INS 34% Sherman Bernard (D) 553,230 54.9% Dave Brennan (R) 453,793 45.1% 0 0.0% 1,007,023
1983 LG 36% Bobby Freeman (D) 608,190 58.2% Jimmy Fitzmorris (D) 435,989 41.8% 0 0.0% 1,044,179
1979 LG 0% Bobby Freeman (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1975 LG 0% Jimmy Fitzmorris* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1972 LG 0% Jimmy Fitzmorris (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1968 LG 0% Taddy Aycock* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1964 LG 0% Taddy Aycock* (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
1960 LG 0% Taddy Aycock (D) 0 0.0%       0 0.0% 0
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines
Type: AG: Attorney General; AGR: Commissioner of Agriculture; ELE: Commissioner of Elections; INS: Insurance Commissioner; LG: Lt. Governor; SOS: Secretary of State; TRE: Treasurer
italics: special election

Voter Registration Data for Louisiana

Click on the Year to display registration data in the map

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2024 3,044,473 1,056,025 34.7% 1,138,760 37.4% 849,688 27.9% Dem +82,735 Dem +2.7% 88%
2022 3,016,626 1,007,718 33.4% 1,189,716 39.4% 819,192 27.2% Dem +181,998 Dem +6.0% 86%
2020 3,091,340 1,020,085 33.0% 1,257,863 40.7% 813,392 26.3% Dem +237,778 Dem +7.7% 89%
2018 2,990,267 911,984 30.5% 1,289,104 43.1% 789,179 26.4% Dem +377,120 Dem +12.6% 86%
2016 3,021,964 898,254 29.7% 1,344,592 44.5% 779,118 25.8% Dem +446,338 Dem +14.8% 87%
2014 2,945,659 816,779 27.7% 1,374,690 46.7% 754,190 25.6% Dem +557,911 Dem +18.9% 86%
2012 2,962,999 815,769 27.5% 1,429,073 48.2% 718,157 24.2% Dem +613,304 Dem +20.7% 86%
2010 2,933,199 768,786 26.2% 1,484,697 50.6% 679,716 23.2% Dem +715,911 Dem +24.4% 86%
2008 2,940,985 743,367 25.3% 1,543,840 52.5% 653,778 22.2% Dem +800,473 Dem +27.2% 87%
2006 2,883,418 701,949 24.3% 1,554,329 53.9% 627,140 21.7% Dem +852,380 Dem +29.6% 86%
2004 2,922,560 701,467 24.0% 1,616,282 55.3% 604,811 20.7% Dem +914,815 Dem +31.3% 88%
2002 2,776,951 637,427 23.0% 1,613,443 58.1% 526,081 18.9% Dem +976,016 Dem +35.1% 85%
2000 2,789,616 614,893 22.0% 1,670,865 59.9% 503,858 18.1% Dem +1,055,972 Dem +37.9% 86%
1998 2,672,560 573,900 21.5% 1,671,379 62.5% 427,281 16.0% Dem +1,097,479 Dem +41.1% 84%
1994 2,212,927 427,829 19.3% 1,564,354 70.7% 220,744 10.0% Dem +1,136,525 Dem +51.4% 72%
1986 2,179,317 293,990 13.5% 1,704,570 78.2% 180,757 8.3% Dem +1,410,580 Dem +64.7% 74%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.

Partisan Legislative Composition for Louisiana

YearU.S. House
2024 4 2 0
2022 5 1 0
2020 5 1 0
2018 5 1 0
2016 5 1 0
2014 5 1 0
2012 5 1 0
2010 6 1 0
2008 6 1 0
2006 5 2 0
2004 5 2 0
2002 4 3 0
2000 5 2 0
1998 5 2 0
1996 5 2 0
1994 3 4 0
1992 3 4 0
1990 4 4 0
1988 4 4 0
1986 3 5 0
1984 2 6 0
1982 2 6 0
1980 2 6 0
1978 3 5 0
1976 2 6 0
1974 2 6 0
1972 1 7 0
1970 0 8 0
1968 0 8 0
1966 0 8 0
1964 0 8 0
1962 0 8 0
1960 0 8 0
1958 0 8 0
1956 0 8 0
1954 0 8 0
1952 0 8 0
1950 0 8 0
1948 0 8 0
1946 0 8 0
1944 0 8 0
1942 0 8 0
1940 0 8 0
1938 0 8 0
1936 0 8 0
YearState Senate
2023 28 11 0
2019 27 12 0
2015 25 14 0
2011 24 15 0
2007 [1] 16 23 0
2003 15 24 0
1999 13 26 0
1995 13 26 0
1991 6 33 0
1987 5 34 0
1983 [2] 1 38 0
1979 0 39 0
1975 1 38 0
1971 0 39 0
1967 [3] 0 39 0
1963 0 39 0
1959 0 39 0
1955 0 39 0
1951 0 39 0
1947 0 39 0
1943 0 39 0
1939 0 39 0
YearState House
2023 73 32 0
2019 [4] 68 35 2
2015 61 42 2
2011 58 45 2
2007 [5] 50 54 1
2003 37 66 2
1999 31 74 0
1995 27 78 0
1991 17 87 1
1987 16 88 1
1983 11 93 1
1979 [6] 9 96 0
1975 [7] 4 101 0
1971 4 101 0
1967 [8] 0 105 0
1963 [9] 2 103 0
1959 0 101 0
1955 0 101 0
1951 0 101 0
1947 0 101 0
1943 0 101 0
1939 0 101 0
The partisan breakdowns shown are ones which took effect following the general elections in the specified year.

[1] A combination of special elections and party switches flipped the chamber to Republican control prior to the 2011 legislative session.
[2] Ken Osterberger switched parties after the election from Democratic to Republican (2 R, 37 D).
[3] A.C. Clemons switched parties from Democratic to Republican, becoming the first Republican in the State Senate in the 20th Century (1 R, 38 D).
[4] Malinda White switched parties from Democratic to Independent on July 1, 2021 (68 R, 34 D, 3 I), then switched from Independent to Republican on June 14, 2022 (69 R, 34 D, 2 I). Francis C. Thompson and Jeremy LaCombe switched parties from Democratic to Republican on March 16, 2023 and April 10, 2023, respectively. Mandie Landry switched parties from Independent to Democratic on March 29, 2023 (71 R, 33 D, 1 I).
[5] Michael L. Jackson switched parties from Democratic to Independent after the 2008 legislative session (50 R, 53 D, 2 I). Six Democratic representatives switched parties in the lead-up to the 2011 legislative session, giving the Republicans the majority in the chamber. One Republican representative switched to Independent (55 R, 46 D, 4 I).
[6] Ed Scogin switched parties from Democratic to Republican just before the start of the new session (10 R, 95 D).
[7] A.J. McNamara and Lane A. Carson switched parties from Democratic to Republican (6 R, 99 D). Later, Michael F. Thompson switched parties from Democratic to Republican (7 R, 98 D).
[8] James Sutterfield was elected in a special election from Orleans Parish, becoming the first Republican to do so in the 20th Century (1 R, 104 D).
[9] Two Republicans were elected in special elections (4 R, 101 D).

Source for state legislature data and notations: Wikipedia